"*(void**)pfn = LoadAddress()" would cast the NULL pointer in pfn to a
void**, and then dereference it, which wasn't what we wanted. Replaced with
a clearer cast operation.
SDL now builds with gcc 7.2 with the following command line options:
-Wall -pedantic-errors -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-overlength-strings --std=c99
This worked in 2.0.5 as normal, but stopped working in 2.0.7. The monitor's resolution doesn't change, a window is created in full screen mode at the virtual desktop resolution instead.
A future SDL release will change the borderless window to act more like a normal window that happens to have no chrome, to support windows that draw their own chrome. In the meantime, those applications should set the "SDL_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED_STYLE" hint.
Ismael Ferreras Morezuelas (Swyter)
As a new year gift I have implemented the Windows version of SDL_GetWindowBordersSize(). I needed it for auto-selecting a cozy window size for the game I'm currently working on and noticed that it only worked under X11, so I thought it could be a good excuse to contribute back more stuff. The Mercurial patch is attached as a .diff file. Let me know what you think.
Happy 2018 to all the SDL2 devs and users!
PS: Keep in mind that Windows 10 includes the 8px invisible grip borders as part of the frame. There's a way of detecting if Aero/DWM is being used and ask only for the visible rect, but I believe that GetWindowRect() is doing that for a reason and working as intended, so I haven't changed it. (See [2])
[1]: http://www.firststeps.ru/mfc/winapi/r.php?72
[2]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34143777/674685
[3]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/431548/674685
[4]: https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GetWindowBordersSize
"GetVersionExA is deprecated in windows 8.1 and above's SDK, causing a warning
when building against the win10 SDK. Attached patch cleans up the usage for a
warning-free build.
GetVersionExA was being used to test to see if SDL was running on win9x or
winnt. A quick chat with Ryan on twitter suggested that SDL doesn't
officially support win9x anymore, so the call to this can be outright removed.
As an aside, replacing the call to GetVersionExA with VerifyVersionInfoA (the
recommended path) would have been pointless, as VerifyVersionInfoA only
supports VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT and doesn't officially support any other value
for dwPlatformId currently. (And it's probable that win9x SDKs didn't have
VerifyVersionInfo* in them anyway.)"
Fixes Bugzilla #4019.
Elis?e Maurer
The attached minimal program sets the SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_MODE_WARP to 1, enables relative mouse mode then logs all SDL_MOUSEMOTION xrel values as they happen.
When moving the mouse exclusively to the right:
* On a Windows 10 installation before Fall Creators update (for instance, Version 10.0.15063 Build 15063), only positive values are reported, as expected
* On a Windows 10 installation after Fall Creators update (for instance, Version 10.0.16299 Update 16299), a mix of positive and negative values are reported.
3 different people have reproduced this bug and have confirmed it started to happen after the Fall Creators update was installed. It happens with SDL 2.0.7 as well as latest default branch as of today.
It seems like some obscure (maybe unintended) Windows behavior change? Haven't been able to pin it down more yet.
(To force-upgrade a Windows installation to the Fall Creators update, you can use the update assistant at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10)
Eric Wasylishen
Broken GetCursorPos / SetCursorPos based games on Win 10 fall creators are not limited to SDL.. I just tested winquake.exe (original 1997 exe) and it now has "jumps" in the mouse input if you try to look around in a circle. It uses GetCursorPos/SetCursorPos by default. Switching WinQuake to use directinput (-dinput flag) seems to get rid of the jumps.
Daniel Gibson
A friend tested on Win10 1607 (which is before the Fall Creators Update) and the the bug doesn't occur there, so the regression that SetCursorPos() doesn't reliably generate mouse events was indeed introduced with that update.
I even reproduced it in a minimal WinAPI-only application (https://gist.github.com/DanielGibson/b5b033c67b9137f0280af9fc53352c68), the weird thing is that if you don't do anything each "frame" (i.e. the mainloop only polls the events and does nothing else), there are a lot of mouse events with the coordinates you passed to SetCursorPos(), but when sleeping for 10ms in each iteration of the mainloop, those events basically don't happen anymore. Which is bad, because in games the each iteration of the mainloop usually takes 16ms..
