I still haven't figured out why my application is being minimized when I try to raise, it but my previous workaround is causing issues.
For now the correct way to raise and/or restore the window is as follows:
if ( !(SDL_GetWindowFlags( window ) & SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) )
SDL_RaiseWindow( window );
if ( SDL_GetWindowFlags( window ) & SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED )
SDL_RestoreWindow( window );
I will investigate the window state change rules more fully in the future.
CR: Alfred Reynolds
When we get a kCGEventTapDisabledByTimeout or
kCGEventTapDisabledByUserInput, the event tap would perform an invalid
memory access. void pointers are so fun.
This code only runs if you explicitly build with SDL_MAC_NO_SANDBOX.
Patrice Mandin
I encountered a problem trying to load a 8-bit paletted BMP file using SDL. This file was generated using GIMP 2.8. It has a big BITMAPINFOHEADER (0x6c bytes for biSize field), and thus the palette is incorrectly setup.
Lorenzo Pistone
this patch adds support for the horizontal wheel in Windows. It is shamelessly copied off the vertical wheel code, but I guess that that is a value added in consistency.
Thanks to Denis Bernard!
Also, changed the Android manifest so the app doesn't quit with orientation
changes, and made testgles.c exit properly on Android.
This bumps the build SDK level to 12 (up from 10). Runtime requirements remain
the same (at API level < 12 joystick support is disabled).
Also enables building SDL for armv7 and x86.
The audio_enumerateAndNameAudioDevicesNegativeTests test in testautomation_audio.c reports a failure for SDL_GetAudioDeviceName when called on a driver that has only the default device. SDL_GetNumAudioDevices reports 1, but SDL_GetAudioDeviceName does not check if the index passed by the caller is in that range in this case. For positive numbers anyway.
This can be reproduced with the dummy driver on Windows and Linux.
Mai Lavelle
I've recently tried to create multiple windows and process key events for them, and found that key events weren't being generated for most of the windows. After some investigating I've observed the following effects. All but the most recently created window experience these effects...
- a focus lost event is generated immediately after the focus gained event, even tho window still has focus
- key events report window id 0 rather than the id of the window which has focus, SDL thinks no window has focus?
- giving focus to a non SDL window and then selecting an SDL window causes events to be generated as expected, but only until focus changes again
Focus change events are queued and delayed (200 ticks) before they are dispatched. The problem occurs when a focus out and focus in event are received on the same tick. When these delayed events are dispatched they will be sent in the order determined by the window list rather than the order in which they are received.
The focus out dispatch is implemented by calling SDL_SetKeyboardFocus(NULL). This will remove focus from any window, regardless of whether it is the one originally targeted by the X11 event.
Since SDL_SetKeyboardFocus() will always dispatch a focus lost event as needed, the easiest solution is simply to only call SDL_SetKeyboardFocus(NULL) when SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() matches the target window.
I was going through the SDL_IntersectRectAndLine function and wondered to see the ComputeOutCode function implementation.
The problem in this algo is, x and y axis are getting check with respect to 0, Which is wrong, it should be get checked with respect to rectangle x and y axis.
C.W. Betts
The recommended way of getting a file name that POSIX file APIs can open in OS X when using an NSString is -[NSString fileSystemRepresentation]. However, the current filesystem API in hg uses -[NSString UTF8String].