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Raw Normal View History

class_name MMMeshLoader
static func get_file_dialog_filters() -> Array[String]:
return [ "*.glb,*.gltf;GLTF file", "*.obj;Wavefront OBJ file" ]
static func load_gltf_mesh(file_path) -> ArrayMesh:
# Contributed by wojtekpil
# This will load gltf mesh and return #1 Mesh of #1 MeshInstance
# Material Editing will work only on first surface too. This should be easy to
# fix with MeshInstance.material_overwrite instaed of get_surface_override_material
# Probably can be improved later to combine/support all Meshes in GTLF
var gltf : GLTFDocument =
var gltf_state : GLTFState =
if not FileAccess.file_exists(file_path):
printerr("GLTF/GLB file does not exists or is not accesible")
return null
var glb_filebytes = FileAccess.get_file_as_bytes(file_path)
if glb_filebytes == null:
printerr("GLTF/GLB file data is null")
return null
var err = gltf.append_from_buffer(glb_filebytes, "", gltf_state)
if err != OK:
printerr("Failure during parsing GLTF/GLB buffer")
return null
var node: Node = gltf.generate_scene(gltf_state)
if node is MeshInstance3D:
return node.mesh
var mesh_instances : Array[Node] = node.find_children("*", "MeshInstance3D", true, false)
if mesh_instances.size() == 0:
printerr("GLTF/GLB does not include any meshes")
return null
return mesh_instances[0].mesh
static func load_mesh(path : String) -> ArrayMesh:
if path == null:
return null
var ext : String = path.get_extension()
if ext.matchn("obj"):
var obj_loader = load("res://addons/material_maker/loaders/")
return obj_loader.load_obj_file(path)
elif ext.matchn("glb") or ext.matchn("gltf"):
return load_gltf_mesh(path)
return null