I've noticed that the Switch Pro Controller hidapi driver does not report battery levels when connected via Bluetooth, despite having code for setting joystick->epowerlevel.
This is caused by the driver always using k_eSwitchInputReportIDs_SimpleControllerState via Bluetooth. Using that mode means that the state reports you get back from the controller do not include battery state. Not using the full controller state over Bluetooth effectively makes this driver's support for setting joystick->epowerlevel entirely pointless, only ever reporting SDL_JOYSTICK_POWER_WIRED.
Is there a reason this was set to only use SimpleControllerState via Bluetooth?
I've attached a patch I'm using to allow getting battery level for the Switch Pro Controller.
A couple notes about this patch:
1) It changes LoadStickCalibration to accept the input_mode that is selected, because that's really what should determine what is used for stick extents, since stick extents differ between the modes.
2) In my patch I only use FullControllerState when the vid/pid matches the official Switch Pro Controller, as a cautionary measure in case some third-party controllers have problems with FullControllerState mode via Bluetooth (I noticed a HORI Wireless Switch Pad I had seemed to not read controller calibration correctly for stick extents. Maybe it's calibration data was uninitialized on account of having never been used with a Switch? I'm unsure, though if that guess is right maybe SDL2 should be detecting an uninitiated calibration state and using some sensible defaults)
The HORI Wireless Switch Pad does not properly connect via bluetooth. I did some debugging and found that the code that tries to control the Home LED causes this controller to disconnect.
This is a multi-part fix, and is the 2nd attempt at a fix for Bug 5034. Here
are the problems being addressed:
1. On macOS 10.14.x and earlier, trying to call IOHIDDeviceUnscheduleFromRunLoop
without a prior, paired call to IOHIDDeviceScheduleWithRunLoop, appears to
lead to a crash. A per-device flag has been added to make sure that these
calls are paired.
2. DARWIN_JoystickDetect was free'ing its SDL_joystick's hwdata field
(via FreeDevice) without setting it to NULL, and DARWIN_JoystickRumble wasn't
checking for a NULL hwdata. FreeDevice will now set hwdata to NULL and
DARWIN_JoystickRumble will check for a NULL hwdata.
Jimb Esser
Add new RawInput controller API, and improved correlation with XInput/WGI
Reorder joystick init so drivers can ask the others if they handle a device reliably
Do not poll disconnected XInput devices (major perf issue)
Fix various cases where incorrect correlation could happen
Simple mechanism for propagating unhandled Guide button presses even before guaranteed correlation
Correlate by axis motion as well as button presses
Fix failing to zero other trigger
Fix SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI not working if set before calling SDL_Init()
Add missing device to device names
Disable RawInput if we have a mismatch of XInput-capable but not RawInput-capable devices
Updated to SDL 2.0.13 code with the following notes:
New HID driver: xbox360w - no idea what that is, hopefully urelated
SDL_hidapijoystick.c had been refactored to couple data handling logic with device opening logic and device lists caused some problems, yields slightly uglier integration than previously when the 360 HID device driver was just handling the data.
SDL_hidapijoystick.c now often pulls the device off of the joystick_hwdata structure for some rumble logic, but it appears that code path is never reached, so probably not a problem.
Looks like joystick_hwdata was refactored to not include a mutex in other drivers, maintainers may want to do the same refactor here if that's useful for some reason.
Something changed in how devices get names, so getting generic names.
Had to fix a (new?) bug where removing an XInput controller caused existing controllers (that moved to a new XInput index) to get identified as 0x045e/0x02fd ("it's probably Bluetooth" in code), rendering the existing HIDAPI_IsDevicePresent and new RAWINPUT_IsDevicePresent unreliable.
Jimb Esser
Add new RawInput controller API, and improved correlation with XInput/WGI
Reorder joystick init so drivers can ask the others if they handle a device reliably
Do not poll disconnected XInput devices (major perf issue)
Fix various cases where incorrect correlation could happen
Simple mechanism for propagating unhandled Guide button presses even before guaranteed correlation
Correlate by axis motion as well as button presses
Fix failing to zero other trigger
Fix SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI not working if set before calling SDL_Init()
Add missing device to device names
Disable RawInput if we have a mismatch of XInput-capable but not RawInput-capable devices
Updated to SDL 2.0.13 code with the following notes:
New HID driver: xbox360w - no idea what that is, hopefully urelated
SDL_hidapijoystick.c had been refactored to couple data handling logic with device opening logic and device lists caused some problems, yields slightly uglier integration than previously when the 360 HID device driver was just handling the data.
