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synced 2025-02-22 17:18:12 +01:00
-Bound most of the spell system related functions, so they are callable from gdscript.
459 lines
16 KiB
459 lines
16 KiB
#ifndef SPELL_H
#define SPELL_H
#include "core/resource.h"
#include "scene/resources/curve.h"
#include "scene/resources/texture.h"
#include "../entity_enums.h"
#include "../spell_enums.h"
#include "../spells/spell_cast_info.h"
#include "../entities/entity.h"
#include "../pipelines/spell_damage_info.h"
#include "../spells/aura_infos.h"
class Entity;
class Aura;
class SpellCastInfo;
class Spell;
enum TargetRelationType {
enum SpellTargetType {
enum SpellAOEColliderType {
enum SpellAOEMovementType {
enum SpellAOETargetType {
enum SpellProjectileType {
class Spell : public Resource {
GDCLASS(Spell, Resource);
int get_spell_id() { return _spell_id; }
void set_spell_id(int value) { _spell_id = value; }
int get_spell_type() { return _spell_type; }
void set_spell_type(int value) { _spell_type = value; }
bool get_hide_from_actionbar() { return _hide_from_actionbar; }
void set_hide_from_actionbar(bool value) { _hide_from_actionbar = value; }
float get_cooldown() { return _cooldown; }
void set_cooldown(float value) { _cooldown = value; }
SpellTargetType get_target_type() { return _target_type; }
void set_target_type(SpellTargetType value) { _target_type = value; }
Ref<Aura> get_caster_aura_apply();
void set_caster_aura_apply(Ref<Aura> value);
Ref<Aura> get_caster_aura_apply2();
void set_caster_aura_apply2(Ref<Aura> value);
Ref<Aura> get_target_aura_apply();
void set_target_aura_apply(Ref<Aura> value);
Ref<Aura> get_target_aura_apply2();
void set_target_aura_apply2(Ref<Aura> value);
int get_level() { return _level; }
void set_level(int value) { _level = value; }
int get_item_cost() { return _item_cost; }
void set_item_cost(int value) { _item_cost = value; }
int get_craft_material_cost() { return _craft_material_cost; }
void set_craft_material_cost(int value) { _craft_material_cost = value; }
int get_required_item() { return _required_item; }
void set_required_item(int value) { _required_item = value; }
EntityEnums::PlayerResourceTypes get_cost_type() { return _cost_type; }
void set_cost_type(EntityEnums::PlayerResourceTypes value) { _cost_type = value; }
int get_cost_resource() { return _cost_resource; }
void set_cost_resource(int value) { _cost_resource = value; }
EntityEnums::PlayerResourceTypes get_give_resource_type() { return _give_resource_type; }
void set_give_resource_type(EntityEnums::PlayerResourceTypes value) { _give_resource_type = value; }
int get_give_resource() { return _give_resource; }
void set_give_resource(int value) { _give_resource = value; }
bool has_global_cooldown() { return _has_global_cooldown; }
void set_has_global_cooldown(bool value) { _has_global_cooldown = value; }
bool get_is_local_spell() { return _is_local_spell; }
void set_is_local_spell(bool value) { _is_local_spell = value; }
Ref<Texture> get_icon() { return _icon; }
void set_icon(Ref<Texture> value) { _icon = Ref<Texture>(value); }
String get_name_key() { return _name_key; }
void set_name_key(String value) { _name_key = value; }
String get_spell_name() { return _spell_name; }
void set_spell_name(String value) { _spell_name = value; }
String get_spell_description() { return _spell_description; }
void set_spell_description(String value) { _spell_description = value; }
float get_damage_scale_for_level(int level);
float get_heal_scale_for_level(int level);
float get_absorb_scale_for_level(int level);
bool get_has_range() { return _has_range; }
void set_has_range(bool value) { _has_range = value; }
float get_range() { return _range; }
void set_range(float value) { _range = value; }
