When using SDL_RenderCopyEx, I get a problem on some platforms where the output is offset by +/-1 on other platforms and not on others. I tried it with a center of both 0,0 (and offsetting by width/height) and NULL (for centered).
The rotation involved is 90, and/or -90 rotation. The rotation was a constant, no arithmetic was involved when inputting it into SDL_RenderCopyEx.
This occurred with 32x32, 24x24, and 16x16 texture sizes. I apologize that I don't have more precise information, as I received the information as a bug report myself. But I have tracked the problem down to here.
My program requires pixel perfect alignment on several different platforms, so this is something of a showstopper for me.
It appears the RenderCopyEx is done as expected,
this is the red rectangle which is not correctly positionned !
So, here's patch with a 0.5 float increment, like for opengles2, for DrawLines, and also Draw Points.
The new OpenGL ES 2.0 YUV Texture support does not correctly display padded, non-contiguous YUV data.
I am using SDL2 95bd3d33482e (as provided by 'hg id --id') from Mercurial.
The YUV data I am using is provided by the FFMPEG family of libraries. According to FFMPEG's documentation, "The linesize [pitch] may be larger than the size of usable data -- there may be extra padding present for performance reasons."
The dimensions of the video file that I am using are 480x360. What I get from FFMPEG is a Ypitch of 512, and Upitch and Vpitch are both 256.
When I pack new Y, U and V buffers with only the "usable" data (Ypitch is 480 and Upitch and Vpitch are both 240), and use those new buffers, the image is display correctly.
It appears that the Ypitch, Upitch and Vpitch parameters are not being used by SDL_UpdateYUVTexture().
I use SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YV12 for my YUV texture, however, the same results are seen when I use SDL_PIXELFORMAT_IYUV.
Not sure if this is related or not, but when I render the YUV texture (padded and unpadded) to a RGB24 texture, the resulting image is greyscale (or could by just the Y channel).
The URL field for this bug entry is set to my email (SDL mailing list archive) which includes an example image of what I see when rendering padded, non-contiguous YUV data.
Ronie Salgado
The GL Renderer current context tracking fails when one window is used with an SDL renderer but another separate window is used with a user handled OpenGL context.
Attached is a small program that reproduces this bug, at least in some Linux machines where an OpenGL renderer is provided by default.
Expected Output:
-"First window" should be blue.
-"Second window" should be green.
Gotten Output:
- "First window" black.
- "Second window" blue.
What happened:
The renderer created for the "first window" ends rendering into the "second window" OpenGL context.
Bug location:
SDL_render_gl.c - line 286 on hg:
static SDL_GLContext SDL_CurrentContext = NULL;
When making SDL_GL_MakeCurrent from the user perspective, that variable or the GL renderer is not notified about the OpenGL context change.
Solution proposal:
- Move the current GL context cache into another place global.
If a Windows Phone 8.1 device was rotated to anything but Portrait mode,
the Direct3D 11 renderer's output wouldn't get aligned correctly with the
This fixes an issue where an empty cliprect is treated the same as a NULL
cliprect, causing the render backends to disable clipping.
Also adds a new API, SDL_RenderIsClipEnabled(render) that allows you to
differentiate between:
- SDL_RenderSetClipRect(render, NULL)
- SDL_Rect r = {0,0,0,0}; SDL_RenderSetClipRect(render, &r);