Dan Ginsburg
I've seen this on several devices including Moto Z running Android 7 and a Snapdragon 845 running Android 9.
What happens is as follows:
SDLActivity.onWindowFocusChanged(true) happens pretty early on, but it's before we've done SDL_CreateWindow and so Android_Window is 0x0 thus this message does not get sent:
JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jboolean hasFocus)
if (Android_Window) {
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, "SDL", "nativeFocusChanged()");
SDL_SendWindowEvent(Android_Window, (hasFocus ? SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED : SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST), 0, 0);
When the window does get created, in Android_CreateWindow it does this:
window->flags &= ~SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; /* window is NEVER resizeable */
window->flags &= ~SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN;
window->flags |= SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN; /* only one window on Android */
window->flags |= SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS; /* always has input focus */
/* One window, it always has focus */
The SDL_SetKeyboardFocus does send an SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED message, but it gets eaten in SDL_SendWindowEvent because we've forced SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS beforehand:
if (window->flags & SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS) {
return 0;
window->flags |= SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS;
I can fix the problem if I comment out this line from Android_CreateWindow:
window->flags |= SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS; /* always has input focus */
I would propose that as a fix unless there is a reason not to.
Sylvain 2019-04-18 21:22:59 UTC
- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED and SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST are sent when the java method onWindowFocusChanged() is called.
- If we have support for MultiWindow (eg API >= 24), SDL event loop is blocked/un-blocked (or simply egl-backed-up or not), when java onStart()/onStop() are called.
- If not, this behaves like now, SDL event loop is blocked/un-blocked when onPause()/onResume() are called.
So if we have two app on screen and switch from one to the other, only FOCUS events are sent (and onPause()/onResume() are called but empty. onStart()/onStop() are not called).
The SDL app, un-focused, would still continue to run and display frames (currently the App would be displayed, but paused).
Like a video player app or a chronometer that would still be refreshed, even if the window hasn't the focus.
It should work also on ChromeBooks (not tested), with two apps opened at the same time.
I am not sure this fix Dan's issue. Because focus lost event triggers Minimize function (which BTW is not provided on android).
So, in addition, it would need to add by default SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS to 0.
So that the lost focus event doesn't try to minimize the window. And this should fix also the issue.
SDL_GetWindowDisplayMode was returning an incorrect result on iPhone Plus devices (tested on iOS 12.1/12.2). The problem was that the value returned by UIScreenMode was assumed to be the physical pixels on the display, rather than the scaled retina pixels. The fix is to use the scale returned by UIScreen.scale rather than the nativeScale.
java layer runs as if separate mouse and touch was 1,
for generating synthetic touch/mouse events
This was meant to migrate CoreAudio onto the same SDL_RunAudio() path that
most other audio drivers are on, but it introduced a bug because it doesn't
deal with dropped audio buffers...and fixing that properly just introduces
I might revisit this later, perhaps by reworking SDL_RunAudio to allow for
this sort of API better, or redesigning the whole subsystem or something, I
don't know. I'm not super-thrilled that this has to exist outside of the usual
codepaths, though.
Fixes Bugzilla #4481.
Max Waine
SDL_mouse.c, if compiled for Windows, requires GetDoubleClickTime to compile (available from winuser.h). Without Vulkan present this fails to compile as the include chain for winuser.h is the following.
SDL_mouse.c -> SDL_sysvideo.h -> SDL_vulkan_internal.h -> SDL_windows.h -> windows.h -> winuser.h.
Problem is that SDL_vulkan_internal.h doesn't include SDL_windows.h if Vulkan isn't present, so under MinGW/GCC it will give a -Wimplicit-function-declaration warning for GetDoubleClickTime, and under MSVC fails to compile completely.
The solution to this would be to simplify the include chain: including SDL_windows.h under the same condition as GetDoubleClickTime (#ifdef __WIN32__) in SDL_mouse.c (or another file that isn't quite so indirectly included).
Anthony Pesch
Fix snd_device_name_hint return value check
According to the ALSA documentation, snd_device_name_hint returns 0 on
success, otherwise a negative error code. The code previously only
considered -1 to be an error, which let other error codes through
resulting in a segfault when hints (which was NULL) was dereferenced
Petr Pisar
The root cause is that the POC BMP file declares 3 colors used and 4 bpp palette, but pixel at line 28 and column 1 (counted from 0) has color number 3. Then when the image loaded into a surface is passed to SDL_DisplayFormat(), in order to convert it to a video format, a used bliting function looks up a color number 3 in a 3-element long color bliting map. (The map obviously has the same number entries as the surface format has colors.)
Proper fix should refuse broken BMP images that have a pixel with a color index higher than declared number of "used" colors. Possibly more advanced fix could try to relocate the out-of-range color index into a vacant index (if such exists).
Note that a single USB device is responsible for all 4 joysticks, so a large
rewrite of the DeviceDriver functions was necessary to allow a single device to
produce multiple joysticks.
This lets you build a custom embedded device that roughly offers the "this
process is going to the background NOW" semantics of SDL on a mobile device.
