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synced 2025-03-07 16:56:59 +01:00
This change does a few things, all with regards to the WinRT implementation of SDL_GetPrefPath(): 1. it fixes a bug whereby SDL_GetPrefPath() did not create the directory it returned. On other SDL platforms, SDL_GetPrefPath() will create separate directories for its 'org' and 'app' folders. Without this, attempts to create files in the pref-path would fail, unless those directories were first created by the app, or by some other library the app used. This change makes sure that these directories get created, before SDL_GetPrefPath() returns to its caller(s). 2. it defaults to having SDL_GetPrefPath() return a WinRT 'Local' folder on all platforms. Previously, for Windows Store apps, it would have used a different, 'Roaming' folder. Files in Roaming folders can be automatically, and synchronized across multiple devices by Windows. This synchronization can happen while the app runs, with new files being copied into a running app's pref-path. Unless an app is specifically designed to handle this scenario, there is a chance that save-data could be overwritten in unwanted or unexpected ways. The default is now to use a Local folder, which does not get synchronized, and which is arguably a bit safer to use. Apps that wish to use Roaming folders can do so by setting SDL_HINT_WINRT_PREF_PATH_ROOT to "roaming", however it is recommended that one first read Microsoft's documentation for Roaming files, a link to which is provided in README-winrt.md. To preserve older pref-path selection behavior (found in SDL 2.0.3, as well as many pre-2.0.4 versions of SDL from hg.libsdl.org), which uses a Roaming path in Windows Store apps, and a Local path in Windows Phone, set SDL_HINT_WINRT_PREF_PATH_ROOT to "old". Please note that Roaming paths are not supported on Windows Phone 8.0, due to limitations in the OS itself. Attempts to use this will fail. (Windows Phone 8.1 does not have this limitation, however.) 3. It makes SDL_GetPrefPath(), when on Windows Phone 8.0, and when SDL_HINT_WINRT_PREF_PATH_ROOT is set to "roaming", return NULL, rather than silently defaulting to a Local path (then switching to a Roaming path if and when the user upgraded to Windows Phone 8.1).
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This port allows SDL applications to run on Microsoft's platforms that require
use of "Windows Runtime", aka. "WinRT", APIs. WinRT apps are currently
full-screen only, and run in what Microsoft sometimes refers to as their
"Modern" (formerly, "Metro"), environment. For Windows 8.x, Microsoft may also
refer to them as "Windows Store" apps, due to them being distributed,
primarily, via a Microsoft-run online store (of the same name).
Some of the operating systems that include WinRT, are:
* Windows 8.x
* Windows RT 8.x (aka. Windows 8.x for ARM processors)
* Windows Phone 8.x
* Microsoft Visual C++ (aka Visual Studio), either 2013 or 2012 versions
- Free, "Community" or "Express" editions may be used, so long as they
include support for either "Windows Store" or "Windows Phone" apps.
"Express" versions marked as supporting "Windows Desktop" development
typically do not include support for creating WinRT apps, to note.
(The "Community" edition of Visual C++ 2013 does, however, support both
desktop/Win32 and WinRT development).
- Visual C++ 2012 can only build apps that target versions 8.0 of Windows,
or Windows Phone. 8.0-targetted apps will run on devices running 8.1
editions of Windows, however they will not be able to take advantage of
8.1-specific features.
- Visual C++ 2013 cannot create app projects that target Windows 8.0.
Visual C++ 2013 Update 4, can create app projects for Windows Phone 8.0,
Windows Phone 8.1, and Windows 8.1, but not Windows 8.0. An optional
Visual Studio add-in, "Tools for Maintaining Store apps for Windows 8",
allows Visual C++ 2013 to load and build Windows 8.0 projects that were
created with Visual C++ 2012, so long as Visual C++ 2012 is installed
on the same machine. More details on targeting different versions of
Windows can found at the following web pages:
- [Develop apps by using Visual Studio 2013](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/br211384.aspx)
- [To add the Tools for Maintaining Store apps for Windows 8](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/dn263114.aspx#AddMaintenanceTools)
* A valid Microsoft account - This requirement is not imposed by SDL, but
rather by Microsoft's Visual C++ toolchain. This is required to launch or
debug apps.
