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.. _doc_compiling_for_android:

Compiling for Android

.. seealso::

This page describes how to compile Android export template binaries from source.
If you're looking to export your project to Android instead, read `doc_exporting_for_android`.


In most cases, using the built-in deployer and export templates is good enough. Compiling the Android APK manually is mostly useful for custom builds or custom packages for the deployer.

Also, you still need to follow the steps mentioned in the doc_exporting_for_android tutorial before attempting to build a custom export template.


For compiling under Windows, Linux or macOS, the following is required:

  • Python 3.5+ <>_.

  • SCons 3.0+ <>_ build system.

  • Android SDK <>_ (command-line tools are sufficient).

    • Required SDK components will be automatically installed.
    • On Linux, do not use an Android SDK provided by your distribution's repositories as it will often be outdated.
  • Gradle (will be downloaded and installed automatically if missing).

  • JDK 11 (either OpenJDK or Oracle JDK).

    • You can download a build from ojdkbuild <>_.

.. seealso:: To get the Godot source code for compiling, see doc_getting_source.

         For a general overview of SCons usage for Godot, see

.. _doc_android_setting_up_the_buildsystem:

Setting up the buildsystem

  • Set the environment variable ANDROID_SDK_ROOT to point to the Android SDK. If you downloaded the Android command-line tools, this would be the folder where you extracted the contents of the ZIP archive.

  • Install the necessary SDK components in this folder:

    • Accept the SDK component licenses by running the following command where android_sdk_path is the path to the Android SDK, then answering all the prompts with y:


     tools/bin/sdkmanager --sdk_root=<android_sdk_path> --licenses
    • Complete setup by running the following command where android_sdk_path is the path to the Android SDK.


     tools/bin/sdkmanager --sdk_root=<android_sdk_path> "platform-tools" "build-tools;30.0.3" "platforms;android-29" "cmdline-tools;latest" "cmake;"

.. seealso:: To set the environment variable on Windows, press :kbd:Windows + R, type "control system", then click on Advanced system settings in the left pane, then click on Environment variables on the window that appears.

.. seealso:: To set the environment variable on Linux or macOS, use export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/android-sdk where /path/to/android-sdk points to the root of the SDK directories.

Building the export templates

Godot needs two export templates for Android: the optimized "release" template (android_release.apk) and the debug template (android_debug.apk). As Google will require all APKs to include ARMv8 (64-bit) libraries starting from August 2019, the commands below will build an APK containing both ARMv7 and ARMv8 libraries.

Compiling the standard export templates is done by calling SCons from the Godot root directory with the following arguments:

  • Release template (used when exporting with Debugging Enabled unchecked)


scons platform=android target=release android_arch=armv7
scons platform=android target=release android_arch=arm64v8
cd platform/android/java
# On Windows
.\gradlew generateGodotTemplates
# On Linux and macOS
./gradlew generateGodotTemplates

The resulting APK will be located at bin/android_release.apk.

  • Debug template (used when exporting with Debugging Enabled checked)


scons platform=android target=release_debug android_arch=armv7
scons platform=android target=release_debug android_arch=arm64v8
cd platform/android/java
# On Windows
.\gradlew generateGodotTemplates
# On Linux and macOS
./gradlew generateGodotTemplates

The resulting APK will be located at bin/android_debug.apk.

Adding support for x86 devices

If you also want to include support for x86 and x86-64 devices, run the SCons
command a third and fourth time with the `android_arch=x86`, and
`android_arch=x86_64` arguments before building the APK with Gradle. For
example, for the release template:


    scons platform=android target=release android_arch=armv7
    scons platform=android target=release android_arch=arm64v8
    scons platform=android target=release android_arch=x86
    scons platform=android target=release android_arch=x86_64
    cd platform/android/java
    # On Windows
    .\gradlew generateGodotTemplates
    # On Linux and macOS
    ./gradlew generateGodotTemplates

This will create a fat binary that works on all platforms.
The final APK size of exported projects will depend on the platforms you choose
to support when exporting; in other words, unused platforms will be removed from
the APK.

Cleaning the generated export templates

You can use the following commands to remove the generated export templates:


cd platform/android/java
# On Windows
.\gradlew cleanGodotTemplates
# On Linux and macOS
./gradlew cleanGodotTemplates

Using the export templates

Godot needs release and debug APKs that were compiled against the same version/commit as the editor. If you are using official binaries for the editor, make sure to install the matching export templates, or build your own from the same version.

When exporting your game, Godot opens the APK, changes a few things inside and adds your files.

Installing the templates

The newly-compiled templates (`android_debug.apk`
and `android_release.apk`) must be copied to Godot's templates folder
with their respective names. The templates folder can be located in:

-  Windows: `%APPDATA%\Godot\templates\<version>\`
-  Linux: `$HOME/.local/share/godot/templates/<version>/`
-  macOS: `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Godot/templates/<version>/`

`<version>` is of the form `major.minor[.patch].status` using values from
`` in your Godot source repository (e.g. `3.0.5.stable` or ``).
You also need to write this same version string to a `version.txt` file located
next to your export templates.

.. TODO: Move these paths to a common reference page

However, if you are writing your custom modules or custom C++ code, you
might instead want to configure your APKs as custom export templates


You don't even need to copy them, you can just reference the resulting
file in the `bin\` directory of your Godot source folder, so that the
next time you build you will automatically have the custom templates


Platform doesn't appear in SCons

Double-check that you've set the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable. This is required for the platform to appear in SCons' list of detected platforms. See Setting up the buildsystem <doc_android_setting_up_the_buildsystem> for more information.

Application not installed

Android might complain the application is not correctly installed.
If so:

-  Check that the debug keystore is properly generated.
-  Check that the jarsigner executable is from JDK 8.

If it still fails, open a command line and run `logcat <>`_:


    adb logcat

Then check the output while the application is installed;
the error message should be presented there.
Seek assistance if you can't figure it out.

Application exits immediately

If the application runs but exits immediately, this might be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Make sure to use export templates that match your editor version; if you use a new Godot version, you have to update the templates too.
  • is not in libs/<android_arch>/ where <android_arch> is the device's architecture.
  • The device's architecture does not match the exported one(s). Make sure your templates were built for that device's architecture, and that the export settings included support for that architecture.

In any case, adb logcat should also show the cause of the error.