Changes to player_ui to support modularization, and now the CharacterWindow is a module, and it's added to the UI dynamically.
2020-09-22 15:10:34 +02:00 |
Moved the module initialization code to a new DataManager autoload. Also added a new on_request_instance method to GameModule, and also added a request_instance method to the new DataManager. player_ui is requested through this new api.
2020-09-22 14:28:41 +02:00 |
Implemented the vendor window (buying items are not yet implemented). Also added and spawned a test vendor. Updated ESS to get the required enum value.
2020-09-13 17:08:52 +02:00 |
Implemented a trainer window, and trainer entities. Also updated ESS to get the support structure for them. Also added a naturalist trainer, and made the level spawn it in.
2020-09-12 01:01:43 +02:00 |
Added missing icons to the in-game menubar, relocated it to the bottom left of the screen, and made it smaller. Also small tweaks/fixes to the adaptive theme.
2020-07-29 22:46:52 +02:00 |
Update ESS to get the Damage and heal Info cleanups, also added a five rank talent to Strike.
2020-07-29 18:29:31 +02:00 |
Update the engine, and ESS to get the backend support for EntityResource mods. Reimplemented speed changing aura, and consequently fixed Nature's Swiftness.
2020-07-29 14:38:53 +02:00 |
Aspect of Scorpions now has a 1.5 seconds cast time. Also added 3 talents that can reduce it back to 1.2 seconds.
2020-07-27 22:35:48 +02:00 |
Update the world generator module to get the generator structure rework, and broken seals module, and the engine. The constant editor crashing is fixed now, it was caused by BiomeBase, because it was inherited from a class in an another module, and apparently that doesn't work. As a bonus the editor also feels a lot snappier now.
2020-07-21 23:02:06 +02:00 |
Implemented mob spawning (turned it off for now). Also now the menu now won't spawn in the dungeon.
2020-07-21 00:30:06 +02:00 |
Implement texture mapping for the dungeon.
2020-07-20 21:25:54 +02:00 |
Removed a few now unneeded classes/scenes, and moved some of the around. Small tweaks/fixes and comments. Also updated modules to grab a few smaller fixes/improvements.
2020-07-18 18:30:39 +02:00 |
Now the level generator won't load planets from a folder, instead they are directly set from the editor, ands tarted porting the dungeon generator from the roguelike project. Also updated the world generator module to get the property type changes, this fixes some of the crashes.
2020-07-18 12:50:17 +02:00 |
Update ESS to get the aura damage calculation update.
2020-07-17 19:29:24 +02:00 |
Comment out the code that was implementing spell scaling in Aura. Also update ESS so auras continue to deal damage/heal even if the original caster's node is not available anymore.
2020-07-16 16:07:30 +02:00 |
Fix a few settings for Nature's Switfness. And small tweaks.
2020-07-11 21:08:45 +02:00 |
Remove leftover print.
2020-07-11 18:39:46 +02:00 |
Fix global cooldowns.
2020-07-11 18:37:41 +02:00 |
Update logic.
2020-07-10 21:52:07 +02:00 |
Update WorldGenerator to the latest.
2020-07-10 02:40:12 +02:00 |
Update ESS to get the EntityResourceData removal update. Also update the Engine.
2020-06-20 16:15:24 +02:00 |
Update ESS to get the Attachment ModelVisualEntry implementation/changes.
2020-06-16 15:55:01 +02:00 |
Update ESS to the latest to get CharacterSkeleton3D's attach point rework.
2020-06-16 13:40:16 +02:00 |
Added AdaptiveTheme, it modifies the margins in the ui's theme. Removed AdaptiveButton.
2020-06-15 19:27:49 +02:00 |
Added a touchscreen mode setting, and an AdaptiveButton that will set it's own min size if the setting is enabled. I did not replace all buttons yet, just made sure everything looks consistent. Also smaller theme improvements.
2020-06-15 18:37:51 +02:00 |
Update ESS to get the aura trigger and stat attribute reworks.
2020-06-06 17:01:08 +02:00 |
Fix clientside spell cast events. (cast success will need to be sent to clients later.)
2020-05-06 21:51:47 +02:00 |
Update ESS (and the engine) to the latest, to get the stat reworks.
2020-05-03 00:17:23 +02:00 |
Update ESS to the latest to get the baked in health and speed resources.
2020-04-29 01:10:10 +02:00 |
Updated ESS, now the Speed and Health ResourceData instantiates the c++ version.
2020-04-28 23:58:25 +02:00 |
Update ESS to get the event handler renames.
2020-04-28 20:49:03 +02:00 |
Update ESS to the latest, to get all the Entity method renames.
2020-04-28 19:09:06 +02:00 |
Update ESS to the latest to get the changes for the serverside events.
2020-04-27 21:32:52 +02:00 |
Health and Speed are now EntityResources. The Stat versions are now just flat modifiers to them. Added back the Mana stat as a flat mana modifier. Also updated ESS to get the changes necessary for this system.
2020-04-27 18:40:20 +02:00 |
Renamed the data directory into modules.
2020-04-26 13:36:10 +02:00 |
Comment out a few print statements.
2020-04-26 13:02:34 +02:00 |
Moved the naturalist based mob into naturalist's folder.
2020-04-26 12:55:55 +02:00 |
Moved Naturalist into into it's own module. Also updated ESS to get a few typo fixes that are needed.
2020-04-26 12:28:40 +02:00 |
Grouped the files of my current test planet together, and made the planet loading code use the new folder structure.
2020-04-26 10:59:22 +02:00 |
Moved a few more things, and deleted an unneeded folder.
2020-04-26 10:17:55 +02:00 |
Update HEADS to get the customizable stats for ESS.
2020-04-25 21:41:42 +02:00 |
Mob and NetworkedPlayer now also uses the body script and fixed a nullreference error. Also updated HEADS to get a fix for Voxelman.
2020-04-24 09:19:41 +02:00 |
Update ESS to the latest to get the id to resource path changes.
2020-04-19 18:27:38 +02:00 |
Now the game pretty much supports modding. MainScene will now look through the project opening all files named game_module.tres and in alphabetic order of their resource_path if exist it calls load_module on them. ESS's resourcedb is now created by MainScene, and it's the static type, with id remapping on. Append your resourcedbs into it. See game_module.gd. Also updated HEADS to grab the latest ESS.
2020-04-18 20:58:43 +02:00 |
Update HEADS to get the new ESS changes. Because of these changes the Entities autoload is now removed, it's code/functionality has been brought into a new bs_entity_spawner resource.
2020-04-18 14:35:28 +02:00 |
Update ESS to the latest.
2020-04-07 13:13:07 +02:00 |
Update ESS. (Removed WorldSpell, because the same thing can be implemented into spells a lot simpler.)
2020-04-07 02:13:10 +02:00 |
Update to the latest Voxelman, to get the VoxelChunk->VoxelChunk,VoxelChunkDefault refactor.
2020-03-12 23:26:19 +01:00 |
Implemented mana. Also updated HEADS, as ESS had lots of changes for EntityResources so this can work.
2020-03-11 16:38:01 +01:00 |
Added 2 spells to Naturalist, implemented range, and started implementing mana.
2020-03-10 15:33:48 +01:00 |