When possible use native os functions to make a blocking call waiting for
an incoming event. Previous behavior was to continuously poll the event
queue with a small delay between each poll.
The blocking call uses a new optional video driver event,
WaitEventTimeout, if available. It is called only if an window
already shown is available. If present the window is designated
using the variable wakeup_window to receive a wakeup event if
The WaitEventTimeout function accept a timeout parameter. If
positive the call will wait for an event or return if the timeout
expired without any event. If the timeout is zero it will
implement a polling behavior. If the timeout is negative the
function will block indefinetely waiting for an event.
To let the main thread sees events sent form a different thread
a "wake-up" signal is sent to the main thread if the main thread
is in a blocking state. The wake-up event is sent to the designated
wakeup_window if present.
The wake-up event is sent only if the PushEvent call is coming
from a different thread. Before sending the wake-up event
the ID of the thread making the blocking call is saved using the
variable blocking_thread_id and it is compared to the current
thread's id to decide if the wake-up event should be sent.
Two new optional video device methods are introduced:
in addition the mutex
which is defined and initialized but only for the drivers supporting the
methods above.
If the methods are not present the system behaves as previously
performing a periodic polling of the events queue.
The blocking call is disabled if a joystick or sensor is detected
and falls back to previous behavior.
Currently doing 4 system calls per WM_INPUT message, which can cause the thread handling the message loop to be swapped out several times:
* GetProp - to get window data from the window handle
* GetRawInputData - to retrieve the raw input data
* 2 calls to GetMessageExtraInfo - to ignore synthetic mouse events generated for touchscreens
In this change:
* Replaced GetProp by iterating the list of windows maintained by SDL (with a fallback to GetProp). Note that this will affect all messages and not just WM_INPUT
* only calling GetMessageExtraInfo if a touchscreen has been detected
Fix for https://jira.valve.org/browse/CSGO-4855
On windows, when toggling the state of RelativeMode rapidly, there is a
will stop firing indefinitely.
This aims to resolve that shortcoming by ensuring mouse focus state is
correctly updated via WM_MOUSELEAVE events arriving via the windows
event hook.
For keys that are already down when we install the keyboard hook, we need to
allow the WM_KEYUP/WM_SYSKEYUP message to be processed normally. This ensures
that other applications see the key up, which prevents the key from being stuck
down from the perspective of other apps when our grab is released.
This adds SDL_SetWindowKeyboardGrab(), SDL_GetWindowKeyboardGrab(),
SDL_SetWindowMouseGrab(), SDL_GetWindowMouseGrab(), and new
SDL_WINDOW_KEYBOARD_GRABBED flag. It also updates the test harness to exercise
this functionality and makes a minor fix to X11 that I missed in
To fit in with this new support, SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_CAPTURE has been renamed to
SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_CAPTURE with the old name remaining as an alias for backwards
compatibility with older code.
This gives us flexibility to add others hints to control keyboard grab behavior
without having to touch all of the backends. It also allows us to possibly
expose keyboard grab separately from mouse grab for applications that want to
manage those independently.
This is implemented via a low-level keyboard hook. Unfortunately, this is
rather invasive, but it's how Microsoft recommends that it be done [0].
We want to do as little as possible in the hook, so we only intercept a few
crucial modifier keys there, while leaving other keys to the normal event
processing flow.
We will only install this hook if SDL_HINT_GRAB_KEYBOARD=1, which is not
the default. This will reduce any compatibility concerns to just the SDL
applications that explicitly ask for this behavior.
We also remove the hook when the grab is terminated to ensure that we're
not unnecessarily staying involved in key event processing when it's not
required anymore.
[0]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dxtecharts/disabling-shortcut-keys-in-games
- explicitly use UNICODE versions of DrawText, EnumDisplaySettings,
EnumDisplayDevices, and CreateDC: the underlying structures have
WCHAR strings.
- change WIN_UpdateDisplayMode and WIN_GetDisplayMode() to accept
LPCWSTR instead of LPCTSTR for the same reason.
- change WIN_StringToUTF8 and WIN_UTF8ToString to the explicit 'W'
versions where appropriate.
- SDL_video.c (SDL_ShowMessageBox): replace messageboxdata, set title
or message field to "" if either of them is NULL.
- SDL_video.c (SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox): set title or message to ""
if either of them is NULL for EMSCRIPTEN builds.
- SDL_bmessagebox.cc: add empty string check along with NULL check for
title and message fields.
- SDL_windowsmessagebox.c (AddDialogString): remove NULL string check
- SDL_windowsmessagebox.c (AddDialogControl): add empty string check
along with the NULL check.
- SDL_x11messagebox.c: revert commit 677c4cd68069
- SDL_os2messagebox.c: revert commit 2c2a489d76e7
- test/testmessage.c: Add NULL title and NULL message tests.
Ivan Mogilko
With SDL 2.0.12 under MS Windows, if the window is partially offscreen calling SDL_SetWindowGrab(w, SDL_TRUE) works, but subsequent call to SDL_SetWindowGrab(w, SDL_FALSE) does not work.