SDL_hidapijoystick.c now often pulls the device off of the joystick_hwdata structure for some rumble logic, but it appears that code path is never reached, so probably not a problem.
Looks like joystick_hwdata was refactored to not include a mutex in other drivers, maintainers may want to do the same refactor here if that's useful for some reason.
Something changed in how devices get names, so getting generic names.
Had to fix a (new?) bug where removing an XInput controller caused existing controllers (that moved to a new XInput index) to get identified as 0x045e/0x02fd ("it's probably Bluetooth" in code), rendering the existing HIDAPI_IsDevicePresent and new RAWINPUT_IsDevicePresent unreliable.
Malte Kie?ling
I get a build error in SDL_sysjoystick.c:74 for the merged patch, but its nothing to sweat about, just -Werror=declaration-after-statement doing its usual stuff.
David Ludwig
I have created a new driver for SDL's Joystick and Game-Controller subsystem: a Virtual driver. This driver allows one to create a software-based joystick, which to SDL applications will look and react like a real joystick, but whose state can be set programmatically. A primary use case for this is to help enable developers to add touch-screen joysticks to their apps.
The driver comes with a set of new, public APIs, with functions to attach and detach joysticks, set virtual-joystick state, and to determine if a joystick is a virtual-one.
Use of virtual joysticks goes as such:
1. Attach one or more virtual joysticks by calling SDL_JoystickAttachVirtual. If successful, this returns the virtual-device's joystick-index.
2. Open the virtual joysticks (using indicies returned by SDL_JoystickAttachVirtual).
3. Call any of the SDL_JoystickSetVirtual* functions when joystick-state changes. Please note that virtual-joystick state will only get applied on the next call to SDL_JoystickUpdate, or when pumping or polling for SDL events (via SDL_PumpEvents or SDL_PollEvent).
Here is a listing of the new, public APIs, at present and subject to change:
* Attaches a new virtual joystick.
* Returns the joystick's device index, or -1 if an error occurred.
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickAttachVirtual(SDL_JoystickType type, int naxes, int nballs, int nbuttons, int nhats);
* Detaches a virtual joystick
* Returns 0 on success, or -1 if an error occurred.
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickDetachVirtual(int device_index);
* Indicates whether or not a virtual-joystick is at a given device index.
extern DECLSPEC SDL_bool SDLCALL SDL_JoystickIsVirtual(int device_index);
* Set values on an opened, virtual-joystick's controls.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickSetVirtualAxis(SDL_Joystick * joystick, int axis, Sint16 value);
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickSetVirtualBall(SDL_Joystick * joystick, int ball, Sint16 xrel, Sint16 yrel);
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickSetVirtualButton(SDL_Joystick * joystick, int button, Uint8 value);
extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_JoystickSetVirtualHat(SDL_Joystick * joystick, int hat, Uint8 value);
Miscellaneous notes on the initial patch, which are also subject to change:
1. no test code is present in SDL, yet. This should, perhaps, change. Initial development was done with an ImGui-based app, which potentially is too thick for use in SDL-official. If tests are to be added, what kind of tests? Automated? Graphical?
2. virtual game controllers can be created by calling SDL_JoystickAttachVirtual with a joystick-type of SDL_JOYSTICK_TYPE_GAME_CONTROLLER, with naxes (num axes) set to SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_MAX, and with nbuttons (num buttons) set to SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX. When updating their state, values of type SDL_GameControllerAxis or SDL_GameControllerButton can be casted to an int and used for the control-index (in calls to SDL_JoystickSetVirtual* functions).
3. virtual joysticks' guids are mostly all-zeros with the exception of the last two bytes, the first of which is a 'v', to indicate that the guid is a virtual one, and the second of which is a SDL_JoystickType that has been converted into a Uint8.
4. virtual joysticks are ONLY turned into virtual game-controllers if and when their joystick-type is set to SDL_JOYSTICK_TYPE_GAMECONTROLLER. This is controlled by having SDL's default list of game-controllers have a single entry for a virtual game controller (of guid, "00000000000000000000000000007601", which is subject to the guid-encoding described above).