Only two chars are used but the full prototype is:
int tioclinux(struct tty_struct *tty, unsigned long arg)
==5010== Syscall param ioctl(TIOCLINUX) points to uninitialised byte(s)
==5010== at 0x53E73C7: ioctl (syscall-template.S:78)
==5010== by 0x4A887DA: SDL_EVDEV_Init (SDL_evdev.c:163)
==5010== by 0x4A7D157: KMSDRM_VideoInit (SDL_kmsdrmvideo.c:509)
==5010== by 0x497D959: SDL_VideoInit_REAL (SDL_video.c:529)
==5010== by 0x487ACBC: SDL_InitSubSystem_REAL (SDL.c:171)
==5010== by 0x487B052: SDL_Init_REAL (SDL.c:256)
==5010== by 0x488F7D6: SDL_Init (SDL_dynapi_procs.h:85)
This lets apps see and choose between both an HDMI and DSI-connected display,
such as a television and the Pi Foundation's official touchscreen. It only
exposes the second display if the hardware reports that it is connected.
Petr Pisar
The reproducer has these data in BITMAPINFOHEADER:
biSize = 40
biBitCount = 8
biClrUsed = 131075
SDL_LoadBMP_RW() function passes biBitCount as a color depth to SDL_CreateRGBSurface(), thus 256-color pallete is allocated. But then biClrUsed colors are read from a file and stored into the palette. SDL_LoadBMP_RW should report an error if biClrUsed is greater than 2^biBitCount.
Surfaces are allocated using SDL_SIMDAlloc()
They are marked with SDL_SIMD_ALIGNED flag to appropriatly free them with SDL_SIMDFree()
(Flag is cleared when pixels is free'd in RLE, in case user would hijack the pixels ptr)
When providing its own memory pointer (SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom()) and clearing
SDL_PREALLOC to delegate to SDL the memory free, it's the responsability of the user
to add SDL_SIMD_ALIGNED or not, whether the pointer has been allocated with SDL_malloc() or
Some blit combination are not supported (eg ARGB8888 -> SDL_PIXELFORMAT_INDEX1MSB)
So prevent SDL_ConvertSurface from creating a broken surface, which cannot be blitted
It was calling glClear without a context. The issue it was trying to
solve was actually that after destroying a window and creating a new one
, the contents of the old window were preserved. This no longer happens
since we resize the window to nothing on destroy.
If the browser left fullscreen mode by the user pressing ESC, the next
call to SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(1) will fail as it thinks the window is
already fullscreen. (#65)
by checking Android_Window validity
- SDLThread: user application is exiting:
SDL_VideoQuit() and clearing SDL_GetVideoDevice()
- ActivityThread is changing orientation/size
surfaceChanged() > Android_SetScreenResolution() > SDL_GetVideoDevice()
- Separate function into Android_SetScreenResolution() and Android_SendResize(),
formating, and mark Android_DeviceWidth/Heigh as static
This also solves reports of this log message:
"INFO: The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this
fixed, please report this to the SDL forums/mailing list
<https://discourse.libsdl.org/> EVDEV KeyCode 330"
(EVDEV KeyCode 330 is BTN_TOUCH.)
Fixes Bugzilla #4147.
- If you call onPause() before CreateWindow(), SDLThread will run in infinite loop in background.
- If you call onPause() between a DestroyWindow() and a new CreateWindow(), semaphores are invalids.
SDLActivity.java: the first resume() starts the SDLThread, don't call
nativeResume() as it would post ResumeSem. And the first pause would
automatically be resumed.
- Currently, it tries to Attach the JVM first and update the thread local storage, which are two operations.
Now, it simply gives back the JNI Env stored for the thread.
- Android_JNI_SetupThreadi() should only be used for external.
For internal SDL thread, it's already called in RunThread() (SDL_systhread.c),
and other thread are Java threads which don't need to be attached. i
(even if it doesn't hurt to do it, since it's a no-op).
- JNI_OnLoad is filled with pthread_create, GetEnv, AttachCurrentThread...
It's called for all shared libraries which may don't want this setup,
and loading libraries can be also modified to be done from a static context,
or with relinker. So it's not really clear how, who and what it sets up.
=> Reduce this function to the minimal
SDLThread is a Java Thread, it's not needed to call 'Detach' from the JVM.
Clear mThreadKey, so that the pthread_create destructor is not called for this
SDLActivity thread priority is unchanged, by default -10 (THREAD_PRIORITY_VIDEO).
SDLAudio thread priority was -4 (SDL_SetThreadPriority was ignored) and is now -16 (THREAD_PRIORITY_AUDIO).
SDLThread thread priority was 0 (THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT) and is -4 (THREAD_PRIORITY_DISPLAY).
- destroy Android_ActivityMutex
- display any SDL error message that may have occured in this thread,
since SDL_GetError() is thread specific, and user has no access to it.
In the usual case, first call to onNativeOrientationChanged() is done before
SDL has been initialised and would just set an error message
"Video subsystem has not been initialized" without sending the event.
First error could happen if Android_SetWindowFullscreen somehow gets
called between SurfaceDestroyed() and SurfaceCreated()
Second error should not happen has native_window validity is guaranteed.
(It would happens previously with error -19)
It accesses data->native_window, which can be changed by onNativeSurfacedChanged().