I have a patch now that I find acceptable.
It checks for the windows version with RtlGetVersion() (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff561910.aspx) and only if it's >= Win10 build 16299, enables the workaround.
All code is in video/windows/SDL_windowsevents.c
and the workaround is, that for each WM_MOUSEMOVE event, "if(isWin10FCUorNewer && mouseID != SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID && mouse->relative_mode_warp)", an addition mouse move event is generated with the coordinates of the center of the screen
(SDL_SendMouseMotion(data->window, mouseID, 0, center_x, center_y);) - which is exactly what would happen if windows generated those reliably itself.
This will cause SDL_PrivateSendMouseMotion() to set mouse->last_x = center_x; and mouse->last_y = center_y; so the next mouse relative mouse event will be calculated correctly.
If Microsoft ever fixes this bug, the IsWin10FCUorNewer() function would have to
be adjusted to also check for a maximum version, so the workaround is then disabled again.
Robert Turner
SDL_windowsevents.c contains code to retrieve the x and y coordinate for a requested hit test. It does this as follows:
POINT winpoint = { (int) LOWORD(lParam), (int) HIWORD(lParam) };
LOWORD(lParam) does not correctly mask off high bits that are set if the point is on a second (or third, etc.) monitor. This effectively offsets the x-coordinate by a large value.
MSDN documentation suggests that LOWORD() and HIWORD() are the wrong macros for the task, instead suggesting we should be doing something like the following:
POINT winpoint = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
Testing this change on my Windows 10 machine with 2 monitors gives the correct results.
- Fixing rendering borderless window. Need to force windows to send a WM_NCCALCSIZE then return 0 for non-client area size.
- Adding WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX to borderless windows, for reasons noted in comments.
- Fix SetupWindowData() setting SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS. This was being cleared at window creation, causing hanlding for the first WM_NCCALCSIZE message to fail
Simon Hug
These are the remaining compiler warnings I see in the current tip cb049cae7c3c.
- SDL_test_log.c defines _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS without checking if it was already set.
- SDL_windowskeyboard.c converts integers to pointers without going over the (U)INT_PTR types. That bothers MSVC.
Ozkan Sezer
fix windows build after revision 11382: commit 2026e42e377a renamed
_SDL_msctf_h to SDL_msctf_h_ . SDL_windowskeyboard.c relies on that
macro, so update it accordingly.
This patch was originally written by Marc Di Luzio for glX and enhanced by
Maximilian Malek for WGL, etc. Thanks to both of you!
Fixes Bugzilla #3643.
Fixes Bugzilla #3735.
Pegasus Epsilon
With the system dialog font set to Arial or Tahoma or another variable-width font, everything works just as expected. When using a fixed-width font, like Courier or DejaVu Sans Mono, the text gets cut off. Example screenshots attached.
Martijn Courteaux
I implemented precise scrolling events. I have been through all the folders in /src/video/[platform] to implement where possible. This works on OS X, but I can't speak for others. Build farm will figure that out, I guess. I think this patch should introduce precise scrolling on OS X, Wayland, Mir, Windows, Android, Nacl, Windows RT.
The way I provide precise scrolling events is by adding two float fields to the SDL_MouseWheelScrollEvent datastructure, called "preciseX" and "preciseY". The old integer fields "x" and "y" are still present. The idea is that every platform specific code normalises the scroll amounts and forwards them to the SDL_SendMouseWheel function. It is this function that will now accumulate these (using a static variable, as I have seen how it was implemented in the Windows specific code) and once we hit a unit size, set the traditional integer "x" and "y" fields.
I believe this is pretty solid way of doing it, although I'm not the expert here.
There is also a fix in the patch for a typo recently introduced, that might need to be taken away by the time anybody merges this in. There is also a file in Nacl which I have stripped a horrible amount of trailing whitespaces. (Leave that part out if you want).