Here is a rough list of what works, and what doens't:
* What works:
* compilation via Visual C++ 2012 and 2013
* compile-time platform detection for SDL programs. The C/C++ #define,
`__WINRT__`, will be set to 1 (by SDL) when compiling for WinRT.
* GPU-accelerated 2D rendering, via SDL_Renderer.
* software rendering, via either SDL_Surface (optionally in conjunction with
SDL_GetWindowSurface() and SDL_UpdateWindowSurface()) or via the
SDL_Renderer APIs
* threads. Significant chunks of Win32's threading APIs are not available in
WinRT. A new, SDL threading backend was built using C++11's threading APIs
(std::thread, std::mutex, std::condition_variable, etc.), which C or C++
programs alike can access via SDL's threading APIs. Support for thread
priorities is not, however, currently available, due to restrictions in
WinRT's own API set.
* timers (via SDL_GetTicks(), SDL_AddTimer(), SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(),
SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency(), etc.)
* file I/O via SDL_RWops
* mouse input (unsupported on Windows Phone)
* audio, via a modified version of SDL's XAudio2 backend
* .DLL file loading. Libraries must be packaged inside applications. Loading
anything outside of the app is not supported.
* system path retrieval via SDL's filesystem APIs
* game controllers. Support is provided via the SDL_Joystick and
SDL_GameController APIs, and is backed by Microsoft's XInput API.
* multi-touch input
* app events. SDL_APP_WILLENTER* and SDL_APP_DIDENTER* events get sent out as
sent out on app suspend and resume, respectively. SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN and
SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIDDEN are also sent, but not necessarily on app suspend or
resume, as WinRT treats these two concepts differently..
* using Direct3D 11.x APIs outside of SDL. Non-XAML / Direct3D-only apps can
choose to render content directly via Direct3D, using SDL to manage the
internal WinRT window, as well as input and audio. (Use
SDL_GetWindowWMInfo() to get the WinRT 'CoreWindow', and pass it into
IDXGIFactory2::CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow() as appropriate.)
* What partially works:
* keyboard input. Most of WinRT's documented virtual keys are supported, as
well as many keys with documented hardware scancodes.
* OpenGL. Experimental support for OpenGL ES 2 is available via the ANGLE
project, using either MS Open Technologies' repository, at
https://github.com/msopentech/angle (both the "winrt" and "future-dev"
branches are supported), or the official ANGLE repository, at
* SDLmain. WinRT uses a different signature for each app's main() function.
SDL-based apps that use this port must compile in SDL_winrt_main_NonXAML.cpp
(in `SDL\src\main\winrt\`) directly in order for their C-style main()
functions to be called.
* XAML interoperability. This feature is currently experimental (there are
**many** known bugs in this, at present!), preliminary, and only for
Windows 8.x/RT at the moment. Windows Phone + XAML support is still
* What doesn't work:
* compilation with anything other than Visual C++ 2012 or 2013
* programmatically-created custom cursors. These don't appear to be supported
by WinRT. Different OS-provided cursors can, however, be created via
SDL_CreateSystemCursor() (unsupported on Windows Phone)
* SDL_WarpMouseInWindow() or SDL_WarpMouseGlobal(). This are not currently
supported by WinRT itself.
* joysticks and game controllers that aren't supported by Microsoft's XInput
* probably anything else that's not listed as supported
#### SDL_GetPrefPath() usage when upgrading existing WinRT apps to SDL 2.0.4
SDL 2.0.4 fixes two bugs found in SDL_GetPrefPath() which can affect
an app's save data. These bugs only apply to WinRT apps (and not
Windows Desktop / Win32 apps, or to apps on any other SDL platform).
In particular, for older versions of SDL (anything before 2.0.4):
1. SDL_GetPrefPath() would return an invalid path, one in which attempts
to write files to would fail, in many cases. Some of the path elements
returned by SDL_GetPrefPath() would not get created (as done on other
SDL platforms). Files could be written to this path, however apps would
need to explicitly create the missing directories first.
2. SDL_GetPrefPath() would return a path inside a WinRT 'Roaming' folder,
the contents of which could get automatically synchronized across multiple
devices, by Windows. This process could occur while an app was running.
Apps which were not explicitly built to handle this scenario could
have their SDL_GetPrefPath-backed save data swapped out by Windows at
unexpected times, which raised potential for data-loss (if apps weren't
designed to support live file-synchronization.)
