2018-07-28 09:37:51 +02:00
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
extends Control
2019-09-26 22:32:49 +02:00
class_name MMGradientEditor
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
class GradientCursor:
extends ColorRect
const WIDTH = 10
func _ready():
rect_position = Vector2(0, 15)
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
rect_size = Vector2(WIDTH, 15)
2018-11-03 17:43:32 +01:00
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
func _gui_input(ev):
2018-08-06 22:05:26 +02:00
if ev is InputEventMouseButton:
if ev.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT && ev.doubleclick:
2018-07-29 11:55:17 +02:00
get_parent().select_color(self, ev.global_position)
2018-08-06 22:05:26 +02:00
elif ev.button_index == BUTTON_RIGHT && get_parent().get_sorted_cursors().size() > 2:
2018-07-28 21:21:05 +02:00
var parent = get_parent()
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
2018-07-28 21:21:05 +02:00
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
elif ev is InputEventMouseMotion && (ev.button_mask & 1) != 0:
rect_position.x += ev.relative.x
rect_position.x = min(max(0, rect_position.x), get_parent().rect_size.x-rect_size.x)
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
func get_position():
return rect_position.x / (get_parent().rect_size.x - WIDTH)
func set_color(c):
color = c
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
2018-11-03 17:43:32 +01:00
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
static func sort(a, b):
if a.get_position() < b.get_position():
return true
return false
2018-11-03 17:43:32 +01:00
func _draw():
var c = color
c.a = 1.0
draw_rect(Rect2(0, 0, rect_size.x, rect_size.y), c, false)
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
var value = null setget set_value
2019-08-09 08:16:24 +02:00
signal updated(value)
2018-07-28 09:37:51 +02:00
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
func _ready():
$Gradient.material = $Gradient.material.duplicate(true)
2019-08-09 08:16:24 +02:00
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
func set_value(v):
value = v
for c in get_children():
2019-09-26 22:32:49 +02:00
if c != $Gradient and c != $Background:
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
for p in value.points:
add_cursor(p.v*(rect_size.x-GradientCursor.WIDTH), p.c)
func update_value():
for p in get_children():
2018-11-03 17:43:32 +01:00
if p != $Gradient && p != $Background:
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
value.add_point(p.rect_position.x/(rect_size.x-GradientCursor.WIDTH), p.color)
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
func add_cursor(x, color):
var cursor = GradientCursor.new()
cursor.rect_position.x = x
cursor.color = color
func _gui_input(ev):
if ev is InputEventMouseButton && ev.button_index == 1 && ev.doubleclick && ev.position.y > 15:
2018-07-28 21:21:05 +02:00
var p = max(0, min(ev.position.x, rect_size.x-GradientCursor.WIDTH))
2018-11-04 15:43:02 +01:00
add_cursor(p, get_gradient_color(p))
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
# Showing a color picker popup to change a cursor's color
var active_cursor
2018-07-29 11:55:17 +02:00
func select_color(cursor, position):
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
active_cursor = cursor
2018-08-04 08:05:34 +02:00
$Gradient/Popup/ColorPicker.color = cursor.color
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
$Gradient/Popup/ColorPicker.connect("color_changed", cursor, "set_color")
2018-07-29 11:55:17 +02:00
$Gradient/Popup.rect_position = position
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
func _on_Popup_popup_hide():
$Gradient/Popup/ColorPicker.disconnect("color_changed", active_cursor, "set_color")
# Calculating a color from the gradient and generating the shader
func get_sorted_cursors():
var array = get_children()
2018-11-03 17:43:32 +01:00
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
array.sort_custom(GradientCursor, "sort")
return array
2018-11-04 15:43:02 +01:00
func get_gradient_color(x):
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
return value.get_color(x / (rect_size.x - GradientCursor.WIDTH))
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
func update_shader():
var shader
shader = "shader_type canvas_item;\n"
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
shader += value.get_shader("gradient")
2018-11-03 17:43:32 +01:00
shader += "void fragment() { COLOR = gradient(UV.x); }"
2018-07-27 08:49:54 +02:00
2018-09-09 12:09:05 +02:00
emit_signal("updated", value)