You can either use LPortal as a full occlusion culling system if you can create your level as rooms and portals, or use it in a simplified single room mode to speed up culling in any 3d level.
Note that this is a _Work in progress_. Feel free to try out the latest version (master) but recognise that the API may change as I move towards first release.
8 March 2020 - I've identified a breaking bug in the DOB visibility caused by the assumptions from the data coming from godot. It turns out when DOBs are hidden I can't retrieve their position etc from the Godot node, so I'm having to change the API for DOBs and dynamic lights so you pass the position manually each update. I've tested and this works, I just have to polish this up more before pushing to the repository here.
So for now if you are testing I would advise not using the DOB functionality, and just not culling your DOBs for now (aside from for the camera, which should work fine). I should have the fixed version finished in the not too distant future.
I am currently working on a small demo / test first person shooter game. This is helping me find bugs / add usability features as I go.
For convenience to trial LPortal I have provided a win64 build under the 'releases' tab in github. However, note that for production use (on multiple platforms) you will currently have to compile from source.
I will work on increasing the number of builds for different platforms.