OpenGLES2 SDL renderer has support for textures ARGB, ABGR, RGB and BGR, whereas OpenGL SDL renderer only had ARGB.
If you think it's worth adding it, here's a patch. I quickly tried and it worked, but there may be missing things or corner case.
We can't safely call GL_DestroyRenderer() until GL_LoadFunctions()
succeeds because we will be missing functions that we try to use
when activating the renderer for destruction if we have an GL context.
Include guards in most changed files were missing, I added them keeping
the same style as other SDL files. In some cases I moved the include
guards around to be the first thing the header has to take advantage of
any possible improvements compiler may have for inclusion guards.
Olli-Samuli Lehmus
If one creates a window with the SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP flag, and creates a render target with SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "linear"), and afterwards sets SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "nearest"), after minimizing the window, the scale quality hint is lost on the render target. Textures however do keep their interpolation modes.
SDL now builds with gcc 7.2 with the following command line options:
-Wall -pedantic-errors -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-overlength-strings --std=c99
New functions get and set the YUV colorspace conversion mode:
SDL_ConvertPixels() converts between all supported RGB and YUV formats, with SSE acceleration for converting from planar YUV formats (YV12, NV12, etc) to common RGB/RGBA formats.
Added a new test program, testyuv, to verify correctness and speed of YUV conversion functionality.
Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats.
1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions,
by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?).
The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer).
In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer.
SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*".
But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format.
It also works with odd dimensions.
Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X).
gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*().
For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*().
Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize).
Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API :
There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width:
would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later).
2) Small issues with odd dimensions:
If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h.
Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ...
- In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format.
It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed.
- SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures.
This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering).
This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?)
Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used.
- This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it.
This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath.
- It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed.
Here's also two testcases:
- that do all combination of conversion.
- to test partial UpdateTexture
Simon Hug
The bug is in the GL_ResetState and GLES_ResetState functions which get called after a new GL context is created. These functions set the cached current color to transparent black, but the GL specification says the initial color is opaque white.
The attached patch changes the values to 0xffffffff to reflect the initial state of the current color. Should the ResetState functions get called anywhere else in the future, this probably has to call the GL functions itself to ensure that the colors match.
Tom Seddon
GL_ActivateRenderer may call GL_UpdateViewport, which leaves the GL_PROJECTION matrix selected. But after GL_ResetState, the GL_MODELVIEW matrix is selected, suggesting that's the intended default state.
It seems at least like these should be consistent. Presumably GL_UpdateViewport should be doing a glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) before it finishes.
Call SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize() directly because we may be in the initialization path and SDL_GetRendererOutputSize() will fail because the renderer magic isn't set up yet.
Simon Hug
The description of the SDL_RenderClear function in the SDL_render.h header says the following:
"This function clears the entire rendering target, ignoring the viewport."
The word "entire" implies that the clipping rectangle set with SDL_RenderSetClipRect also gets ignored. This is left somewhat ambiguous if only the viewport is mentioned. Minor thing, but let's see what the implementations actually do.
The software renderer ignores the clipping rectangle when clearing. It even has a comment on this: /* By definition the clear ignores the clip rect */
Most other render drivers (opengl, opengles, opengles2, direct3d, and psp [I assume. Can't test it.]) use the scissor test for the ClipRect and don't disable it when clearing. Clearing will only happen within the clipping rectangle for these drivers.
An exception is direct3d11 which uses a clear function that ignores the scissor test.
Simon Hug
The OpenGL ES 2 renderer does not check the target texture format when using SDL_RenderReadPixels and just always uses ABGR8888. This can result in swapped or wrong colors.
The attached patch adds a check and selects the target texture format, if a texture is set as the target.
Simon Hug
All OpenGL renderers always flip the rows of the pixels that come from glReadPixels. This is unnecessary for target textures since these are already top down.
Also, the rect->y value can be used directly for target textures for the same reason. I don't see any code that would handle the logical render size for target textures. Or am I missing something?
The attached patch makes the renderers only the flip rows if the data comes from the default framebuffer.
Simon Hug
The GL_SetBlendMode and GLES_SetBlendMode functions of the opengl and opengles renderers call the glTexEnvf to set the texture env mode to either GL_MODULATE (the default) or GL_REPLACE for the NONE blend mode. Using GL_REPLACE disables color and alpha modulation for textures.
These glTexEnv calls were put in the SetBlendMode function back in 2006 [1], but there the NONE code still used the GL_DECAL mode. The GL_REPLACE mode came in 2008 [2]. I'm a bit confused why that wasn't always GL_MODULATE and a bit surprised nobody reported that yet (unless I missed it). I guess only a few use the gles renderer and the newish shaders mask the issue.
Simon Hug
The GL_CreateTexture function doesn't have any checks for the case where the driver doesn't support the framebuffer object extension. It will call into GL_GetFBO which will call the non-existent glGenFramebuffersEXT.
Also, for some reason GL_CreateContext always sets the SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE info flag, even if it is not supported. Changeset cc226dce7536 [1] makes this change, but doesn't explain why. It seems to me like the code would already have taken care of this [2].
The attached patch adds some checks and stops SDL from reporting render target support if there is none. The application can then properly inform the user instead of just crashing.