5. regarding having to call SDL_JoystickUpdate, either directly or indirectly via SDL_PumpEvents or SDL_PollEvents, before new virtual-joystick state becomes active (as specified via SDL_JoystickSetVirtual* function-calls), this was done to match behavior found in SDL's other joystick drivers, almost all of which will only update SDL-state during SDL_JoystickUpdate.
6. the initial patch is based off of SDL 2.0.12
7. the virtual joystick subsystem is disabled by default. It should be possible to enable it by building with SDL_JOYSTICK_VIRTUAL=1
Questions, comments, suggestions, or bug reports very welcome!
Ethan Lee
Basically replicating the solution of the Switch Controller's button label issue. Physical layout should take priority unless it's explicitly requested by the user or application!
Prior to this fix, we would hit the existing_instance >= 0 case and move the joystick
again to a different index than the one requested by the caller. It also breaks the assumption
that a SDL_JoystickID is only present in SDL_joystick_players at one location.
The 8BitDo SF30 Pro Gamepad will generate a single motor pulse for each rumble message, so we need to do this frequently to have continous rumble on this device.
Jake Breen
When I run SDL_INIT with SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK it stalls for about 10 seconds (last report was 10,615ms), but only if I'm currently playing audio. (Like in Spotify for example.)
querying something related to device access (last dll loaded)
'BabbysFirst64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\deviceaccess.dll'.
I use a USB DAC because my mobo's audio out is pretty not great. And I've noticed unplugging it seems to solve the issue. I haven't noticed any other issues that are caused by my DAC.
My DAC is the Sound BlasterX G1
Vid = 041E
PID = 3249
My system specs:
- Windows 10 Pro
- Ryzen 2700x
- 16GB Ram
- Nvidia 2070 RTX
Additional USB devices plugged in:
- Valve Index
- Xbox One Elite Controller
I have an annoying issue on MacOS about XBoxOne Bluetooth rumble (Vendor: 0x045e, Product: 0x02fd).
When 360controller is installed, rumble is working correctly. However, Bluetooth rumble isn't working at all, with or without 360controller installed (although it is working with Chrome +
I looked at the code, and it seems that XBox controllers are managed in MacOS in this file: SDL_hidapi_xbox360.c. The XBoxOne file is disabled for MacOS in SDL_hidjoystick_c.h.
The function HIDAPI_DriverXbox360_Rumble() is called correctly, and hid_write() returns no error.
I have tried a stupid test. I took the rumble packet from 360controller: ec4e88eb2d/XBOBTFF/FFDriver.cpp (L620). With the patch I have attached, I manage to have rumble working on Bluetooth (with some stupid vibration level, but it proves it can if the packet is changed).
But it breaks the USB rumble with 360controller. A comment in the function makes an explicit reference to 360controller, I think that's why I have broken this specific usecase.
I don't know what is the correct way to fix this, but it seems that the current implementation has a missing case for Bluetooth support.
Note that I also tested master this morning, and I have another issue:
if (!device->ffservice) {
return SDL_Unsupported();
test fails in DARWIN_JoystickRumble(). This test has been done quickly, I'm not totaly confident about its accuracy.
In SDL_hidapi_switch.c
line 443: Function BTrySetupUSB call WriteProprietary with pBuf=NULL and ucLen=0
line 376: WriteProprietary check its input (!pBuf && ucLen > 0) || ucLen > sizeof(packet.rgucProprietaryData): ucLen is 0 so it passes
line 382: WriteProprietary call memcpy with pBuf=NULL
Dualshock4 on bluetooth need 78 bytes for the rumble data while SDL_HIDAPI_RumbleRequest can only hold 64 bytes.
'volatile' is not meant for thread synchronization.
The list of rumble request could grow infinitely if user call SDL_JoystickRumble too much. The documentation says "Each call to this function cancels any previous rumble effect", so overwriting pending request seem like a good idea.
This fixes a crash whereby SDL could crash on macOS/Darwin, if and when a
USB game controller gets unplugged. SDL was not retaining a reference
to the controller's OS/IOKit-provided 'device object', and was capable
of trying to use it, after a device was hot-unplugged.
There is now a thread that handles all HIDAPI rumble requests and a lock that guarantees that we're not reading and writing the device at the same time.