SDL_GetPrefPath(), starting with SDL 2.0.4, addresses these by:
1. making sure that SDL_GetPrefPath() returns a directory in which data
can be written to immediately, without first needing to create directories.
2. basing SDL_GetPrefPath() off of a non-Roaming / 'Local' folder, the
contents of which do not get automatically synchronized across devices,
and which may be safer in terms of data-integrity.
Apps can, at their discretion, choose to utilize WinRT's Roaming
functionality by calling the following before calling SDL_GetPrefPath():
Alternatively, to restore SDL_GetPrefPath()'s old behavior (found in
SDL 2.0.3, and in many pre-2.0.4 versions of SDL found on hg.libsdl.org),
whereby a Roaming path is returned for Windows Store apps, and a Local
folder is returned for Windows Phone apps, use the following code:
Before using Roaming data in any capacity, it is highly recommended that
one read the following:
1. Microsoft's documentation on the Roaming data. Details on this can be
found on MSDN, at:
[Guidelines for roaming app data](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465094.aspx).
2. the SDL documentation for SDL_HINT_WINRT_PREF_PATH_ROOT, which is
listed inside SDL_hints.h.
Please note that Roaming support is not available on Windows Phone 8.0,
due to limitations in the OS itself. Attempts to use it will fail, with
SDL_GetPrefPath() returning NULL (if SDL_HINT_WINRT_PREF_PATH_ROOT is
set to "roaming" on that platform). Windows Phone 8.1 does not have this
limitation, and does support Roaming data.
Setup, High-Level Steps
The steps for setting up a project for an SDL/WinRT app looks like the
following, at a high-level:
1. create a new Visual C++ project using Microsoft's template for a,
"Direct3D App".
2. remove most of the files from the project.
3. make your app's project directly reference SDL/WinRT's own Visual C++
project file, via use of Visual C++'s "References" dialog. This will setup
the linker, and will copy SDL's .dll files to your app's final output.
4. adjust your app's build settings, at minimum, telling it where to find SDL's
header files.
5. add a file that contains a WinRT-appropriate main function.
6. add SDL-specific app code.
7. build and run your app.
Setup, Detailed Steps
### 1. Create a new project ###
Create a new project using one of Visual C++'s templates for a plain, non-XAML,
"Direct3D App" (XAML support for SDL/WinRT is not yet ready for use). If you
don't see one of these templates, in Visual C++'s 'New Project' dialog, try
using the textbox titled, 'Search Installed Templates' to look for one.
### 2. Remove unneeded files from the project ###
In the new project, delete any file that has one of the following extensions:
- .cpp
- .h
- .hlsl
When you are done, you should be left with a few files, each of which will be a
necessary part of your app's project. These files will consist of:
- an .appxmanifest file, which contains metadata on your WinRT app. This is
similar to an Info.plist file on iOS, or an AndroidManifest.xml on Android.
- a few .png files, one of which is a splash screen (displayed when your app
launches), others are app icons.
- a .pfx file, used for code signing purposes.
### 3. Add references to SDL's project files ###
SDL/WinRT can be built in multiple variations, spanning across three different
CPU architectures (x86, x64, and ARM) and two different configurations
(Debug and Release). WinRT and Visual C++ do not currently provide a means
for combining multiple variations of one library into a single file.
Furthermore, it does not provide an easy means for copying pre-built .dll files
into your app's final output (via Post-Build steps, for example). It does,
however, provide a system whereby an app can reference the MSVC projects of
libraries such that, when the app is built:
1. each library gets built for the appropriate CPU architecture(s) and WinRT
2. each library's output, such as .dll files, get copied to the app's build
To set this up for SDL/WinRT, you'll need to run through the following steps:
1. open up the Solution Explorer inside Visual C++ (under the "View" menu, then
"Solution Explorer")
2. right click on your app's solution.
3. navigate to "Add", then to "Existing Project..."
4. find SDL/WinRT's Visual C++ project file and open it. Different project
files exist for different WinRT platforms. All of them are in SDL's
source distribution, in the following directories:
* `VisualC-WinRT/WinPhone80_VS2012/` - for Windows Phone 8.0 apps
* `VisualC-WinRT/WinPhone81_VS2013/` - for Windows Phone 8.1 apps
* `VisualC-WinRT/WinRT80_VS2012/` - for Windows 8.0 apps
* `VisualC-WinRT/WinRT81_VS2013/` - for Windows 8.1 apps
5. once the project has been added, right-click on your app's project and
select, "References..."
