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# Material Maker 0.98
## General
- Undo/Redo has been implemented in Material graph projects, and stroke Undo/Redo is available in Painting projects
- In the *2D preview* panel, 4 display modes are available: tile, extend, clamp and temporal antialiasing
- The *2D preview* panel now has postprocessing filters for pixel art generation (that show the generated texture in low res size)
- Holding the *Control* key while dragging parameter controls in the 2D preview will now snap them to the grid (if any)
## Material creation
- Nodes are now colored based on their category in the library (contributed by Arnklit)
- The *Add Node* menu now has configurable buttons to quickly add frequently used nodes
- New *Reroute* nodes can now be used for long connections or to organize graphs (contributed by Arnklit)
- Double clicking a subgraph node when editing a material graph will now enter it
- Many UI problems including bad widget alignmentd have been fixed (contributed by Arnklit)
- When adding materials to the website, Material Maker now generates better looking previews
- Directionality problems have been fixed in Ambient Occlusion and Thickness maps baking (contributed by wojtekpil)
- Pasting an HTML color code into a graph will create a *Uniform* node (contributed by vreon)
## 3D model painting
- A new texture space painting engine has been added
- The painting tool has a new *color picker* button that can be used to get colors and values from all channels of the painted object. The values are assigned to the current brush if it has parameters for those channels.
- Normal maps can now be painted directly or generated from painted depth or both
- A new a *Paint Project Settings* dialog has been added. It replaces the huge submenu in the Tools menu
- A new *Stamp* tool has been added. To use it, press the mouse button to place the center of the stamp, then drag around to define the size and angle
- An implicit mask has been added to painting and it can be configured from an ID map using the new *Mask Selector* tool
- The brush parameters panel has been updated to show channel filter parameters in a more intuitive way
- Parameters expressions can now use new *tilt* (stylus angle), and *stroke_seed* (a random number that is rerolled for each stroke) predefined variables
- The base brush library has been reorganized, many brushes have been improved and a few brushes have been added
## Nodes
- A new *Colormap* node, that colors a greyscale image from a colormap image has been added (contributed by vreon)
- New *Bevel*, *Binary smooth*, *Crystal*, *Dirt noise*, *Randomize*, *Smooth min/max*, *Uneven Bricks 2* nodes have been added (contributed by Arnklit)
- A New *HBAO* node has been added (contributed by wojtekpil)
- New *Wavelet noise*, *Palettize* nodes have been added
- A new *Tesselation* material type is available where the depath channel is used as displacement. Please make sure to enable tesselation in the 3D preview panel when using it (contributed by Arnklit)
- The *Warp Dilation* node has been updated and now accepts an angle parameter instead of the mode
- The *Bricks* node has been updated with new patterns and *Fill* compatible outputs (contributed by Arnklit)
- The *FBM* node has been updated with a new *Voronoise* mode and a new *Offset* parameter (contributed by Arnklit)
- The *Directional Blur* node has a new mode selector (contributed by Arnklit)
- The *Custom UV* and *Kaleidoscope* nodes now support variations (contributed by vreon)
- The *Math* node now has a new smoothstep operation (contributed by Arnklit)
- The *Variations* nodes now have seed parameters for all outputs
- *Comment* nodes have been redesigned (contributed by Arnklit)
- The *Iterate buffer* node now supports expressions for its *iterations* parameter
## Miscellaneous
- Material Maker is now based on Godot 3.4