bool get_has_cast_time() { return _has_cast_time; }
void set_has_cast_time(bool value) { _has_cast_time = value; }
float get_cast_time() { return _cast_time; }
void set_cast_time(float value) { _cast_time = value; }
bool get_has_damage() { return _has_damage; }
void set_has_damage(bool value) { _has_damage = value; }
int get_damage_type() { return _damage_type; }
void set_damage_type(int value) { _damage_type = value; }
int get_damage_min() { return _damage_min; }
void set_damage_min(int value) { _damage_min = value; }
int get_damage_max() { return _damage_max; }
void set_damage_max(int value) { _damage_max = value; }
Ref<Curve> get_damage_scaling_curve() { return _damage_scaling_curve; }
void set_damage_scaling_curve(Ref<Curve> curve) { _damage_scaling_curve = curve; }
bool get_has_heal() { return _has_heal; }
void set_has_heal(bool value) { _has_heal = value; }
int get_heal_min() { return _heal_min; }
void set_heal_min(int value) { _heal_min = value; }
int get_heal_max() { return _heal_max; }
void set_heal_max(int value) { _heal_max = value; }
Ref<Curve> get_heal_scaling_curve() { return _heal_scaling_curve; }
void set_heal_scaling_curve(Ref<Curve> curve) { _heal_scaling_curve = curve; }
bool get_needs_target() { return _needs_target; }
void set_needs_target(bool value) { _needs_target = value; }
bool get_can_move_while_casting() { return _can_move_while_casting; }
void set_can_move_while_casting(bool value) { _can_move_while_casting = value; }
bool get_is_interrupt() { return _is_interrupt; }
void set_is_interrupt(bool value) { _is_interrupt = value; }
float get_interrupt_time() { return _interrupt_time; }
void set_interrupt_time(float value) { _interrupt_time = value; }
bool get_is_aoe() { return _is_aoe; }
void set_is_aoe(bool value) { _is_aoe = value; }
SpellAOETargetType get_aoe_target_type() { return _aoe_targetType; }
void set_aoe_target_type(SpellAOETargetType value) { _aoe_targetType = value; }
SpellAOEMovementType get_aoe_movement_type() { return _aoe_movementType; }
void set_aoe_movement_type(SpellAOEMovementType value) { _aoe_movementType = value; }
SpellAOEColliderType get_aoe_collider_type() { return _aoe_colliderType; }
void set_aoe_collider_type(SpellAOEColliderType value) { _aoe_colliderType = value; }
Vector3 get_aoe_half_extents() { return _aoe_half_extents; }
void set_aoe_half_extents(Vector3 value) { _aoe_half_extents = value; }
bool get_has_effect() { return _has_effect; }
void set_has_effect(bool value) { _has_effect = value; }
int get_effect_id() { return _effect_id; }
void set_effect_id(int value) { _effect_id = value; }
bool get_has_spell_cast_finish_effect() { return _has_spell_cast_finish_effect; }
void set_has_spell_cast_finish_effect(bool value) { _has_spell_cast_finish_effect = value; }
int get_spell_cast_finish_effect_id() { return _spell_cast_finish_effect_id; }
void set_spell_cast_finish_effect_id(int value) { _spell_cast_finish_effect_id = value; }
bool get_has_spell_cast_effect() { return _has_spell_cast_effect; }
void set_has_spell_cast_effect(bool value) { _has_spell_cast_effect = value; }
int get_spell_cast_effect_id() { return _spell_cast_effect_id; }
void set_spell_cast_effect_id(int value) { _spell_cast_effect_id = value; }
int get_projectile_id() { return _projectile_id; }
void set_projectile_id(int value) { _projectile_id = value; }
bool get_has_projectile() { return _has_projectile; }
void set_has_projectile(bool value) { _has_projectile = value; }
float get_projectile_speed() { return _projectile_speed; }
void set_projectile_speed(float value) { _projectile_speed = value; }
float get_projectile_time() { return _projectile_time; }
void set_projectile_time(float value) { _projectile_time = value; }
float get_projectile_range() { return _projectile_range; }
void set_projectile_range(float value) { _projectile_range = value; }
bool get_has_projectile_collision() { return _projectile_collision; }
void set_has_projectile_collision(bool value) { _projectile_collision = value; }
SpellProjectileType get_projectile_type() { return _projectile_type; }
void set_projectile_type(SpellProjectileType value) { _projectile_type = value; }
bool get_has_projectile_destroy_on_impact() { return _projectile_destroy_on_impact; }
void set_has_projectile_destroy_on_impact(bool value) { _projectile_destroy_on_impact = value; }
int get_spell_cooldown_mainpulation_data_count() { return _spell_cooldown_mainpulation_data_count; }
void set_spell_cooldown_mainpulation_data_count(int value) { _spell_cooldown_mainpulation_data_count = value; }
//AuraApplyData *getAuraApplyData() { return auraApplyData; }
//void setAuraApplyData(AuraApplyData *value) { auraApplyData = value; }
void Set(int _spell_id, SpellType _spell_type, int p_damage_min, int _damage_max, bool _hideFrom_actionbar, float _cast_time,
float cooldown, int casterAuraApply, int casterAuraApply2, int targetAuraApply, int targetAuraApply2,
int level, int itemCost, int crafMaterialCost, int requiredItem, String *costTypeString, int costResource,
String *giveResourceTypeString, int giveResource, bool hasGlobalCooldown, bool isLocalSpell, String *iconBundle,
String *iconFile, Vector2i *iconAtlasPosition, String *nameKey, String *spellName, String *spellDescription);
void Set(bool needsTarget, bool canMoveWhileCasting);
//// Spell Script ////
//Commands, c++ only
void sstart_casting_simple(Entity *caster, float spell_scale);
void sinterrupt_cast_simple(Entity *caster);
void sstart_casting_triggered_simple(Entity *caster);
void sstart_casting(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
void sstart_casting_triggered(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
void sinterrupt_cast(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
void sfinish_cast(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
virtual void _sstart_casting(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
void son_cast_player_moved(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
void son_cast_damage_received(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
void son_spell_hit(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
//Clientside Event Handlers
void con_spell_cast_started(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
void con_spell_cast_success(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
void con_spell_cast_failed(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
void con_spell_cast_ended(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
void con_spell_cast_interrupted(Ref<SpellCastInfo> info);
//Calculations / Queries
void calculate_initial_damage(Ref<SpellDamageInfo> data);
void handle_spell_damage(Ref<SpellDamageInfo> data);
virtual void _calculate_initial_damage(Ref<SpellDamageInfo> data);
virtual void _handle_spell_damage(Ref<SpellDamageInfo> data);
String get_name();
String get_description(int level);
void TriggerGlobalCooldown(Entity *player);
bool IsCasting(Entity *player);
bool HasClobalCooldown(Entity *player);
bool IsStunned(Entity *player);
bool HasState(StateData::StateType state, Entity *player);
int GetId(Entity *spell);
bool IsSpellOnCooldown(int spellId, Entity *player);
void ApplyAura(int auraId, Entity *caster, float spellScale);
void ApplyAura(int auraId, Entity *caster, Entity *target, float spellScale);
void RemoveAura(int auraId, Entity *caster);
void AddCooldown(Entity *player, int spellId, float cooldown);
void DoStartCasting(Entity *player, int spellId, String spellName, float castTime, bool addMoveHook, float spellScale);