Seems to be a missing functionality. I want to set an icon from RC file. I cant pass MAKEINTRESOURCE(X) string to SDL_RegisterApp() cause string returned by MAKEINTRESOURCE string is not actually a string and SDL_strlen will crash. Moreover LoadImage seems to be loading wrong icon size. LoadIcon seems to be fine.
There's a slight mistake in the function "GetWindowStyle" found in file "SDL_windowswindow.c".
When a window is marked to be resizable, the resizable style is being added regardless of whether the window has a border or not. While for some arcane, hidden semantics this can be ok, it's still inconsistent in this case.
For the windows implementation of SDL_ShowMessageBox() : ./src/video/windows/SDL_windowsmessagebox.c:345 WIN_ShowMessageBox()
The implementation in 2.0.4 uses "button index" for parameter "id" of function AddDialogButton().
It then expects the value provided in param wParam of function MessageBoxDialogProc() to be a valid index of a button.
It uses this value to index in the array of buttons when DialogBoxIndirect() returns (line 474 : *buttonid = buttons[which].buttonid;)
However, when dismissing this box with Escape, the return value of DialogBoxIndirect will be SDL_MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_ESCAPEKEY_DEFAULT (=2) which is not always a valid index of array buttons.
When the array buttons has a length less or equal than 2, the memory access is invalid; I can see that the value written to *buttonId is uninitialized memory (random value).
The fix I propose : use value "buttonid" (field of button) for parameter "id" of AddDialogButton(), then copy return value of DialogBoxIndirect() in *buttonid. This way, we will not use an out-of-bounds index in array buttons.
Simon Hug
Some code in SDL loads libraries with SDL_LoadObject to get more information or use newer APIs. SDL_LoadObject may fail, set an error message and SDL will continue with some fallback code. Since SDL will overwrite the error or exit the function with a return value that indicates success, the error form SDL_LoadObject for the optional stuff might as well be cleared right away.
Eric Wasylishen 2017-07-26 18:42:58 UTC
I set up an (admittedly exotic) 3-monitor setup, and when I enter fullscreen-desktop on the middle display (#2), the SDL window is off center. (covers half of monitor #2 and most of monitor #3).
The displays are arranged from left to right:
Display #1 (main): 2880x1800, 200% scaling
Display #2: 1920x1200, 150% scaling
Display #3: 1920x1080, 100% scaling
SDL display bounds:
INFO: Bounds: 1440x900 at 0,0
INFO: Bounds: 1281x801 at 1921,0 (these are incorrect)
INFO: Bounds: 1920x1080 at 4800,0
Correct bounds reported by calling EnumDisplayMonitors and printing the LPRECT param of the callback:
1440x900 at (0, 0)
1280x800 at (2880, 0)
1920x1080 at (4800, 0)
It seems like you need 3 displays to reproduce this, and the left two need DPI scaling, and the 3rd display needs to have a different scale factor than the others.
Related: https://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3709
SDL: current hg (11235:6a587b9e0ec8)
Windows 10, Version 10.0.15063 Build 15063
Tested with testdraw2 and testgl2, and pressing alt+enter to enter fullscreen desktop.
This patch reworks SDL_windowsmodes.c to use EnumDisplayMonitors instead of EnumDisplayDevices, so we always have an HMONITOR for each SDL display.
With access to an HMONITOR, we can get the monitor bounds in virtual screen coordinates the proper way, by calling GetMonitorInfo. (whereas the original code was doing some calculations - e.g. "data->DeviceMode.dmPosition.x * data->ScaleX" - to try to get virtual screen coordinates. These worked in simple cases, but failed in more complex cases like this bug)
The one potential problem with my patch is, the ChangeDisplaySettingsEx docs say that you're supposed to get the display name from EnumDisplayDevices, but I'm getting the display name from GetMonitorInfo now.
