
184 lines
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2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
extends MMGenBase
class_name MMGenShader
var shader_model : Dictionary = {}
func get_type():
return "shader"
func get_type_name():
if shader_model.has("name"):
return .get_type_name()
func get_parameter_defs():
if shader_model == null or !shader_model.has("parameters"):
return []
return shader_model.parameters
func get_input_defs():
if shader_model == null or !shader_model.has("inputs"):
return []
return shader_model.inputs
func get_output_defs():
if shader_model == null or !shader_model.has("outputs"):
return []
return shader_model.outputs
func set_shader_model(data: Dictionary):
shader_model = data
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
func find_keyword_call(string, keyword):
var search_string = "$%s(" % keyword
var position = string.find(search_string)
if position == -1:
return null
var parenthesis_level = 0
var parameter_begin = position+search_string.length()
var parameter_end = -1
for i in range(parameter_begin, string.length()):
if string[i] == '(':
parenthesis_level += 1
elif string[i] == ')':
if parenthesis_level == 0:
return string.substr(parameter_begin, i-parameter_begin)
parenthesis_level -= 1
return ""
func replace_input(string, context, input, type, src, default):
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
var required_defs = ""
var required_code = ""
var required_textures = {}
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
while true:
var uv = find_keyword_call(string, input)
if uv == null:
elif uv == "":
print("syntax error")
var src_code
if src == null:
src_code = subst(default, context, "(%s)" % uv)
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
src_code = src.generator.get_shader_code(uv, src.output_index, context)
while src_code is GDScriptFunctionState:
src_code = yield(src_code, "completed")
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
src_code.string = src_code[type]
required_defs += src_code.defs
required_code += src_code.code
required_textures = src_code.textures
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
string = string.replace("$%s(%s)" % [ input, uv ], src_code.string)
return { string=string, defs=required_defs, code=required_code, textures=required_textures }
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
func is_word_letter(l):
return "azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbnAZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN1234567890_".find(l) != -1
func replace_variable(string, variable, value):
string = string.replace("$(%s)" % variable, value)
var keyword_size = variable.length()+1
var new_string = ""
while !string.empty():
var pos = string.find("$"+variable)
if pos == -1:
new_string += string
new_string += string.left(pos)
string = string.right(pos)
if string.empty() or !is_word_letter(string[0]):
new_string += value
new_string += "$"+variable
string = string.right(keyword_size)
return new_string
func subst(string, context, uv = ""):
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
var required_defs = ""
var required_code = ""
var required_textures = {}
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
string = replace_variable(string, "name", name)
string = replace_variable(string, "seed", str(get_seed()))
if uv != "":
string = replace_variable(string, "uv", "("+uv+")")
if shader_model.has("parameters") and typeof(shader_model.parameters) == TYPE_ARRAY:
for p in shader_model.parameters:
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
if !p.has("name") or !p.has("type"):
var value = parameters[]
var value_string = null
if p.type == "float":
value_string = "%.9f" % value
elif p.type == "size":
value_string = "%.9f" % pow(2, value+p.first)
elif p.type == "enum":
value_string = p.values[value].value
elif p.type == "color":
value_string = "vec4(%.9f, %.9f, %.9f, %.9f)" % [ value.r, value.g, value.b, value.a ]
elif p.type == "gradient":
value_string ="_gradient_fct"
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
if value_string != null:
string = replace_variable(string,, value_string)
if shader_model.has("inputs") and typeof(shader_model.inputs) == TYPE_ARRAY:
for i in range(shader_model.inputs.size()):
var input = shader_model.inputs[i]
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
var source = get_source(i)
var result = replace_input(string, context,, input.type, source, input.default)
while result is GDScriptFunctionState:
result = yield(result, "completed")
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
string = result.string
required_defs += result.defs
required_code += result.code
for t in result.textures.keys():
required_textures[t] = result.textures[t]
return { string=string, defs=required_defs, code=required_code, textures=required_textures }
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
func _get_shader_code(uv : String, output_index : int, context : MMGenContext):
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
var output_info = [ { field="rgba", type="vec4" }, { field="rgb", type="vec3" }, { field="f", type="float" } ]
var rv = { defs="", code="", textures={} }
var variant_string = uv+","+str(output_index)
if shader_model != null and shader_model.has("outputs") and shader_model.outputs.size() > output_index:
var output = shader_model.outputs[output_index]
rv.defs = ""
if shader_model.has("instance") && !context.has_variant(self):
var subst_output = subst(shader_model.instance, context, uv)
while subst_output is GDScriptFunctionState:
subst_output = yield(subst_output, "completed")
rv.defs += subst_output.string
for t in subst_output.textures.keys():
rv.textures[t] = subst_output.textures[t]
for p in shader_model.parameters:
if p.type == "gradient":
var g = parameters[]
if !(g is MMGradient):
g =
rv.defs += g.get_shader("_gradient_fct")
var variant_index = context.get_variant(self, variant_string)
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
if variant_index == -1:
variant_index = context.get_variant(self, variant_string)
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
for t in output_info:
if output.has(t.field):
var subst_output = subst(output[t.field], context, uv)
while subst_output is GDScriptFunctionState:
subst_output = yield(subst_output, "completed")
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
rv.defs += subst_output.defs
rv.code += subst_output.code
rv.code += "%s %s_%d_%d_%s = %s;\n" % [ t.type, name, output_index, variant_index, t.field, subst_output.string ]
for t in subst_output.textures.keys():
rv.textures[t] = subst_output.textures[t]
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
for t in output_info:
if output.has(t.field):
rv[t.field] = "%s_%d_%d_%s" % [ name, output_index, variant_index, t.field ]
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
return rv
func get_globals():
var list = .get_globals()
if typeof(shader_model) == TYPE_DICTIONARY and shader_model.has("global") and list.find( == -1:
2019-08-02 08:17:32 +02:00
return list