Currently, Android_SetWindowFullscreen() may access data->native_window after it
has been released, and before a new reference is acquired.
(can be reproduced by adding some SDL_Delay() in onNativeSurfacedChanged and
Android_SetWindowFullscreen() ).
Make sure there is not pending Pause accumulated, so the the application doesn't
remain paused and stucked in onDestroy().
Can be tested by adding:
Doesn't seem to happen manually, but symetrical to the pause handling.
Can be tested by adding:
mNextNativeState = SDLActivity.NativeState.PAUSED;
mNextNativeState = SDLActivity.NativeState.RESUMED;
mNextNativeState = SDLActivity.NativeState.PAUSED;
mNextNativeState = SDLActivity.NativeState.RESUMED;
Before, it ends in 'paused' state.
Now, it ends in 'resumed' state.
It may happen to have the sequence pause()/resume()/pause(), before polling
any events.
Before, it ends in 'resumed' state because as the check is greedy.
Now, always increase the Pause semaphore, and stop at each pause.
It ends in 'paused' state.
Related to bug 3250: set up a reconfiguration of SurfaceView holder.
Turn the screen off manually before the app starts
(repro rate is not 100%..)
"Pause" transition will add events:
"Resume" transition will add events:
If Android application doesn't empty the event loop in between, it enters in
"paused" state when SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESTORED is fetched.
See bug 3250 for pratical case.
Occurs when application goes to background:
- Java activity is destroying SurfaceView holder and "egl_surface" (in onNativeSurfaceDestroyed())
- While native thread is in Android_GLES_SwapWindow(), prepared to call SDL_EGL_SwapBuffers()
The error is "call to eglSwapBuffers failed, reporting an error of EGL_BAD_SURFACE"
It an be reproduced easily by adding a SDL_Delay(100) at the begining of SDL_EGL_SwapBuffers(),
and putting the application into background.
Use a semaphore to prevent concurrency issues between Java Activity and Native thread code, when using 'Android_Window'.
(Eg. Java sending Touch events, while native code is destroying the main SDL_Window. )
This is the best option for macOS and iOS, the only platforms with Metal.
Pre-Metal versions of these platforms will fall back to OpenGL (ES), as
Huge thanks to Alexander Szpakowski, who worked incredibly hard to get the
Metal renderer to such a high-quality state!
Not only does this fix macOS 10.14 ("Mojave")'s broken NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval
support, it also lets us implement "adaptive vsync" on macOS!
CVDisplayLink is supported back to macOS 10.4 ("Tiger"), so we just use it
universally without version checks and dump NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval, Mojave or
Switching between renderers "software -> opengl -> opengles2 -> software" fails.
"opengl -> opengles2" calls SDL_RecreateWindow() and frees "window->surface"
without marking it as "surface_invalid".
I'm on macOS 10.14 and I think I'm using or around SDL 2.0.9. This is about the menu bar that SDL sets up which looks like:
<App Name> <Window> <View>
1. View menu never proceeds after the Window menu in any Mac application (it is always before).
2. For SDL, the only purpose of the View menu is for a single fullscreen menu item, which is not justifiable enough to reserve space for a menu. The View menu should thus be removed, and the full screen menu item should be added at the end inside of Window's menu. See built in apps like Dictionary, Chess, App Store (on 10.14) that do this.
3. SDL should add a "Close" menu item to the Window's submenu, and it should be the first item. Its key equivalent should map to command w. Without this, you cannot close the game window via this shortcut, and you cannot close the app's About window via this shortcut.
4. Apps typically use "Enter Full Screen" or "Exit Full Screen" depending on context, not "Toggle Full Screen" which is less user friendly -- I personally care about this point the least.
This happens if you try to lock the pointer and (caps & WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER) is false
Leading to input->pointer being NULL which ends up bringing the wayland client down (at lease on weston)
Visual Studio doesn't define __ARM_ARCH nor _ARM_NEON, but _M_ARM and _M_ARM64,
so SDL_HasNEON() was bypassed.
PF_ARM_NEON_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE doesn't see to be defined (but still works
when defined as 19).
Only __ARM_NEON is defined with Android NDK and arm64-v8a
Tested on ndk-r18, ndk-r13 and also Xcode.
(Visual Studio needs a different fix).
Fixes Bugzilla #4409.
* Search for valid encoder in connector when it doesn't have an
encoder ID set.
* Search for valid CRTC in resources and encoder's possible CRTCs
when encoder doesn't have one set.
* Select default mode if CRTC doesn't have a valid one.
* Pick current_mode's W/H/Refresh Rate basing on current and
valid CRTC mode, not the saved one.
Cameron Gutman
After updating to SDL 2.0.9, I got a user report that my app was crashing when closing a SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN window to return to my Qt-based UI. It looks like the dead SDL window is getting a spurious updateLayer call which is causing SDL to dereference a null SDL_WindowData pointer.
For some reason, this only happens when using SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN and not windowed or SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP. I was also unsuccessful in my attempt to get a simple reproducer for this crash. The Session.cpp code is available 688c4a90d9/app/streaming/session.cpp but I slightly modified it (adding a SDL_PumpEvents() call at 1179 to immediately trigger the issue, otherwise it happened when Qt next pumped the event loop).
The crashing line is:
NSMutableArray *contexts = data->nscontexts;
Daniel Gibson
Even though my game (dhewm3) doesn't use SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK, SDL_PumpEvent() calls SDL_JoystickUpdate() which ends up calling hid_enumerate() every three seconds, and sometimes on my Win7 box hid_enumerate() takes about 5 seconds, which causes the whole game to freeze for that time.
The Dualshock 3's motion sensors don't seem to be reported by the call to EVIOCGBIT but they still send EV_ABS events. Because they're not reported by EVIOCGBIT they're not assigned a proper axis ids and the default of 0 is used, which is the valid id for the left analog sticks left/right axis.
When trying to compile on a Raspberry Pi 3, running Raspbian Stretch (fully updated), a warning appears:
/home/pi/projects/SDL/src/test/SDL_test_memory.c: In function ?SDL_TrackAllocation?:
/home/pi/projects/SDL/src/test/SDL_test_memory.c:112:109: warning: format ?%llx? expects argument of type ?long long unsigned int?, but argument 5 has type ?unw_word_t {aka unsigned int}? [-Wformat=]
snprintf(entry->stack_names[stack_index], sizeof(entry->stack_names[stack_index]), "%s+0x%llx", sym, offset);
Touch device types include SDL_TOUCH_DEVICE_DIRECT (a touch screen with window-relative coordinates for touches), SDL_TOUCH_DEVICE_INDIRECT_ABSOLUTE (a trackpad-style device with absolute device coordinates), and SDL_TOUCH_DEVICE_INDIRECT_RELATIVE (a trackpad-style device with screen cursor-relative coordinates).
Phone screens are an example of a direct device type. Mac trackpads are the indirect-absolute touch device type. The Apple TV remote is an indirect-relative touch device type.
For starters, we need to correctly respond to 0,0 configure after unsetting
fullscreen. Also, turns out that there should be no drawing calls at all
in between eglSwapBuffers and wl_egl_window_resize, as otherwise EGL can
already allocate a wrongly sized buffer for a next frame, so handle those
src/core/android/SDL_android.c:1302:5: warning: variable 'br' is used uninitialized whenever switch default is taken [-Wsometimes-uninitialized]
src/core/android/SDL_android.c:1306:12: note: uninitialized use occurs here
return br;
src/core/android/SDL_android.c:1270:12: note: initialize the variable 'br' to silence this warning
jint br;
Maybe we could add some basics warning flags, not to see all warnings, but so that new warnings are caught sooner.
I would go for -Wall -Wextra, and some -Wno-warning for the allowed warnings.
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2168): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2168): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2175): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2175): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2322): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2322): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2322): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2322): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2329): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2329): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2329): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/SDL_render.c(2329): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/software/SDL_render_sw.c(602): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/software/SDL_render_sw.c(602): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/software/SDL_render_sw.c(602): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
./src/render/software/SDL_render_sw.c(602): Error! E1054: Expression must be constant
Adds controller bindings to support the "Xbox One Wireless Controller
(Model 1708)" on Linux. The Model 1708 was released in 2016 alongside the
Xbox One S. It is the current model being sold by Microsoft as of writing.
(October 22, 2018)
src/vendor/SDL2/src/joystick/bsd/SDL_sysjoystick.c:353:5: error:
ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code [-Werror=declaration-after-statement]
reported by 'bch' at https://discourse.libsdl.org/t/25231
We can't safely call GL_DestroyRenderer() until GL_LoadFunctions()
succeeds because we will be missing functions that we try to use
when activating the renderer for destruction if we have an GL context.
Rainer Sabelka
After I did an upgrade of my arch Linux installation (resulting in an update of Mesa to version 18.2.3), all my SDL2 applications which use the KMS/DRM driver stopped working.
Reason: Creating a Window with SDL_CreateWindow failed because the call to EGL
eglCreateWindowSurface() returns an error "EGL_BAD_MATCH".
After investigating with the debugger I figured, that the configuration, which has been selected from the output of eglChooseConfig(), has an "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID" which does not match the "format" of the underlying gbm surface.
The attached patch fixes the problem. It does so, by mimicking Weston's behavior.
All configurations returned from eglChooseConfig() which have an visual_id different from the gbm format are discarded, and only from the remaining ones the "best" match is selected.
Rainer Sabelka
When using SLD2 on a Linux console with the KMS/DRM video backend and Linux evdev keyboard support, the caps lock, scroll lock, and num lock leds do not work.
The attached patch adds ioctls for setting the LED state in SDL_evdev_kbd.c
Re-opening this issue.
It fixes the test-case, but it introduces a regression with another bug (bug #4313).
So here's a new patch that activate cropping of the source surface to solve the issue.
It also reverts the wrong changeset.
It prevents unneeded colorkey error message.
Otherwise, we are using the allocator before the app can set up its own hooks.
Now we use VirtualAlloc, and WideCharToMultiByte (because SDL_iconv uses
SDL_malloc, too!) to get ready to call into SDL_main.
This also makes console_wmain() call into the same routines as everything
else, so we don't have to deal with those allocations, too. Hopefully we
end up with the same results from GetCommandLine() as we do in wargv.
Fixes Bugzilla #4340.
Include guards in most changed files were missing, I added them keeping
the same style as other SDL files. In some cases I moved the include
guards around to be the first thing the header has to take advantage of
any possible improvements compiler may have for inclusion guards.
If we run into problems where these events aren't dispatched (initialized on a different thread than the main thread?) we may need to create a separate thread to handle device notifications like we do with the windows joystick subsystem.
If you enable this, you'll need to link with CoreBluetooth.framework and add something like this to your Info.plist:
<string>MyApp would like to remain connected to nearby bluetooth Game Controllers and Game Pads even when you're not using the app.</string>
It needs to use Bool (which is an int) and not BOOL (which is CARD8), which
causes problems on platforms with different byte order and alignment, etc.
Fixes Bugzilla #4326.
On Mojave, this will report large numbers for retina displays in fullscreen
mode, which isn't how it works on previous versions.
(transplanted from c6c1731780e2bef94f944a4795e2dfbba46d9500)
I have no idea if this works (or if it ever worked, having now examined this
code), as I have no way to compile or test this.
If it's broken, send patches. :)
This means it doesn't have to block while the current frame finishes using the
vertex buffer; it just moves on to the next, probably-not-in-use buffer.
- high-level filters out duplicate render commands from the queue so
backends don't have to.
- Setting draw color is now a render command, so backends can put color
information into the vertex buffer to upload with everything else instead
of setting it with slower dynamic data later.
- backends can request that they always batch, even for legacy programs,
since the lowlevel API can deal with it (Metal, and eventually Vulkan
and such...)
- high-level makes sure the queue has at least one setdrawcolor and
setviewport command before any draw calls, so the backends don't ever have
to manage cases where this hasn't been explicitly set yet.
- backends allocating vertex buffer space can specify alignment, and the
high-level will keep track of gaps in the buffer between the last used
positions and the aligned data that can be used for later allocations
(Metal and such need to specify some constant data on 256 byte boundaries,
but we don't want to waste all that space we had to skip to meet alignment
It now uses a growable linked list that keeps a pool of allocated items for
reuse, and reallocs the vertex array as necessary. Testsprite2 can scale to
20,000 (or more!) draws now without drama.
This moves all the rendering to a command list that is flushed to the GL as
necessary, making most common activities upload a single vertex buffer per
frame and dramatically reducing state changes. In pathological cases,
like Emscripten running on iOS's Safari, performance can go from a dozen
draw calls killing your performance to 1000 draw calls running smoothly.
This is work in progress, and not ready to ship. Among other things, it has
a hardcoded array that isn't checked for overflow. But the basic idea is
src/core/linux/SDL_evdev.c:104:1: warning: "_THIS" redefined
In file included from src/core/linux/../../events/SDL_events_c.h:26,
from src/core/linux/SDL_evdev.c:45:
src/core/linux/../../events/../video/SDL_sysvideo.h:146:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
DirectFB supports 32-bit ABGR pixel format via DSPF_ABGR, but SDL doesn't map SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888 to DSPF_ABGR.
A patch is attached and should add support for ABGR pixel format devices.
The only place angle is activated and causes effect is RenderCopyEx. All other
methods which use vertex shader, leave angle disabled and cause useless sin/cos
calculation in shader.
To get around shader's interface is changed to a vector that contains results
of sin and cos. To behave properly when disabled, cos value is set with offset
-1.0 making 0.0 default when deactivated.
As nice side effect it simplifies GLES2_UpdateVertexBuffer: All attributes are
vectors now.
Additional background:
* On RaspberryPi it gives a performace win for operations. Tested with
[1] numbers go down for 5-10% (not easy to estimate due to huge variation).
* SDL_RenderCopyEx was tested with [2]
* It works around left rotated display caused by low accuracy sin implemetation
in RaspberryPi/VC4 [3]
[1] https://github.com/schnitzeltony/sdl2box
[2] https://github.com/schnitzeltony/sdl2rendercopyex
[3] https://github.com/anholt/mesa/issues/110
Signed-off-by: Andreas M?ller <schnitzeltony@gmail.com>
This prevents us from clearing the clip rect globally when another application has set it.
There's also an experimental change to regularly update the clip rect for a window defensively, in case someone else has reset it. It works well, but I don't know if it's cheap enough to call as frequently as it would be called now, and might have other undesirable side effects.
Also fixed whitespace and SDL coding style
Polling without wl_display_flush() never responds to ping requests.
In that case ping-pong works only on other events, such as user input
or on frame swapped.
From https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/libsdl/merge_requests/3
Original author: Alexander Akulich <a.akulich@omprussia.ru>
Otherwise if SDL_POWER_DISABLED is disabled (eg with --disable-power):
... with clang -pedantic:
src/power/SDL_power.c:48:50: warning: use of GNU empty initializer extension [-Wgnu-empty-initializer]
static SDL_GetPowerInfo_Impl implementations[] = {
src/power/SDL_power.c:48:50: warning: zero size arrays are an extension [-Wzero-length-array]
2 warnings generated.
... with gcc -pedantic:
src/power/SDL_power.c:48:50: warning: ISO C forbids empty initializer braces [-Wpedantic]
src/power/SDL_power.c:48:50: warning: ISO C forbids empty initializer braces [-Wpedantic]
static SDL_GetPowerInfo_Impl implementations[] = {
src/power/SDL_power.c:48:30: error: zero or negative size array ?implementations?
static SDL_GetPowerInfo_Impl implementations[] = {
... with Watcom:
./src/power/SDL_power.c(85): Error! E1112: Initializer list cannot be empty
Creating a full-screen SDL renderer on Windows will keep the screensaver
suspended by DirectX, as is default for full-screen DX applications. However,
for applications that render in windowed-mode, the screensaver will
still kick in, even if SDL_DisableScreenSaver() is called or
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER is set to 0 (default). Implementing
a SuspendScreenSaver() function for Win32 fixes this behavior.
This means that if you have two devices named "Soundblaster Pro" in your
machine, one will be reported as "Soundblaster Pro" and the other as
"Soundblaster Pro (2)".
This makes it so you can't into a position where one of your devices can't
be opened because another is sitting on the same name.
SDL_RenderCopyEx blits wrong image (in some cases it's bunch of alternating horizontal lines, some cases it's image from the wrong coordinate, and in some cases it's just a bunch of garbled pixels), when the following conditions are met:
- Use software renderer.
- Enable either horizontal or vertical flip.
- source and destination rectangles must have same width and height, and must be smaller than the size of the texture.
- source rectangle's X and Y coordinates must be 0.
Icenowy Zheng
One front buffer is locked in GLES_SetupCrtc() and overrides the next_bo just locked in KMSDRM_GLES_SwapWindow, then the next_bo gets lost and is not released even when quitting the video.
It may leads to problems with GLES drivers that doesn't clean up GBM correctly if there's any bo left (e.g. the Mali Utgard r6p2 blob). In the case of Mali Utgard r6p2 blob, the DRM device file is still hold by the blob, and if you try to SDL_Quit to let another program to run (this is done by EmulationStation), the new program will fail to open DRM device.
I did various benches. with clang 6.0.0 on linux, and ndk-r16b on android (NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=clang).
- still see a x10 speed factor.
- with duff_loops, it does not use vectorisation (but doesn't seem to be a problem).
on linux my patch is already at full speed on -O2, whereas the duff_loops need -O3 (200 ms at -03, and 300ms at -02).
I realized that on Android, I had a slight variation which fits best.
both on linux with -O2 and -O3, and on android with 02/03 and armeabi-v7a/arm64.
Here's the patch.
suffix to the temp Pixel local in the DUFFS_LOOP.
SDL_blit.h (ASSEMBLE_RGB): add _ prefix to temp Pixel locals to avoid
any possible shadowings.
The warnings were like the following:
In file included from src/video/SDL_blit_N.c:26:0:
src/video/SDL_blit_N.c: In function 'BlitNtoNKeyCopyAlpha':
src/video/SDL_blit_N.c:2421:24: warning: declaration of 'Pixel' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow]
Uint32 Pixel = ((*src32 & rgbmask) == ckey) ? *dst32 : *src32;
src/video/SDL_blit.h:475:21: note: in definition of macro 'DUFFS_LOOP8'
case 0: do { pixel_copy_increment; /* fallthrough */ \
src/video/SDL_blit_N.c:2419:13: note: in expansion of macro 'DUFFS_LOOP'
src/video/SDL_blit_N.c:2399:12: warning: shadowed declaration is here [-Wshadow]
Uint32 Pixel;
Author: Anthony Pesch <inolen@gmail.com>
Date: Fri May 4 20:21:21 2018 -0400
Added SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_SAMPLES_CHANGE flag enabling users of SDL_OpenAudioDevice to get
the sample size of the actual hardware buffer vs having a stream created to handle the
The code is now reliant on SDL_PrivateJoystickAdded() and SDL_PrivateJoystickRemoved() being called correctly when devices are added or removed on Windows
"In release 2.0.6, when Linux evdev keyboard support has been moved to a
separate source file, a feature was added to disable normal keyboard event
processing to prevent "spilling" keystrokes to background virtual console.
This feature has one unpleasant side effect: if application fails to call
`SDL_Exit` before termination or crashes with fatal signal, console is left
in unusable state with keyboard not working and no possibility to switch
virtual console. If user has a chance, he can login remotely and restore
keyboard with `kbd_mode`, otherwise the only option is to reboot the machine.
This patch fixes that problem by intercepting fatal signals (with `sigaction`)
and process termination (with `atexit`), to restore keyboard state, if it
wasn't properly restored with `SDL_Exit`.
The function registered with `atexit` also restores original signal handlers,
to prevent leaving invalid handlers after SDL library is unloaded, if it was
loaded dynamically with `dlopen`.
No signal handlers or `atexit` function are installed if SDL boolean hint
Additionally, if environment variable `SDL_INPUT_LINUX_KEEP_KBD` exists,
keyboard initialization function completely skips disabling keyboard. This
can be useful for debugging."
Fixes Bugzilla #4193.
This would cause problems in various ways, but specifically triggers an
assert when you close a WASAPI capture device in an app running over RDP.
Related to (but not the actual bug) in Bugzilla #3924.