Simon Hug
When WIN_WindowProc processes the WM_TOUCH message, it doesn't check if the touch functions have been properly loaded and may call a NULL pointer. It's probably an extremely rare case, but here's a patch that adds some checks anyway.
The attached patch adds support for KMS/DRM context graphics.
It builds with no problem on X86_64 GNU/Linux systems, provided the needed libraries are present, and on ARM GNU/Linux systems that have KMS/DRM support and a GLES2 implementation.
Tested on Raspberry Pi: KMS/DRM is what the Raspberry Pi will use as default in the near future, once the propietary DispmanX API by Broadcom is overtaken by open graphics stack, it's possible to boot current Raspbian system in KMS mode by adding "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" to config.txt on Raspbian's boot partition.
X86 systems use KMS right away in every current GNU/Linux system.
Simple build instructions:
$./configure --enable-video-kmsdrm
Its possible to set SDL_CaptureMouse() so you continue receiving mouse input while the mouse is outside your window. This works however There is then a gap where no messages send, which is when the mouse is hovering the title bar and the window edges.
Mark Callow
The attached patch does the following for the X11 and Windows platforms, the only ones where SDL attempts to use context_create_es_profile:
- Adds SDL_HINT_OPENGL_ES_DRIVER by which the application can
say to use the OpenGL ES driver & EGL rather than the Open GL
driver. (For bug #2570)
- Adds code to {WIN,X11}_GL_InitExtensions to determine the maximum
OpenGL ES version supported by the OpenGL driver (for bug #3145)
- Modifies the test that determines whether to use the OpenGL
driver or the real OpenGL ES driver to take into account the
hint, the requested and supported ES version and whether ES 1.X
is being requested. (For bug #2570 & bug #3145)
- Enables the testgles2 test for __WINDOWS__ and __LINUX__ and adds
the test to the VisualC projects.
With the fix in place I have run testdraw2, testgl and testgles2 without any issues and have run my own apps that use OpenGL, OpenGL ES 3 and OpenGL ES 1.1.
Mark Logan 2015-08-24 15:57:50 UTC
In SDL_windowsopengles.c, WIN_GLES_SetSwapInterval is as follows:
WIN_GLES_SetSwapInterval(_THIS, int interval)
/* FIXME: This should call SDL_EGL_SetSwapInterval, but ANGLE has a bug that prevents this
* from working if we do (the window contents freeze and don't swap properly). So, we ignore
* the request for now.
SDL_Log("WARNING: Ignoring SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval call due to ANGLE bug");
return 0;
With a recent version of ANGLE (early July) calling SDL_EGL_SetSwapInterval with a D3D11 backend appears to work just fine. I am working on testing this with D3D9.
Alex Szpakowski
I found the bug, it was fixed in 2013. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/angleproject/issues/detail?id=481
In my opinion it should be safe to unconditionally use SetSwapInterval now. Anyone who encounters the bug should update their ANGLE to a version less than 3 years old, especially since they'd be using a SDL version that's 3+ years newer than their ANGLE version.
SDL2 allows to create widow and to get information through SDL_SysWMinfo.
But it misses something, with Vulkan, you need the HWND and HINSTANCE of the window for Win32 system.
Sadly, SDL2 provides only HWND but not HINSTANCE.
In some context, it can be difficult to get the HINSTANCE, indeed, I'm using pySDL2 (Python) and I can only access properties that SDL2 gives me.
I have to use a dirty trick like that to get the HINSTANCE: (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bglgwyng/pyVulkan/master/examples/win32misc.py)
Olav Sorensen
After a drag and drop event, any following mouse button input (down/up) doesn't generate an event. Clicking any mouse button a *second* time generates an event like it should.
Further investigation shows that the new SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH logic also causes this issue in other cases, like the first time you open the program and click the mouse.
Jan Hellwig
On Windows, you are able to navigate between the buttons on a MessageBox that was created using SDL_ShowMessageBox using the arrow keys. However, if you press the left arrow key, the selection jumps to the button on the right of the currently selected one (and vice versa).