I tested this in both real program, and a small test app, where unlocking cursor worked perfectly while window is fully in desktop bounds, but did not work if it was at least few pixels outside.
For the reference, following code is enough to reproduce the issue:
#include <windows.h>
#include <SDL.h>
int WinMain(
HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nShowCmd)
SDL_Window* w = SDL_CreateWindow("", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 640, 400, 0);
bool grabbed = false;
bool want_quit = false;
while (!want_quit)
SDL_Event event;
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
switch (event.type)
case SDL_QUIT: want_quit = true; break;
if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE)
SDL_SetWindowGrab(w, static_cast<SDL_bool>(!grabbed));
grabbed = !grabbed;
return 0;
GetAsyncKeyState() and GetRawInputData() report the state of the physical
buttons without applying the user's primary/secondary mouse button swap
preference. Swap the buttons returned from these functions, so we expose a
consistent view of the buttons to SDL callers. This new behavior also matches
the behavior of macOS and X11 backends.
See the Remarks section of the GetAsyncKeyState() function on MSDN.
We should only perform the VK_LEFT, VK_UP, etc. mapping if none of the other
special mappings apply. This allows the scancode normalization for the number
pad to take place as intended.
- Displays may have been added, removed or changed and all cached monitor
handles are invalidated as a result.
- Display events are handled in three steps:
1. Mark all currently know displays as invalid
2. Enumerate all displays, adding new ones and marking known displays as valid
3. Remove all displays still invalid after enumeration
- Display connect/disconnect events are sent when displays are added or removed
after initial setup
This is handled in in the higher-level SDL_GL_LoadLibrary().
All uses of SDL_EGL_LoadLibrary (which calls the Only version) are just
target-specific wrappers for their own GL_LoadLibrary hook, with two
exceptions which now handle driver_loaded correctly (although it's
questionable if these init-if-no-one-did-it-correctly-already code blocks
should exist at all, fwiw).
Fixes Bugzilla #5190.
The two are only ever called together, and combining them makes it possible
to eliminate redundant symbol loading and redundant attempts to connect
to a display server.
On some systems, GetClipCursor() impacts performance when called frequently, so only call it every once in a while to make sure we haven't lost our capture.
Ryan C. Gordon
As discussed here:
"As you can see this function [WIN_UpdateWindowFramebuffer, in src/video/windows/SDL_windowsframebuffer.c] calls BitBlt on entire screen, even though it accepts the rects. Rects variable is not even used in this function at all. Now my question is why is that the case?"
Jimb Esser
Add new RawInput controller API, and improved correlation with XInput/WGI
Reorder joystick init so drivers can ask the others if they handle a device reliably
Do not poll disconnected XInput devices (major perf issue)
Fix various cases where incorrect correlation could happen
Simple mechanism for propagating unhandled Guide button presses even before guaranteed correlation
Correlate by axis motion as well as button presses
Fix failing to zero other trigger
Fix SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI not working if set before calling SDL_Init()
Add missing device to device names
Disable RawInput if we have a mismatch of XInput-capable but not RawInput-capable devices
Updated to SDL 2.0.13 code with the following notes:
New HID driver: xbox360w - no idea what that is, hopefully urelated
SDL_hidapijoystick.c had been refactored to couple data handling logic with device opening logic and device lists caused some problems, yields slightly uglier integration than previously when the 360 HID device driver was just handling the data.
SDL_hidapijoystick.c now often pulls the device off of the joystick_hwdata structure for some rumble logic, but it appears that code path is never reached, so probably not a problem.
Looks like joystick_hwdata was refactored to not include a mutex in other drivers, maintainers may want to do the same refactor here if that's useful for some reason.
Something changed in how devices get names, so getting generic names.
Had to fix a (new?) bug where removing an XInput controller caused existing controllers (that moved to a new XInput index) to get identified as 0x045e/0x02fd ("it's probably Bluetooth" in code), rendering the existing HIDAPI_IsDevicePresent and new RAWINPUT_IsDevicePresent unreliable.
It was done to allow hotkey resizing of borderless windows, but Windows will sometimes draw it, regardless of our WM_* message handling. See bug 4466 for more details.
Alex Denisov
When using Win10 on-screen keyboard (tooltip.exe), the left and right cursor keys in it do not produce SDLK_LEFT and SDLK_RIGHT events.
Windows messages generated by the on-screen keyboard, for some reason, have their scancodes set to zeroes. Here is the log from Spy++:
WM_KEYDOWN nVirtKey:VK_LEFT cRepeat:1 ScanCode:00 fExtended:0 fAltDown:0 fRepeat:0 fUp:0
WM_KEYUP nVirtKey:VK_LEFT cRepeat:1 ScanCode:00 fExtended:0 fAltDown:0 fRepeat:1 fUp:1
Regular physical keyboard produces VK_LEFT (ScanCode:4B) and VK_RIGHT (ScanCode:4D) which are interpreted correctly.
With on-screen keyboard, the switch statement in VKeytoScancode() does not check for VK_LEFT and VK_RIGHT, returning SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, which in turn does not get mapped to anything (because the scan codes are zeroes).