void DoCastFail(Entity *player, bool removeHook);
void AddOnMoveHook(Entity *player);
void RemoveOnMoveHook(Entity *player);
Entity *GetTarget(Entity *player);
void DealDamage(Entity *caster, Entity *target, int damage);
void DealDamage(Entity *caster, Entity *target, float spellScale);
void VashDealDamage(Entity *caster, Entity *target, bool increased, float spellScale);
void Heal(Entity *caster, Entity *target, float spellScale);
void Heal(Entity *caster, Entity *target, int heal);
bool checkParry(Entity *caster, Entity *target);
Node *OldLaunchFollowProjectile(Node *effect, Entity *caster, Entity *target, float speed, float spellScale, float time = (float)0);
Node *OldLaunchStraightProjectile(Node *effect, Entity *caster, float speed, float time, float range, float spellScale);
Node *OldLaunchProjectile(Entity *caster, Entity *target, float spellScale);
WorldSpell *SpawnProjectile(Entity *caster, Entity *target, float spellScale);
bool isInRange(Entity *target, Entity *player);
bool CanCast(Entity *caster, int skipCheck = 0);
bool CanCastTarget(Entity *caster, int skipCheck = 0);
bool CanCastTargetRange(Entity *caster, int skipCheck = 0);
bool SpellCostCheckAndRemove(Entity *caster);
bool SpellCostCheck(Entity *caster);
void SpellResourceGive(Entity *caster);
void AddSpellCastEffect(Entity *caster);
void RemoveSpellCastEffects(Entity *caster);
void AddEffect(Entity *player, Node *effectPrefab, EffectPoints bodyPart, Quaternion *rotation =);
void AddWorldEffect(Entity *location, Node *effectPrefab, Vector3 *offset =, Quaternion *rotation =);
void RemoveEffect(Entity *player, EffectPoints bodyPart);
String StringifyCooldown(float cooldown);
void SpellCastSuccess(Entity *caster);
void PlaySound(String sound);
void PlayStandardSpellCastFinish();
void PlayStandardSpellCastFinish(Entity *caster);
void PlayStandardIceArcherAttackSpellCastFinish(Entity *caster);
void PlayStandardBerserkerAttackSpellCastFinish(Entity *caster);
void AnimStop(Entity *player);*/
static void _bind_methods();
int _spell_id;
int _spell_type;
bool _hide_from_actionbar;
float _cooldown;
SpellTargetType _target_type;
//AuraApplyData *_aura_apply_data;
Ref<Aura> *_caster_aura_apply_ref;
Ref<Aura> *_caster_aura_apply2_ref;
Ref<Aura> *_target_aura_apply_ref;
Ref<Aura> *_target_aura_apply2_ref;
Aura *_caster_aura_apply;
Aura *_caster_aura_apply2;
Aura *_target_aura_apply;
Aura *_target_aura_apply2;
int _level;
int _item_cost;
int _craft_material_cost;
int _required_item;
EntityEnums::PlayerResourceTypes _cost_type;
int _cost_resource;
EntityEnums::PlayerResourceTypes _give_resource_type;
int _give_resource;
bool _has_global_cooldown;
bool _is_local_spell;
Ref<Texture> _icon;
String _name_key;
String _spell_name;
String _spell_description;
bool _has_range;
float _range;
bool _has_damage;
int _damage_type;
int _damage_min;
int _damage_max;
Ref<Curve> _damage_scaling_curve;
bool _has_heal;
int _heal_min;
int _heal_max;
Ref<Curve> _heal_scaling_curve;
bool _has_cast_time;
float _cast_time;
bool _needs_target;
bool _can_move_while_casting;
bool _is_interrupt;
float _interrupt_time;
bool _is_aoe;
SpellAOETargetType _aoe_targetType;
SpellAOEMovementType _aoe_movementType;
SpellAOEColliderType _aoe_colliderType;
Vector3 _aoe_half_extents;
bool _has_effect;
int _effect_id;
bool _has_spell_cast_finish_effect;
int _spell_cast_finish_effect_id;
bool _has_spell_cast_effect;
int _spell_cast_effect_id;
bool _has_projectile;
int _projectile_id;
float _projectile_speed;
float _projectile_time;
float _projectile_range;
SpellProjectileType _projectile_type;
bool _projectile_destroy_on_impact;
bool _projectile_collision;
int _spell_cooldown_mainpulation_data_count;