SDL_UDEV_Scan must be called during SDL_SYS_HapticInit to ensure devices
outside of the 0-31 range are added to the list of haptic devices.
Fixes Bugzilla #3923.
First: disable d'n'd events by default; most apps don't need these at all, and
if an app doesn't explicitly handle these, each drop on the window will cause
a memory leak if the events are enabled. This follows the guidelines we have
for SDL_TEXTINPUT events already.
Second: when events are enabled or disabled, signal the video layer, as it
might be able to inform the OS, causing UI changes or optimizations (for
example, dropping a file icon on a Cocoa app that isn't accepting drops will
cause macOS to show a rejection animation instead of the drop operation just
vanishing into the ether, X11 might show a different cursor when dragging
onto an accepting window, etc).
Third: fill in the drop event details in the test library and enable the
events in testwm.c for making sure this all works as expected.
Parse out a copy of the varargs ourselves to get to the reply portion, since
the original passed to D-Bus might modify or not modify the caller's copy,
depending on system ABI.
At the HG state abdd17144682, 64-bit assemblies are using SSE2-based resampler, produces junk sound when converting the S32 -> Float32 -> S16 chain. The `NEED_SCALAR_CONVERTER_FALLBACKS` thing works perfectly.
If I will find a reason that caused this mistake, I'll send a patch by myself.
This is just in parity with the existing zxdg-shell-unstable-v6 code. Making
the Wayland target robust (and uh, with title bars) is going to take a lot
of work on top of this.
it used to place zeroes between the sign and the number. (space-padding
from within SDL_PrintString() seems OK: spaces are added before sign.)
also fixed the maxlen handling if the number has a sign.
Patch a few warnings when using:
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wdocumentation -Wdocumentation-unknown-command
They are automatically enabled with -Wall
- remove force-enabling of pad_zeroes for %u for compatibility
(was added in https://hg.libsdl.org/SDL/rev/701f4a25df89)
- ignore pad_zeroes for %s and %S
- ignore pad_zeroes for %d, %i and %u if a precision is given
On WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED event, WIN_UpdateClipCursor() is called. SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS is set even when the mouse pointer is not inside the SDL window and therefore ClipCursor(&rect) is called. When dragging the window and rect.bottom=800 (i.e. the bottom edge of the screen) the SDL window is clipped to the bottom of the screen and it is not possible to move it back to the center of the screen.
Anthony @ POW Games
SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface makes an internal call to SDL_GetColorKey which can return an error and spams the error log with "Surface doesn't have a colorkey" even though the original function didn't return an error.
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c: In function 'HIDAPI_InitializeDiscovery':
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c:281: error: 'true' undeclared (first use in this function)
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c:281: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c:281: error: for each function it appears in.)
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c: In function 'HIDAPI_UpdateDiscovery':
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c:339: error: 'true' undeclared (first use in this function)
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c:341: error: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code
The previous code attempted to use set_buffer_size / set_period_size
discretely, favoring the parameters which generated a buffer size that was
exactly 2x the requested buffer size. This solution ultimately prioritizes
only the buffer size, which comes at a large performance cost on some machines
where this results in an excessive number of periods. In my case, for a 4096
sample buffer, this configured the device to use 37 periods with a period size
of 221 samples and a buffer size of 8192 samples. With 37 periods, the SDL
Audio thread was consuming 25% of the CPU.
This code has been refactored to use set_period_size and set_buffer_size
together. set_period_size is called first to attempt to set the period to
exactly match the requested buffer size, and set_buffer_size is called second
to further refine the parameters to attempt to use only 2 periods. The
fundamental change here is that the period size / count won't go to extreme
values if the buffer size can't be exactly matched, the buffer size should
instead just increase to the next closest multiple of the target period size
that is supported. After changing this, for a 4096 sample buffer, the device
is configured to use 3 periods with a period size of 4096 samples and a buffer
size of 12288 samples. With only 3 periods, the SDL Audio thread doesn't even
show up when profiling.
Fixes Bugzilla #4156.
"Applications (such as SDL's testgesture) do "event.tfinger.x * window_width"
to find window coord. Currently the X11 XInput2 backend expects application
to do "event.tfinger.x * (window_width-1)" instead.
X11 XInput2 touch events are normalized so x is 1.0 at "width - 1" but other
SDL backends appear to have x be 1.0 at "width". Same issue for touch event
y with regards to height."
Fixes Bugzilla #4183.
If we change the current context behind the app's back, those tracking
the current context to minimize context changes are going to get
This brings the EGL backend in line with the GLX one.
Fixes Bugzilla #4199.
This was reproducible by running an SDL app on the console from an ssh login. In this case the terminal wasn't owned by the user running the app, so we were using the default keymap, which didn't have state transitions defined for ctrl and alt, so once we entered that state keypresses would no longer transition out of that state, nor would they generate text.
As a workaround, we'll just reset to the default shift state if that happens, which means we'll get text for keys pressed while ctrl is held down, but I don't think that's a big problem.
Note that in this case we also can't mute the keyboard, so the keypresses go to the console, which probably isn't what you want...
SDL_ExitProcess(), SDL_AbortAssertion() and SDLTest_BailOut().