This can be fixed by reversing the order in which the buttons are added to the dialog.
The attached patch files fixes this problem. However the first press of an arrow key leads to the selection of the leftmost or rightmost button on the MessageBox, not to the selection of the button left/right of the one that is selected by default.
Evgeny Vrublevsky
Original code in the video/windows/SDL_windowsevents.c registers obsolete WNDCLASS (not WNDCLASSEX). As the result only one icon size is used as the small and normal icons. Also original code doesn't specify required size of an icon. As the result when 256x256 icon is available, the program uses it as a default icon, and it looks ugly.
We have to use WNDCLASSEX and load icons with proper sizes which we can get using GetSystemMetrics.
Better idea. We could use the first icon from resources, like the Explorer does. Patch is included. It also correctly loads large and small icons, so it will look nice everywhere.
Eric Wasylishen
The bug here is that a dead keys pressed before calling SDL_StartTextInput() carries over into future text input, so the next key pressed will have the deadkey applied to it.
This in undesirable, imho, and doesn't occur on OS X (haven't check Linux or elsewhere). It's causing a problem for Quakespasm on German keyboard layouts, where we use the ^ deadkey to toggle the console (which enables/disables text input), and ^ characters are showing up in the TEXTINPUT events.
This lets windows know when they are dropping a mouse event because their
hit test reported something other than SDL_HITTEST_NORMAL. It lets them know
exactly where in the event queue this happened.
This patch is based on work in Unreal Engine 4's fork of SDL,
compliments of Epic Games.
This is currently implemented for X11, Cocoa, Windows, and DirectFB.
This patch is based on work in Unreal Engine 4's fork of SDL,
compliments of Epic Games.
This allows an app to know when a set of drops are coming in a grouping of
some sort (for example, a user selected multiple files and dropped them all
on the window with a single drag), and when that set is complete.
This also adds a window ID to the drop events, so the app can determine to
which window a given drop was delivered. For application-level drops (for
example, you launched an app by dropping a file on its icon), the window ID
will be zero.
There are platforms it isn't implemented on (and currently can't be
implemented on!), and there's currently no way for an app to know this.
This shouldn't break ABI on apps that moved to a revision between 2.0.3 and
Elise Maurer
When inputting text, dead-keys are currently not handled correctly on Windows with the latest SDL2 tip as well as the 2.0.3 release.
Using a French AZERTY keyboard, when I type the `^` key followed by `e` key to compose the `` character, I erroneously get two SDL_TEXTINPUT events, one with the `^` character and one with the `e` character.
I've looked at the history for SDL_windowsevents.c and there's been some back-and-forth with several methods for handling text input:
* r8142 removed any handling of WM_CHAR because keyboard input was being handled through WM_KEYDOWN along with ToUnicode since r7645.
* But using ToUnicode actually breaks dead-keys (googling for "ToUnicode dead keys" reports many horror stories of people trying to work around that and failing).
* It seems like r7645 introduced a double-fix: it fixed WM_CHAR to properly handle Unicode, and also (unnecessarily?) added text input handling to WM_KEYDOWN. Later, r8142 removed the WM_CHAR stuff instead of the WM_KEYDOWN stuff.
The attached patch restores handling of text input through WM_CHAR and removes it from WM_KEYDOWN. I've tested it with French, English and Russian layouts and it seems to do its job. Obviously, with such matters, it's still a risky change.
- do the scancode to keyboard code lookup for the grave key, so that we can show users the correct keyface for the key, rather than forcing it to "`". Note that if a game is using SDLK_* for its KB mapping then after this change on some keyboards the top left key will no longer be mapped correctly with the old data.
CR: SamL
The internal function SDL_EGL_LoadLibrary() did not delete and remove a mostly
uninitialized data structure if loading the library first failed. A later try to
use EGL then skipped initialization and assumed it was previously successful
because the data structure now already existed. This led to at least one crash
in the internal function SDL_EGL_ChooseConfig() because a NULL pointer was
dereferenced to make a call to eglBindAPI().