Moved a few more things, and deleted an unneeded folder.

This commit is contained in:
Relintai 2020-04-26 10:17:55 +02:00
parent 162f9c3bd2
commit 238f0f2946
7 changed files with 5 additions and 311 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
extends VoxelmanLevelGenerator
class_name MainDungeonGenerator
enum GenType {
TEST = 0, NORMAL = 1, NOISE3D = 2, ANL = 3
export(MeshDataResource) var prop_mesht : MeshDataResource
export(int) var gen_type : int = GenType.NORMAL
export(int) var _level_seed : int
export(bool) var _spawn_mobs : bool
var _world : VoxelWorld
func setup(world : VoxelWorld, level_seed : int, spawn_mobs : bool) -> void:
_level_seed = level_seed
_world = world
_spawn_mobs = spawn_mobs
func _generate_chunk(chunk : VoxelChunk) -> void:
if gen_type == GenType.NORMAL:
elif gen_type == GenType.NOISE3D:
func generate_terrarin(chunk : VoxelChunk) -> void:
var buffer : VoxelChunk = chunk.get_buffer()
buffer.create(int(chunk.size_x) + 1, int(chunk.size_y) + 1, int(chunk.size_z) + 1)
var noise : OpenSimplexNoise =
noise.seed = 10 * _level_seed
noise.octaves = 4
noise.period = 180.0
noise.persistence = 0.8
var terr_noise : OpenSimplexNoise =
terr_noise.seed = 10 * 321 + 112 * _level_seed
terr_noise.octaves = 4
terr_noise.period = 20.0
terr_noise.persistence = 0.9
var det_noise : OpenSimplexNoise =
det_noise.seed = 10 * 3231 + 112 * _level_seed
det_noise.octaves = 6
det_noise.period = 10.0
det_noise.persistence = 0.3
for x in range(0, chunk.size_x + 1):
for z in range(0, chunk.size_z + 1):
var val : float = noise.get_noise_2d(x + (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x), z + (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z))
val *= val
val *= 100
val += 2
var tv : float = terr_noise.get_noise_2d(x + (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x), z + (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z))
tv *= tv * tv
val += tv * 2
var dval : float = noise.get_noise_2d(x + (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x), z + (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z))
val += dval * 6
var v : int = (int(val))
v -= chunk.position_y * (chunk.size_y)
# var cmaxy : int = (chunk.position_y + 1) * chunk.size_y
if v > chunk.size_y + 1:
v = chunk.size_y + 1
for y in range(0, v):
seed(x + (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x) + z + (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z) + y + (chunk.position_y * chunk.size_y))
if v < 2:
buffer.set_voxel(1, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
elif v == 2:
buffer.set_voxel(3, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
buffer.set_voxel(2, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
# if y != v:
# buffer.set_voxel(255, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
# else:
# randi() % 50 + 205
buffer.set_voxel(int(255.0 * (val - int(val)) / 180.0) * 180, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
# buffer.set_voxel(int(255.0 * (val - int(val))), x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
# buffer.set_voxel(255.0 * int(90 * (val - int(val))) / 200.0, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
# buffer.set_voxel(int(255.0 * (val - int(val)) / 180.0) * 180, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
# buffer.set_voxel(int(255.0 * (int((val - int(val) * 100.0)) / 100.0)), x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
# print(val)
# buffer.set_voxel(int(255.0 * (val - int(val))), x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
# var t_noise : OpenSimplexNoise =
# t_noise.seed = 10 * 32331 + 1132
# t_noise.octaves = 10
# t_noise.period = 10.0
# t_noise.persistence = 0.8
# for x in range(0, chunk.size_x + 1):
# for y in range(0, chunk.size_y + 1):
# for z in range(0, chunk.size_z + 1):
# var val : float = t_noise.get_noise_3d(
# x + (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x),
# y + (chunk.position_y * chunk.size_y),
# z + (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z))
# val *= val
# val *= 100
# val += 2
# if val > 3 and