* For each theme in Windows 7, Windows 7 Basic, and Windows 7 Classic:
- Ran testsprite2
- Pressed Ctrl-G to grab the mouse
- Alt-tabbed away, verified mouse is no longer grabbed
- Alt-tabbed back, verified that mouse was grabbed
- Alt-tabbed away
- Clicked in the window, verified mouse was grabbed
- Alt-tabbed away
- Grabbed the title bar and dragged the window around successfully, verified that mouse was grabbed when move modal loop completed
- Alt-tabbed away
- Clicked the minimize button on the title bar, the window was successfully minimized
- Clicked on the icon in the task bar, the window was restored and the mouse grabbed again
- Alt-tabbed away
- Clicked the close button on the title bar, the window was successfully closed
A patch is attached. See bug #2570 for reasons you might want to compile this way.
When starting application with the usual "double click on file" method on Windows, only holding the last click, an unnecessary MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event is sent before the initial MOUSEMOTION event, and mouse button state is stuck in the sense that it takes a subsequent button release, followed by another press for the system to resume sending events (beginning with the next button release / MOUSEBUTTONUP event).
Input event log with held double-click startup: http://i.imgur.com/nypGKR2.png
Without: http://i.imgur.com/yaIqAvV.png
From Melesie
I noticed that when user switches from fullscreen mode to windowed mode and exits application while in windowed mode, Windows performs an additional change of display settings, even though desktop resolution is the same as current one. This causes short black screen to show up. The only way I know of avoiding this is to explicitly switch to default display settings found in registry. MSDN documentation for ChangeDisplaySettingsEx states:
Passing NULL for the lpDevMode parameter and 0 for the dwFlags parameter is the easiest way to return to the default mode after a dynamic mode change.
This would have been a one-line patch to the documentation (specifying that
captures only work as long as the left mouse button is pressed), but I didn't
like that, so I got a little crazy about this instead.
When I double click on a window, the "clicks" field (newly added since 2.0.2) in SDL_MouseButtonEvent is 1 instead of 2.
However, when I "tripple" click, "clicks" field is then 2.
I'v look into the source code in SDL_windowsevents.c and found that when a double click event comes, WIN_WindowProc will get a WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK msg. The message sequence of a double click is:WM_LBUTTONDOWN->WM_LBUTTONUP->WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK->WM_LBUTTONUP.