(Commit 303c1e0fb0cf for bug #4100 removed SDL_NORETURN from
SDL_ExitProcess() and SDL_AbortAssertion() in order to avoid
warnings from windows builds, but that's temporary I guess..)
These are entirely untested
Several USB ids refer to multiple packaged products. In those cases I tried to use the most common name, or a general name (e.g. PS3 Controller), or a completely generic name (e.g. USB gamepad) if it wasn't clear what type of controller it was.
Patches welcome!
Expand SDLActivity::SDLSurface::surfaceChanged() callback to grab the panel width and height at the same time and pass that along to the native code. Only works on API 17+. Duplicates surface dimensions whenever it fails.
Add Android_DeviceWidth/Android_DeviceHeight globals to native code.
Disambiguate Android_ScreenWidth/Android_ScreenHeight -> Android_SurfaceWidth/Android_SurfaceHeight
Use device width/height for all display mode settings.
This means we have to consider SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED a window creation flag, but on non-windows platforms we just remove it and let the normal FinishWindowCreation re-apply and do the minimize as I have no idea what is right on them or if anything should change.
CR: Phil
Martin ?irokov
Launching an SDL application with SDL_AUDIODRIVER=jack, and then calling SDL_OpenAudioDevice() with whatever parameters fails with an error like this one:
SDL_OpenAudioDevice: Couldn't connect JACK ports: SDL:sdl_jack_output_0 => system:midi_playback_1
This happens because JACK_OpenDevice in src/audio/jack/SDL_jackaudio.c blindly tries to connect to all input ports without checking whether they are for audio or midi.
The fix is to check port types and ignore all non audio ports. Also I removed devports field from struct SDL_PrivateAudioData, because it's never really used and removing unused ports from it would be PITA.
The following explains why this bug was happening:
This crash was caused because the audio session was being set as active [session setActive:YES error:&err] when the audio device was actually being CLOSED. Certain cases the audio session being set to active would fail and the method would return right away. Because of the way the error was handled we never removed the SDLInterruptionListener thus leaking it. Later when an interruption was received the THIS_ object would contain a pointer to an already released device causing the crash.
The fix:
When only one device remained open and it was being closed we needed to set the audio session as NOT active and completely ignore the returned error to successfully release the SDLInterruptionListener. I think the user assumed that the open_playback_devices and open_capture_devices would equal 0 when all of them where closed but the truth is that at the end of the closing process that the open devices count is decremented.
(It gets upset at the -2147483648, thinking this should be an unsigned value
because 2147483648 is too large for an int32, so the negative sign upsets the
The concern is that a massive int sample, like 0x7FFFFFFF, won't fit in a
float32, which doesn't have enough bits to hold a whole number this large,
just to divide it to get a value between 0 and 1.
Previously we would convert to double, to get more bits, do the division, and
cast back to a float, but this is expensive.
Casting to double is more accurate, but it's 2x to 3x slower. Shifting out
the least significant byte of an int32, so it'll definitely fit in a float,
and dividing by 0x7FFFFF is still accurate to about 5 decimal places, and the
difference doesn't appear to be perceptable.
Fixes problems launching Firewatch on Linux (which statically links SDL but
also dynamically loads a system-wide copy from a plugin shared library) with
a newer SDL build.
The change makes sure that SDL_vsnprintf() nul terminates if it is
using _vsnprintf() for the job.
I made this patch for Watcom, whose _vsnprintf() doesn't guarantee
nul termination. The preprocessor check can be extended to windows
in general too, if required.
Closes bug #3769.
Daniel Gibson
Sorry, but it seems like Microsoft didn't fix the issue properly.
I just updated my Win10 machine, it now is Version 1803, Build 17134.1
I tested with SDL2 2.0.7 (my workaround was released with 2.0.8) and still got
lots of events that directly undid the prior "real" events - just like before.
(See simple testcase in attachement)
By default it sets SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_MODE_WARP - which triggered (and on my machine still triggers) the buggy behavior. You can start it with -raw, then it'll not set that hint and the events will be as expected.
The easiest way to see the difference is looking at the window title, which shows accumulated X and Y values: If you just move your mouse to the right, in -raw mode the number just increases. In non-raw mode (using mouse warping) it stays around 0.
I also had a WinAPI-only testcase: https://gist.github.com/DanielGibson/b5b033c67b9137f0280af9fc53352c68
It just calls SetCursorPos(320,240); on each WM_MOUSEMOVE event, and it also
logs all those events to a mouseevents.log textfile.
This log indeed looks a bit different since the latest Win10 update: It seems like all those events with x=320 y=240 do arrive - but only after I stopped moving the mouse - even though the cursor seems to be moved back every frame (or so).
So moving the mouse to the right gives X coordinates like
330, 325, 333, 340, 330, ...
and then when stopping movement I get lots of events with X coordinate 320
Olli-Samuli Lehmus
If one creates a window with the SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP flag, and creates a render target with SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "linear"), and afterwards sets SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "nearest"), after minimizing the window, the scale quality hint is lost on the render target. Textures however do keep their interpolation modes.
Christian Herzig
pthread_mutex_trylock() and by the way, pthread_mutex_lock() do not set errno.
Pthread-methods directly return error code as int. See related man-pages for