The index and indices were swapped; Which is fine as long as there are
no gaps in the ABS_HAT* event availability but otherwise things do get confused.
Signed-off-by: Sjoerd Simons <>
This sequence works across Microsoft, PowerA, PDP, and HORI controllers.
The newer Microsoft XBox firmware requires synchronizing the rumble sequence number, when SDL sees it after the initial connect
The Razer Wildcat controller requires waiting for init responses before continuing the initialization sequence.
The PDP Battlefield 1 controller takes over a second to be ready for initialization, and if initialization is attempted before then, it will fail.
We build SDL with Visual studio 2017 compiler on Windows Server 2016, but it failed to build due to error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol memset referenced in function SDL_SetJoystickIDForPlayerIndex with MSVC x64 on Windows on latest default branch. And we found that it can be first reproduced on 0fff06175109 changeset. Could you please help have a look about this issue? Thanks in advance!
Steps to Reproduce:
1.hg clone D:\SDL\src
2.Open a VS 2017 x64 command prompt as admin and browse to D:\SDL
3.msbuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 /p:WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0.17134.0 VisualC\SDL.sln /t:Rebuild
Actual result:
Creating library D:\SDL\src\VisualC\x64\Release\SDL2.lib and object D:\SDL\src\VisualC\x64\Release\SDL2.exp
SDL_joystick.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol memset referenced in function SDL_SetJoystickIDForPlayerIndex [D:\SDL\src\VisualC\SDL\SDL.vcxproj]
D:\SDL\src\VisualC\x64\Release\SDL2.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals [D:\SDL\src\VisualC\SDL\SDL.vcxproj]
Done Building Project "D:\SDL\src\VisualC\SDL\SDL.vcxproj" (Rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
Using Wii U GameCube USB adapter with multiple controllers attached and
restarting SDL input in a game results in extra joysticks with NULL name.
HIDAPI_CleanupDeviceDriver() shut down joysticks by iterating through
device->num_joysticks but each HIDAPI_JoystickDisconnected() decreases
device->num_joysticks and shifts joysticks array down. Resulting in only
half of controllers being shutdown. It worked with only 1 controller
attached though.
Disconnect HIDAPI device joystick 0 until there are none left.
Added the functions SDL_JoystickFromPlayerIndex(), SDL_JoystickSetPlayerIndex(), SDL_GameControllerFromPlayerIndex(), and SDL_GameControllerSetPlayerIndex()
On a Dualshock 4 controller using hidapi driver, calling SDL_JoystickRumble with a duration too long (SDL_HAPTIC_INFINITY for example) causes the rumble to stop immediately.
This happens because of integer overflow on line 301 of SDL_hidapi_ps4.c
(, which sets expiration time in the past.
When we initialize the controller it has an internal rumble sequence number, and if our rumble sequence number doesn't match that, rumble won't happen. To fix that we cycle through the range of sequence numbers, and at some point we'll match up with the controller's sequence number and it'll roll forward until it matches our next rumble sequence number.
Calling open() on input devices can generate device I/O which blocks
the main thread and causes dropped frames. Using stat() we can avoid
opening anything unless /dev/input has changed since we last polled.
We could have used something fancy like inotify, but it didn't seem
worth the added complexity for this uncommon non-udev case.
I have a knock off wired xbox 360 controller called afterglow for xbox 360 controller. Despite there being a few afterglow controllers in the controller mapping the guid of my controller seems to map to Generic Xbox pad. This binding is as follows:
"030000006f0e00001304000000010000,Generic X-Box pad,a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:a0,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:a3,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,",
When running openmw I have a strange issue that the joysticks work for up and down movements but not for side to side. I managed to track this down to the side to side events being classified as joystick events instead of gamepad events.
I believe this is due to both "leftstick" and "leftx" being bound to "a0" which seems odd to me. If I change openmw's mappings to remove these the controller works as expected. I was hoping someone who knows a lot more than me (as I have only been exploring this today trying to fix my controller) would know what is happening
Hi, this patch breaks dpad/hat input on my PS4 controller. The attached patch restores functionality. Calling SDL_PrivateJoystickHat() at the end of BSD_JoystickUpdate was setting the hat state to zero on every kind of input, instead of just the HUG_DPAD events.
It causes the HIDAPI devices to always be opened on enumeration, which causes crashes in the Windows drivers when multiple applications are reading and writing at the same time. We can revisit this after 2.0.10 release.