6. click on the button titled, "Add New Reference..."
7. check the box next to SDL
8. click OK to close the dialog
9. SDL will now show up in the list of references. Click OK to close that
Your project is now linked to SDL's project, insofar that when the app is
built, SDL will be built as well, with its build output getting included with
your app.
### 4. Adjust Your App's Build Settings ###
Some build settings need to be changed in your app's project. This guide will
outline the following:
- making sure that the compiler knows where to find SDL's header files
- **Optional for C++, but NECESSARY for compiling C code:** telling the
compiler not to use Microsoft's C++ extensions for WinRT development.
- **Optional:** telling the compiler not generate errors due to missing
precompiled header files.
To change these settings:
1. right-click on the project
2. choose "Properties"
3. in the drop-down box next to "Configuration", choose, "All Configurations"
4. in the drop-down box next to "Platform", choose, "All Platforms"
5. in the left-hand list, expand the "C/C++" section
6. select "General"
7. edit the "Additional Include Directories" setting, and add a path to SDL's
"include" directory
8. **Optional: to enable compilation of C code:** change the setting for
"Consume Windows Runtime Extension" from "Yes (/ZW)" to "No". If you're
working with a completely C++ based project, this step can usually be
9. **Optional: to disable precompiled headers (which can produce
'stdafx.h'-related build errors, if setup incorrectly:** in the left-hand
list, select "Precompiled Headers", then change the setting for "Precompiled
Header" from "Use (/Yu)" to "Not Using Precompiled Headers".
10. close the dialog, saving settings, by clicking the "OK" button
### 5. Add a WinRT-appropriate main function to the app. ###
C/C++-based WinRT apps do contain a `main` function that the OS will invoke when
the app starts launching. The parameters of WinRT main functions are different
than those found on other platforms, Win32 included. SDL/WinRT provides a
platform-appropriate main function that will perform these actions, setup key
portions of the app, then invoke a classic, C/C++-style main function (that take
in "argc" and "argv" parameters). The code for this file is contained inside
SDL's source distribution, under `src/main/winrt/SDL_winrt_main_NonXAML.cpp`.
You'll need to add this file, or a copy of it, to your app's project, and make
sure it gets compiled using a Microsoft-specific set of C++ extensions called
**NOTE: C++/CX compilation is currently required in at least one file of your
app's project. This is to make sure that Visual C++'s linker builds a 'Windows
Metadata' file (.winmd) for your app. Not doing so can lead to build errors.**
To include `SDL_winrt_main_NonXAML.cpp`:
1. right-click on your project (again, in Visual C++'s Solution Explorer),
navigate to "Add", then choose "Existing Item...".
2. open `SDL_winrt_main_NonXAML.cpp`, which is found inside SDL's source
distribution, under `src/main/winrt/`. Make sure that the open-file dialog
closes, either by double-clicking on the file, or single-clicking on it and
then clicking Add.
3. right-click on the file (as listed in your project), then click on
4. in the drop-down box next to "Configuration", choose, "All Configurations"
5. in the drop-down box next to "Platform", choose, "All Platforms"
6. in the left-hand list, click on "C/C++"
7. change the setting for "Consume Windows Runtime Extension" to "Yes (/ZW)".
8. click the OK button. This will close the dialog.
### 6. Add app code and assets ###
At this point, you can add in SDL-specific source code. Be sure to include a
C-style main function (ie: `int main(int argc, char *argv[])`). From there you
should be able to create a single `SDL_Window` (WinRT apps can only have one
window, at present), as well as an `SDL_Renderer`. Direct3D will be used to
draw content. Events are received via SDL's usual event functions
(`SDL_PollEvent`, etc.) If you have a set of existing source files and assets,
you can start adding them to the project now. If not, or if you would like to
make sure that you're setup correctly, some short and simple sample code is
provided below.
#### 6.A. ... when creating a new app ####
If you are creating a new app (rather than porting an existing SDL-based app),
or if you would just like a simple app to test SDL/WinRT with before trying to
get existing code working, some working SDL/WinRT code is provided below. To
set this up:
1. right click on your app's project
2. select Add, then New Item. An "Add New Item" dialog will show up.