buffer.get_voxel(x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE) == 0:
# buffer.set_voxel(2, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
# buffer.set_voxel(int(255.0 * (val - int(val))), x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
# for x in range(0, chunk.size_x + 1):
# for z in range(5, 7):
# for y in range(0, 10):
# var val : float = det_noise.get_noise_3d(
# x + (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x),
# y + (chunk.position_y * chunk.size_y),
# z + (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z))
# val *= 10
# if val > 1:
# val = 1
# buffer.set_voxel(3, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
# buffer.set_voxel(int(255.0 * val), x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
# var prop_data : VoxelChunkPropData =
# prop_data.x = 10
# prop_data.y = 3
# prop_data.z = 10
## prop_data.rotation = Vector3(randi() % 360, randi() % 360, randi() % 360)
## prop_data.scale = Vector3(2, 2, 2)
## prop_data.mesh = prop_mesht
# prop_data.prop = prop
# chunk.add_prop(prop_data)
# generate_caves(chunk)
# for i in range(5):
# #var light : VoxelLight =
# randomize()
# var color : Color = Color(randf(), randf(), randf())
# var size : int = randi() % 5 + 5
# var lx : int = (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x) + (randi() % (chunk.size_x - 3))
# var ly : int = (chunk.position_y * chunk.size_y) + (randi() % 6)
# var lz : int = (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z) + (randi() % (chunk.size_z - 3))
## light.set_world_position((chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x) + 10, (chunk.position_y * chunk.size_y) + 10, (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z) + 10)
# _world.add_light(lx, ly, lz, size, color)
# chunk.bake_lights()
# chunk.draw_debug_voxel_lights()
# chunk.draw_debug_voxels(2000)
# chunk.draw_debug_voxel_lights()
if not Engine.editor_hint and chunk.position_y == 0 and _spawn_mobs:
ESS.entity_spawner.spawn_mob(1, randi() % 3, Vector3(chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x * chunk.voxel_scale - chunk.size_x / 2,\
(chunk.position_y + 1) * chunk.size_y * chunk.voxel_scale, \
chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z * chunk.voxel_scale - chunk.size_z / 2))
func generate_caves(chunk : VoxelChunk) -> void:
var buffer : VoxelChunk = chunk.get_buffer()
var noise : OpenSimplexNoise =
noise.seed = 1230 * 3241 + 16
noise.octaves = 3
noise.period = 20.0
noise.persistence = 0.9
for x in range(0, chunk.size_x + 1):
for z in range(0, chunk.size_z + 1):
for y in range(0, chunk.size_y + 1):
# var val : float = noise.get_noise_2d(x + (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x), z + (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z))
buffer.set_voxel(0, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
func generate_test(chunk : VoxelChunk) ->void:
var buffer : VoxelChunk = chunk.get_buffer()
buffer.create(40, 40, 40)
var i : int = 1
for y in range(4):
for z in range(8):
for x in range(8):
spawn_equiv_class(buffer, i, x * 4 + 1, y * 4 + 1, z * 4 + 1)
i += 1
# spawn_equiv_class(buffer,127, 4, 4, 4)
# chunk.draw_debug_voxels(2000)
# chunk.draw_debug_voxel_lights()
func spawn_equiv_class(buffer : VoxelChunk, cls : int, x : int, y : int, z : int) -> void:
# var size : int = 100
if cls & VoxelMesherUVTransvoxel.VOXEL_ENTRY_MASK_000:
buffer.set_voxel(1, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
buffer.set_voxel(randi() % 255, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
if cls & VoxelMesherUVTransvoxel.VOXEL_ENTRY_MASK_100:
buffer.set_voxel(1, x + 1, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
buffer.set_voxel(randi() % 255, x + 1, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
if cls & VoxelMesherUVTransvoxel.VOXEL_ENTRY_MASK_001:
buffer.set_voxel(1, x, y, z + 1, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
buffer.set_voxel(randi() % 255, x, y, z + 1, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
if cls & VoxelMesherUVTransvoxel.VOXEL_ENTRY_MASK_101:
buffer.set_voxel(1, x + 1, y, z + 1, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
buffer.set_voxel(randi() % 255, x + 1, y, z + 1, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
if cls & VoxelMesherUVTransvoxel.VOXEL_ENTRY_MASK_010:
buffer.set_voxel(1, x, y + 1, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
buffer.set_voxel(randi() % 255, x, y + 1, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
if cls & VoxelMesherUVTransvoxel.VOXEL_ENTRY_MASK_110:
buffer.set_voxel(1, x + 1, y + 1, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
buffer.set_voxel(randi() % 255, x + 1, y + 1, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
if cls & VoxelMesherUVTransvoxel.VOXEL_ENTRY_MASK_011:
buffer.set_voxel(1, x, y + 1, z + 1, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
buffer.set_voxel(randi() % 255, x, y + 1, z + 1, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
if cls & VoxelMesherUVTransvoxel.VOXEL_ENTRY_MASK_111:
buffer.set_voxel(1, x + 1, y + 1, z + 1, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
buffer.set_voxel(randi() % 255, x + 1, y + 1, z + 1, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
func generate_noise3d_terrarin(chunk : VoxelChunk) -> void:
var buffer : VoxelChunk = chunk.get_buffer()
buffer.create(int(chunk.size_x) + 1, int(chunk.size_y) + 1, int(chunk.size_z) + 1)
var noise : OpenSimplexNoise =
noise.seed = 10 * 321 + 112
noise.octaves = 4
noise.period = 20.0
noise.persistence = 0.9
for x in range(0, chunk.size_x + 1):
for y in range(0, chunk.size_y + 1):
for z in range(0, chunk.size_z + 1):
var val : float = noise.get_noise_3d(
x + (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x),
y + (chunk.position_y * chunk.size_y),
z + (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z))
val *= val
val *= 100
val += 2
if val > 4:
buffer.set_voxel(3, x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_TYPE)
buffer.set_voxel(int(255.0 * (val - int(val))), x, y, z, VoxelChunk.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ISOLEVEL)
# generate_random_ao(chunk)
# for i in range(5):
# #var light : VoxelLight =
# randomize()
# var color : Color = Color(randf(), randf(), randf())
# var size : int = randi() % 5 + 5
# var lx : int = (chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x) + (randi() % (chunk.size_x - 3))
# var ly : int = (chunk.position_y * chunk.size_y) + (randi() % 6)
# var lz : int = (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z) + (randi() % (chunk.size_z - 3))
## light.set_world_position((chunk.position_x * chunk.size_x) + 10, (chunk.position_y * chunk.size_y) + 10, (chunk.position_z * chunk.size_z) + 10)
# _world.add_light(lx, ly, lz, size, color)

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
[gd_resource type="VoxelmanLevelGenerator" load_steps=3 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://dungeon_generator/" type="Script" id=1]
script = ExtResource( 1 )
gen_type = 1
_level_seed = 35
_spawn_mobs = false

View File

@ -205,11 +205,6 @@ _global_script_classes=[ {
"path": "res://scenes/"
}, {
"base": "VoxelmanLevelGenerator",
"class": "MainDungeonGenerator",
"language": "GDScript",
"path": "res://dungeon_generator/"
}, {
"base": "VoxelmanLevelGenerator",
"class": "MainPlanetGenerator",
"language": "GDScript",
"path": "res://scripts/world_generators/"
@ -242,7 +237,7 @@ _global_script_classes=[ {
"base": "Resource",
"class": "PlayerMaster",
"language": "GDScript",
"path": "res://networking/"
"path": "res://scripts/networking/"
}, {
"base": "SpellEffectVisual",
"class": "SpellEffectVisualBasic",
@ -309,7 +304,6 @@ _global_script_class_icons={
"ItemTemplateGD": "",
"LayeredTextureMaker": "",
"Main": "",
"MainDungeonGenerator": "",
"MainPlanetGenerator": "",
"ManaResource": "",
"Menu": "",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://ui/theme/ui_theme.tres" type="Theme" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://networking/" type="Script" id=2]
[ext_resource path="res://scripts/networking/" type="Script" id=2]
[node name="SpawnPoint" type="Spatial"]