The Nintendo USB GameCube Adapter has two USB connectors. Black for data
and grey for additional power for rumble. The Wii U and other software
require both cables to use rumble. The rumble is weaker without the
second USB cable. Other than that I don't know if there is any negative
side affects from using rumble with only one cable.
Also implemented SDL_JoystickGetDevicePlayerIndex() on iOS and tvOS, and added support for reading the new menu button state available in iOS and tvOS 13.
Matteo Beniamino
Pressing a trigger button on a Steam Controller causes a segmentation fault both with stable version and latest mercurial head on Linux. I'm using the recent hid_steam kernel module with lizard_mode disabled (that is no keyboard/mouse emulation). I suspect this is what's happening: the driver exposes two hats. The two hats have indices 0 and 2. Inside linux/SDL_sysjoystick.c two hats are allocated in allocate_hatdata for joystick->hwdata->hats. In HandleHat function the hat parameter (that can be 2) is directly used as the index of the array that only has two elements, causing an out of bounds access. SDL is not expecting to have "holes" between hats indices.
The index 2 is calculated in HandleInputEvents() as (ABS_HAT2X - ABS_HAT0X) / 2 where ABS_HAT2X is the value associated to the hat inside the hid_steam module.
This device is a copy of the Xbox Controller S and currently the one most sold
when shopping for a 'new' Xbox gamepad on eBay and AliExpress.
Except for the quirky USB ID id behaves just like a normal Xbox controller (when
ignoring the subpar build quality)
This device is a copy of the Xbox Controller S and currently the one most sold
when shopping for a 'new' Xbox gamepad on eBay and AliExpress.
Except for the quirky USB ID id behaves just like a normal Xbox controller (when
ignoring the subpar build quality)
Noam Preil
In src/joystick/linux/SDL_sysjoystick.c:
The ConfigJoystick function's axes detection starts with a for loop using an index i for Linux's axes names. When i gets to ABS_HAT0X, it's set to ABS_HAT3Y and a continue statement appears, to skip the hats. This makes sense, as SDL handles hats separately from axes.
However, in PollAllValues, *two* indices are used: a and b. Both start out the same, and remain so until the hats are reached. At that point, a becomes identical to the i from ConfigJoystick's loop, but b is equal to a - (ABS_HAT3Y - ABS_HAT0X), or a - 8.
While all the joystick->hwdata->abs_* structures in ConfigJoystick used i - which would here be a - as both the index and the ioctl argument, PollAllValues uses b for the structure index and a as the ioctl argument.
It would appear, however, that no joystick HAS such axes, and that the b index is entirely unnecessary.
I tested three separate joysticks, and while that was far from a complete listing, I was unable to find a joystick with an axis above 0x08.
Dexter Friedman
When using a Dualshock 4 controller (model numbers CUH-ZCT1U and CUH-ZCT2U), pressing anywhere on the center touchpad does not send an SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN event. I have verified this with testjoystick:
Repro steps:
1. Plug in a DS4 over USB
2. Compile testjoystick and run: testjoystick.exe 0
3. Press and hold the touchpad. Observe that no lime green box appears
Expected behavior:
A lime green box appears while the touchpad is pressed.
I've attached a patch here that works on my PC and produces the expected behavior in testjoystick, for both DS4 model numbers I listed earlier.
If I understand correctly, by exposing this as a joystick button, the gamecontroller API mapping can be modified with a change to gamecontrollerdb.txt in the future.
The Nintendo USB GameCube adapter has four controller ports. Return
the port number as 0 to 3 from SDL_JoystickGetPlayerIndex() and
Thomas Frohwein
If a gamepad lists the Dpad as 4 buttons (Dpad Up,Down, Left, Right) like with the Xbox 360 gamepad / XInput report descriptor used by OpenBSD (, this is not recognized by the SDL BSD backend and no hat or any other listing for the D-pad exists, e.g. in sdl2-jstest (
The attached diff fixes this and makes the D-pad on my Xbox 360 and Logitech F310 controllers usable. It adds a hat to nhats when usage HUG_DPAD_UP is found, reads the state of the D-pad buttons into array dpad[], and turns the value of dpad[] into an SDL hat direction (dpad_to_sdl()).
Tested and works with Xbox 360 controller and Logitech F310 in XInput mode. Software-side tested with sdl2-jstest and Owlboy where this worked without problems or regressions.
I don't know if this would be applicable to other *BSDs and don't have an install to test it with, therefore wrapped it in __OpenBSD__ ifdefs.
Note that a single USB device is responsible for all 4 joysticks, so a large
rewrite of the DeviceDriver functions was necessary to allow a single device to
produce multiple joysticks.
Daniel Gibson
Even though my game (dhewm3) doesn't use SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK, SDL_PumpEvent() calls SDL_JoystickUpdate() which ends up calling hid_enumerate() every three seconds, and sometimes on my Win7 box hid_enumerate() takes about 5 seconds, which causes the whole game to freeze for that time.
The Dualshock 3's motion sensors don't seem to be reported by the call to EVIOCGBIT but they still send EV_ABS events. Because they're not reported by EVIOCGBIT they're not assigned a proper axis ids and the default of 0 is used, which is the valid id for the left analog sticks left/right axis.
Adds controller bindings to support the "Xbox One Wireless Controller
(Model 1708)" on Linux. The Model 1708 was released in 2016 alongside the
Xbox One S. It is the current model being sold by Microsoft as of writing.
(October 22, 2018)
src/vendor/SDL2/src/joystick/bsd/SDL_sysjoystick.c:353:5: error:
ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code [-Werror=declaration-after-statement]
reported by 'bch' at
Include guards in most changed files were missing, I added them keeping
the same style as other SDL files. In some cases I moved the include
guards around to be the first thing the header has to take advantage of
any possible improvements compiler may have for inclusion guards.
If we run into problems where these events aren't dispatched (initialized on a different thread than the main thread?) we may need to create a separate thread to handle device notifications like we do with the windows joystick subsystem.
The code is now reliant on SDL_PrivateJoystickAdded() and SDL_PrivateJoystickRemoved() being called correctly when devices are added or removed on Windows
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c: In function 'HIDAPI_InitializeDiscovery':
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c:281: error: 'true' undeclared (first use in this function)
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c:281: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c:281: error: for each function it appears in.)
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c: In function 'HIDAPI_UpdateDiscovery':
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c:339: error: 'true' undeclared (first use in this function)
src/joystick/hidapi/SDL_hidapijoystick.c:341: error: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code
These are entirely untested
Several USB ids refer to multiple packaged products. In those cases I tried to use the most common name, or a general name (e.g. PS3 Controller), or a completely generic name (e.g. USB gamepad) if it wasn't clear what type of controller it was.
Patches welcome!
I have a DualShock 4 v2 controller with a GUID that's not in the database. There is an existing GUID that is almost identical, with the only difference that I can tell being the reported version string (mine being 8001, database is 8100).
Existing GUID: 050000004c050000cc09000000810000
New GUID: 050000004c050000cc09000001800000
When connected via USB, the GUID matches an existing entry: 030000004c050000cc09000011810000
Alexander Orefkov
In src\joystick\android\SDL_sysjoystick.c in SDL_SYS_JoystickDetect when SDL_GetTicks return number grater 2147483648 (after 24.85 days uptime) SDL_TICKS_PASSED(SDL_GetTicks(), timeout) return FALSE and Android_JNI_PollInputDevices is never calling.
And in JoystickByDeviceId - when search for newly added joystic - after SDL_SYS_JoystickDetect item not reinitilized, and always stay NULL, cause return NULL instead of added joystick.
I would like this small patch merged that adds support for my GreenAsia Inc. PSX to USB converter, so SDL_IsGameController() returns true when using this adaptor.
It's interesting because PSX/PS2 controllers connected using this model won't be detected as gamecontrollers otherwise, only as joysticks.
Probable underlying cause:
"If you download and build the HID Calibrator sample you can see that these are totally legitimate HID devices (except for inverting the Y-axis of joysticks, which is contrary to the HID specification but does make them more compatible with games compiled expecting XBOX controllers)."
David Brady
When I attempted to make a mapping file for Android gamepads, I quickly discovered that most of the ones that I have here show up as the same device (Broadcom Bluetooth HID), meaning that it was impossible to make mappings on Android, since every device looked the same.
This patch will check for the existence of the getDescriptor function added in Jelly Bean, and use it if it's there. The Android Dashboard says that the majority of Android phones should support this function, and doing it this way will not force us to bump up our API version.