3. from the left-hand list, choose "Visual C++"
4. from the middle/main list, choose "C++ File (.cpp)"
5. near the bottom of the dialog, next to "Name:", type in a name for your
source file, such as, "main.cpp".
6. click on the Add button. This will close the dialog, add the new file to
your project, and open the file in Visual C++'s text editor.
7. Copy and paste the following code into the new file, then save it.
#include <SDL.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
SDL_DisplayMode mode;
SDL_Window * window = NULL;
SDL_Renderer * renderer = NULL;
SDL_Event evt;
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) {
return 1;
if (SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &mode) != 0) {
return 1;
if (SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(mode.w, mode.h, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN, &window, &renderer) != 0) {
return 1;
while (1) {
while (SDL_PollEvent(&evt)) {
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 255, 0, 255);
#### 6.B. Adding code and assets ####
If you have existing code and assets that you'd like to add, you should be able
to add them now. The process for adding a set of files is as such.
1. right click on the app's project
2. select Add, then click on "New Item..."
3. open any source, header, or asset files as appropriate. Support for C and
C++ is available.
Do note that WinRT only supports a subset of the APIs that are available to
Win32-based apps. Many portions of the Win32 API and the C runtime are not
A list of unsupported C APIs can be found at
General information on using the C runtime in WinRT can be found at
A list of supported Win32 APIs for Windows 8/RT apps can be found at
<http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/br205757.aspx>. To note,
the list of supported Win32 APIs for Windows Phone 8 development is different.
That list can be found at
### 7. Build and run your app ###
Your app project should now be setup, and you should be ready to build your app.
To run it on the local machine, open the Debug menu and choose "Start
Debugging". This will build your app, then run your app full-screen. To switch
out of your app, press the Windows key. Alternatively, you can choose to run
your app in a window. To do this, before building and running your app, find
the drop-down menu in Visual C++'s toolbar that says, "Local Machine". Expand
this by clicking on the arrow on the right side of the list, then click on
Simulator. Once you do that, any time you build and run the app, the app will
launch in window, rather than full-screen.
#### 7.A. Running apps on ARM-based devices ####
To build and run the app on ARM-based, "Windows RT" devices, you'll need to:
- install Microsoft's "Remote Debugger" on the device. Visual C++ installs and
debugs ARM-based apps via IP networks.
- change a few options on the development machine, both to make sure it builds
for ARM (rather than x86 or x64), and to make sure it knows how to find the
Windows RT device (on the network).
Microsoft's Remote Debugger can be found at
<http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/bt727f1t.aspx>. Please note
that separate versions of this debugger exist for different versions of Visual
C++, one for debugging with MSVC 2012, another for debugging with MSVC 2013.
To setup Visual C++ to launch your app on an ARM device:
1. make sure the Remote Debugger is running on your ARM device, and that it's on
the same IP network as your development machine.
2. from Visual C++'s toolbar, find a drop-down menu that says, "Win32". Click
it, then change the value to "ARM".
3. make sure Visual C++ knows the hostname or IP address of the ARM device. To
do this:
1. open the app project's properties
2. select "Debugging"
3. next to "Machine Name", enter the hostname or IP address of the ARM
4. if, and only if, you've turned off authentication in the Remote Debugger,
then change the setting for "Require Authentication" to No
5. click "OK"
4. build and run the app (from Visual C++). The first time you do this, a
prompt will show up on the ARM device, asking for a Microsoft Account. You
do, unfortunately, need to log in here, and will need to follow the
subsequent registration steps in order to launch the app. After you do so,
if the app didn't already launch, try relaunching it again from within Visual
#### Build fails with message, "error LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'vccorlib_lib_should_be_specified_before_msvcrt_lib_to_linker'"
Try adding the following to your linker flags. In MSVC, this can be done by
right-clicking on the app project, navigating to Configuration Properties ->
Linker -> Command Line, then adding them to the Additional Options
* For Release builds / MSVC-Configurations, add:
/nodefaultlib:vccorlib /nodefaultlib:msvcrt vccorlib.lib msvcrt.lib
* For Debug builds / MSVC-Configurations, add:
/nodefaultlib:vccorlibd /nodefaultlib:msvcrtd vccorlibd.lib msvcrtd.lib