chore: prepare to rebase

This commit is contained in:
Kasper Frandsen 2021-11-14 18:15:31 +00:00
parent 2c59e78272
commit 4cafb8ab7d
1 changed files with 27 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -729,6 +729,33 @@ func _on_Description_descriptions_changed(short_description, long_description):
generator.shortdesc = short_description
generator.longdesc = long_description
func find_graph_with_label(label: String) -> GraphNode:
for c in get_children():
if c is GraphNode and c.generator is MMGenGraph && c.generator.get_type_name() == label:
return c
return null
func get_propagation_targets(source : MMGenGraph, parent : MMGenGraph = null) -> Array:
if parent == null:
parent = top_generator
var rv : Array = []
for c in parent.get_children():
if c is MMGenGraph and c != source:
if c.get_type_name() == source.get_type_name():
rv.append_array(get_propagation_targets(source, c))
return rv
func propagate_node_changes(source : MMGenGraph) -> void:
for c in get_propagation_targets(source):
var main_window = get_node("/root/MainWindow")
# Adding/removing reroute nodes
func add_reroute_to_input(node : MMGraphNodeMinimal, port_index : int) -> void: