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Raw Normal View History

Simple DirectMedia Layer
2018-01-03 19:03:25 +01:00
Copyright (C) 1997-2018 Sam Lantinga <>
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "../../SDL_internal.h"
#include "SDL_hints.h"
#include "SDL_log.h"
#include "SDL_assert.h"
#include "SDL_opengl.h"
#include "../SDL_sysrender.h"
#include "SDL_shaders_gl.h"
#ifdef __MACOSX__
#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
/* To prevent unnecessary window recreation,
* these should match the defaults selected in SDL_GL_ResetAttributes
/* OpenGL renderer implementation */
/* Details on optimizing the texture path on Mac OS X:
/* Used to re-create the window with OpenGL capability */
extern int SDL_RecreateWindow(SDL_Window * window, Uint32 flags);
static const float inv255f = 1.0f / 255.0f;
typedef struct GL_FBOList GL_FBOList;
struct GL_FBOList
Uint32 w, h;
GLuint FBO;
GL_FBOList *next;
typedef struct
SDL_bool viewport_dirty;
SDL_Rect viewport;
SDL_Texture *texture;
SDL_Texture *target;
int drawablew;
int drawableh;
SDL_BlendMode blend;
GL_Shader shader;
SDL_bool cliprect_enabled_dirty;
SDL_bool cliprect_enabled;
SDL_bool cliprect_dirty;
SDL_Rect cliprect;
SDL_bool texturing;
Uint32 color;
Uint32 clear_color;
} GL_DrawStateCache;
typedef struct
SDL_GLContext context;
SDL_bool debug_enabled;
SDL_bool GL_ARB_debug_output_supported;
int errors;
char **error_messages;
GLDEBUGPROCARB next_error_callback;
GLvoid *next_error_userparam;
GLenum textype;
SDL_bool GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two_supported;
SDL_bool GL_ARB_texture_rectangle_supported;
SDL_bool GL_EXT_framebuffer_object_supported;
GL_FBOList *framebuffers;
/* OpenGL functions */
#define SDL_PROC(ret,func,params) ret (APIENTRY *func) params;
#include "SDL_glfuncs.h"
#undef SDL_PROC
/* Multitexture support */
SDL_bool GL_ARB_multitexture_supported;
GLint num_texture_units;
/* Shader support */
GL_ShaderContext *shaders;
GL_DrawStateCache drawstate;
} GL_RenderData;
typedef struct
GLuint texture;
GLfloat texw;
GLfloat texh;
GLenum format;
GLenum formattype;
void *pixels;
int pitch;
SDL_Rect locked_rect;
/* YUV texture support */
SDL_bool yuv;
SDL_bool nv12;
GLuint utexture;
GLuint vtexture;
GL_FBOList *fbo;
} GL_TextureData;
SDL_FORCE_INLINE const char*
GL_TranslateError (GLenum error)
#define GL_ERROR_TRANSLATE(e) case e: return #e;
switch (error) {
return "UNKNOWN";
GL_ClearErrors(SDL_Renderer *renderer)
GL_RenderData *data = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
if (!data->debug_enabled)
if (data->GL_ARB_debug_output_supported) {
if (data->errors) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < data->errors; ++i) {
data->errors = 0;
data->error_messages = NULL;
} else {
while (data->glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) {
GL_CheckAllErrors (const char *prefix, SDL_Renderer *renderer, const char *file, int line, const char *function)
GL_RenderData *data = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
int ret = 0;
if (!data->debug_enabled)
return 0;
if (data->GL_ARB_debug_output_supported) {
if (data->errors) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < data->errors; ++i) {
SDL_SetError("%s: %s (%d): %s %s", prefix, file, line, function, data->error_messages[i]);
ret = -1;
} else {
/* check gl errors (can return multiple errors) */
for (;;) {
GLenum error = data->glGetError();
if (error != GL_NO_ERROR) {
if (prefix == NULL || prefix[0] == '\0') {
prefix = "generic";
SDL_SetError("%s: %s (%d): %s %s (0x%X)", prefix, file, line, function, GL_TranslateError(error), error);
ret = -1;
} else {
return ret;
#if 0
#define GL_CheckError(prefix, renderer)
#define GL_CheckError(prefix, renderer) GL_CheckAllErrors(prefix, renderer, SDL_FILE, SDL_LINE, SDL_FUNCTION)
static int
GL_LoadFunctions(GL_RenderData * data)
#define SDL_PROC(ret,func,params) data->func=func;
#define SDL_PROC(ret,func,params) \
do { \
data->func = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(#func); \
if ( ! data->func ) { \
2017-03-26 21:00:19 +02:00
return SDL_SetError("Couldn't load GL function %s: %s", #func, SDL_GetError()); \
} \
} while ( 0 );
#endif /* __SDL_NOGETPROCADDR__ */
#include "SDL_glfuncs.h"
#undef SDL_PROC
return 0;
static int
GL_ActivateRenderer(SDL_Renderer * renderer)
GL_RenderData *data = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
if (SDL_GL_GetCurrentContext() != data->context) {
if (SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(renderer->window, data->context) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
static void APIENTRY
GL_HandleDebugMessage(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const char *message, const void *userParam)
SDL_Renderer *renderer = (SDL_Renderer *) userParam;
GL_RenderData *data = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
if (type == GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB) {
/* Record this error */
int errors = data->errors + 1;
char **error_messages = SDL_realloc(data->error_messages, errors * sizeof(*data->error_messages));
if (error_messages) {
data->errors = errors;
data->error_messages = error_messages;
data->error_messages[data->errors-1] = SDL_strdup(message);
/* If there's another error callback, pass it along, otherwise log it */
if (data->next_error_callback) {
data->next_error_callback(source, type, id, severity, length, message, data->next_error_userparam);
} else {
if (type == GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB) {
SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RENDER, "%s", message);
} else {
SDL_LogDebug(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RENDER, "%s", message);
static GL_FBOList *
GL_GetFBO(GL_RenderData *data, Uint32 w, Uint32 h)
GL_FBOList *result = data->framebuffers;
while (result && ((result->w != w) || (result->h != h))) {
result = result->next;
if (!result) {
result = SDL_malloc(sizeof(GL_FBOList));
if (result) {
result->w = w;
result->h = h;
data->glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, &result->FBO);
result->next = data->framebuffers;
data->framebuffers = result;
return result;
static int
GL_GetOutputSize(SDL_Renderer * renderer, int *w, int *h)
SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(renderer->window, w, h);
return 0;
static GLenum GetBlendFunc(SDL_BlendFactor factor)
switch (factor) {
return GL_ZERO;
return GL_ONE;
return GL_SRC_COLOR;
return GL_SRC_ALPHA;
return GL_DST_COLOR;
return GL_DST_ALPHA;
static GLenum GetBlendEquation(SDL_BlendOperation operation)
switch (operation) {
return GL_FUNC_ADD;
static SDL_bool
GL_SupportsBlendMode(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_BlendMode blendMode)
SDL_BlendFactor srcColorFactor = SDL_GetBlendModeSrcColorFactor(blendMode);
SDL_BlendFactor srcAlphaFactor = SDL_GetBlendModeSrcAlphaFactor(blendMode);
SDL_BlendOperation colorOperation = SDL_GetBlendModeColorOperation(blendMode);
SDL_BlendFactor dstColorFactor = SDL_GetBlendModeDstColorFactor(blendMode);
SDL_BlendFactor dstAlphaFactor = SDL_GetBlendModeDstAlphaFactor(blendMode);
SDL_BlendOperation alphaOperation = SDL_GetBlendModeAlphaOperation(blendMode);
if (GetBlendFunc(srcColorFactor) == GL_INVALID_ENUM ||
GetBlendFunc(srcAlphaFactor) == GL_INVALID_ENUM ||
GetBlendEquation(colorOperation) == GL_INVALID_ENUM ||
GetBlendFunc(dstColorFactor) == GL_INVALID_ENUM ||
GetBlendFunc(dstAlphaFactor) == GL_INVALID_ENUM ||
GetBlendEquation(alphaOperation) == GL_INVALID_ENUM) {
return SDL_FALSE;
if (colorOperation != alphaOperation) {
return SDL_FALSE;
return SDL_TRUE;
power_of_2(int input)
int value = 1;
while (value < input) {
value <<= 1;
return value;
convert_format(GL_RenderData *renderdata, Uint32 pixel_format,
GLint* internalFormat, GLenum* format, GLenum* type)
switch (pixel_format) {
*internalFormat = GL_RGBA8;
*format = GL_BGRA;
*type = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;
*internalFormat = GL_LUMINANCE;
*format = GL_LUMINANCE;
#ifdef __MACOSX__
*internalFormat = GL_RGB8;
*format = GL_YCBCR_422_APPLE;
return SDL_FALSE;
return SDL_TRUE;
static int
GL_CreateTexture(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture)
GL_RenderData *renderdata = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
const GLenum textype = renderdata->textype;
GL_TextureData *data;
GLint internalFormat;
GLenum format, type;
int texture_w, texture_h;
GLenum scaleMode;
if (texture->access == SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET &&
!renderdata->GL_EXT_framebuffer_object_supported) {
return SDL_SetError("Render targets not supported by OpenGL");
if (!convert_format(renderdata, texture->format, &internalFormat,
&format, &type)) {
return SDL_SetError("Texture format %s not supported by OpenGL",
data = (GL_TextureData *) SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(*data));
if (!data) {
return SDL_OutOfMemory();
if (texture->access == SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING) {
size_t size;
data->pitch = texture->w * SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(texture->format);
size = texture->h * data->pitch;
if (texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YV12 ||
texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_IYUV) {
/* Need to add size for the U and V planes */
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
size += 2 * ((texture->h + 1) / 2) * ((data->pitch + 1) / 2);
if (texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV12 ||
texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV21) {
/* Need to add size for the U/V plane */
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
size += 2 * ((texture->h + 1) / 2) * ((data->pitch + 1) / 2);
data->pixels = SDL_calloc(1, size);
if (!data->pixels) {
return SDL_OutOfMemory();
if (texture->access == SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET) {
data->fbo = GL_GetFBO(renderdata, texture->w, texture->h);
} else {
data->fbo = NULL;
GL_CheckError("", renderer);
renderdata->glGenTextures(1, &data->texture);
if (GL_CheckError("glGenTextures()", renderer) < 0) {
if (data->pixels) {
return -1;
texture->driverdata = data;
if (renderdata->GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two_supported) {
texture_w = texture->w;
texture_h = texture->h;
data->texw = 1.0f;
data->texh = 1.0f;
} else if (renderdata->GL_ARB_texture_rectangle_supported) {
texture_w = texture->w;
texture_h = texture->h;
data->texw = (GLfloat) texture_w;
data->texh = (GLfloat) texture_h;
} else {
texture_w = power_of_2(texture->w);
texture_h = power_of_2(texture->h);
data->texw = (GLfloat) (texture->w) / texture_w;
data->texh = (GLfloat) texture->h / texture_h;
data->format = format;
data->formattype = type;
scaleMode = (texture->scaleMode == SDL_ScaleModeNearest) ? GL_NEAREST : GL_LINEAR;
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->texture);
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, scaleMode);
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, scaleMode);
/* According to the spec, CLAMP_TO_EDGE is the default for TEXTURE_RECTANGLE
and setting it causes an INVALID_ENUM error in the latest NVidia drivers.
if (textype != GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,
#ifdef __MACOSX__
if (texture->access == SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING) {
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_STORAGE_HINT_APPLE,
} else {
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_STORAGE_HINT_APPLE,
if (texture->access == SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING
&& texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888
&& (texture->w % 8) == 0) {
renderdata->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
(data->pitch / SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(texture->format)));
renderdata->glTexImage2D(textype, 0, internalFormat, texture_w,
texture_h, 0, format, type, data->pixels);
renderdata->glTexImage2D(textype, 0, internalFormat, texture_w,
texture_h, 0, format, type, NULL);
if (GL_CheckError("glTexImage2D()", renderer) < 0) {
return -1;
if (texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YV12 ||
texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_IYUV) {
data->yuv = SDL_TRUE;
renderdata->glGenTextures(1, &data->utexture);
renderdata->glGenTextures(1, &data->vtexture);
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->utexture);
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,
renderdata->glTexImage2D(textype, 0, internalFormat, (texture_w+1)/2,
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
(texture_h+1)/2, 0, format, type, NULL);
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->vtexture);
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,
renderdata->glTexImage2D(textype, 0, internalFormat, (texture_w+1)/2,
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
(texture_h+1)/2, 0, format, type, NULL);
if (texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV12 ||
texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV21) {
data->nv12 = SDL_TRUE;
renderdata->glGenTextures(1, &data->utexture);
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->utexture);
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,
renderdata->glTexParameteri(textype, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,
renderdata->glTexImage2D(textype, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, (texture_w+1)/2,
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
return GL_CheckError("", renderer);
static int
GL_UpdateTexture(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
const SDL_Rect * rect, const void *pixels, int pitch)
GL_RenderData *renderdata = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
const GLenum textype = renderdata->textype;
GL_TextureData *data = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
const int texturebpp = SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(texture->format);
SDL_assert(texturebpp != 0); /* otherwise, division by zero later. */
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->texture);
renderdata->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
renderdata->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (pitch / texturebpp));
renderdata->glTexSubImage2D(textype, 0, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w,
rect->h, data->format, data->formattype,
if (data->yuv) {
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
renderdata->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, ((pitch + 1) / 2));
/* Skip to the correct offset into the next texture */
pixels = (const void*)((const Uint8*)pixels + rect->h * pitch);
if (texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YV12) {
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->vtexture);
} else {
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->utexture);
renderdata->glTexSubImage2D(textype, 0, rect->x/2, rect->y/2,
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
(rect->w+1)/2, (rect->h+1)/2,
data->format, data->formattype, pixels);
/* Skip to the correct offset into the next texture */
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
pixels = (const void*)((const Uint8*)pixels + ((rect->h + 1) / 2) * ((pitch + 1) / 2));
if (texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YV12) {
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->utexture);
} else {
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->vtexture);
renderdata->glTexSubImage2D(textype, 0, rect->x/2, rect->y/2,
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
(rect->w+1)/2, (rect->h+1)/2,
data->format, data->formattype, pixels);
if (data->nv12) {
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
renderdata->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, ((pitch + 1) / 2));
/* Skip to the correct offset into the next texture */
pixels = (const void*)((const Uint8*)pixels + rect->h * pitch);
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->utexture);
renderdata->glTexSubImage2D(textype, 0, rect->x/2, rect->y/2,
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
(rect->w + 1)/2, (rect->h + 1)/2,
return GL_CheckError("glTexSubImage2D()", renderer);
static int
GL_UpdateTextureYUV(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
const SDL_Rect * rect,
const Uint8 *Yplane, int Ypitch,
const Uint8 *Uplane, int Upitch,
const Uint8 *Vplane, int Vpitch)
GL_RenderData *renderdata = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
const GLenum textype = renderdata->textype;
GL_TextureData *data = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->texture);
renderdata->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
renderdata->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, Ypitch);
renderdata->glTexSubImage2D(textype, 0, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w,
rect->h, data->format, data->formattype,
renderdata->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, Upitch);
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->utexture);
renderdata->glTexSubImage2D(textype, 0, rect->x/2, rect->y/2,
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
(rect->w + 1)/2, (rect->h + 1)/2,
data->format, data->formattype, Uplane);
renderdata->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, Vpitch);
renderdata->glBindTexture(textype, data->vtexture);
renderdata->glTexSubImage2D(textype, 0, rect->x/2, rect->y/2,
Fixed bug 3857 - SDL_ConvertPixels misses YUV conversions Sylvain Few issues with YUV on SDL2 when using odd dimensions, and missing conversions from/back to YUV formats. 1) The big part is that SDL_ConvertPixels() does not convert to/from YUV in most cases. This now works with any format and also with odd dimensions, by adding two internal functions SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 and SDL_ConvertPixels_ARGB8888_to_YUV (could it be XRGB888 ?). The target format is hard coded to ARGB888 (which is the default in the internal of the software renderer). In case of different YUV conversion, it will do an intermediate conversion to a ARGB8888 buffer. SDL_ConvertPixels_YUV_to_ARGB8888 is somehow redundant with all the "Color*Dither*Mod*". But it allows some completeness of SDL_ConvertPixels to handle all YUV format. It also works with odd dimensions. Moreover, I did some benchmark(SDL_ConvertPixel vs Color32DitherYV12Mod1X and Color32DitherYUY2Mod1X). gcc-6.3 and clang-4.0. gcc performs better than clang. And, with gcc, SDL_ConvertPixels() performs better (20%) than the two C function Color32Dither*(). For instance, to convert 10 times a 3888x2592 image, it takes ~195 ms with SDL_ConvertPixels and ~235 ms with Color32Dither*(). Especially because of gcc vectorize feature that optimises all conversion loops (-ftree-loop-vectorize). Nb: I put no image pitch for the YUV buffers. because it complexify a little bit the code and the API : There would be some ambiguity when setting the pitch exactly to image width: would it a be pitch of image width (for luma and chroma). or just contiguous data ? (could set pitch=0 for the later). 2) Small issues with odd dimensions: If width "w" is odd, luma plane width is still "w" whereas chroma planes will be "(w + 1)/2". Almost the same for odd h. Solution is to strategically substitute "w" by "(w+1)/2" at the good places ... - In the repository, SDL_ConvertPixels() handles YUV only if yuv source format is exactly the same as YUV destination format. It basically does a memcpy of pixels, but it's done incorrectly when width or height is odd (wrong size of chroma planes). This is fixed. - SDL Renderers don't support odd width/height for YUV textures. This is fixed for software, opengl, opengles2. (opengles 1 does not support it and fallback to software rendering). This is *not* fixed for D3D and D3D11 ... (and others, psp ?) Only *two* Dither function are fixed ... not sure if others are really used. - This is not possible to create a NV12/NV12 texture with the software renderer, whereas other renderers allow it. This is fixed, by using SDL_ConvertPixels underneath. - It was not possible to SDL_UpdateTexture() of format NV12/NV21 with the software renderer. this is fixed. Here's also two testcases: - that do all combination of conversion. - to test partial UpdateTexture
2017-10-07 01:50:24 +02:00
(rect->w + 1)/2, (rect->h + 1)/2,
data->format, data->formattype, Vplane);
return GL_CheckError("glTexSubImage2D()", renderer);
static int
GL_LockTexture(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
const SDL_Rect * rect, void **pixels, int *pitch)
GL_TextureData *data = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
data->locked_rect = *rect;
*pixels =
(void *) ((Uint8 *) data->pixels + rect->y * data->pitch +
rect->x * SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(texture->format));
*pitch = data->pitch;
return 0;
static void
GL_UnlockTexture(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture)
GL_TextureData *data = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
const SDL_Rect *rect;
void *pixels;
rect = &data->locked_rect;
pixels =
(void *) ((Uint8 *) data->pixels + rect->y * data->pitch +
rect->x * SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(texture->format));
GL_UpdateTexture(renderer, texture, rect, pixels, data->pitch);
static int
GL_SetRenderTarget(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture)
GL_RenderData *data = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
GL_TextureData *texturedata;
GLenum status;
if (!data->GL_EXT_framebuffer_object_supported) {
return SDL_SetError("Render targets not supported by OpenGL");
if (texture == NULL) {
data->glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
return 0;
texturedata = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
data->glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, texturedata->fbo->FBO);
/* TODO: check if texture pixel format allows this operation */
data->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, data->textype, texturedata->texture, 0);
/* Check FBO status */
status = data->glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);
return SDL_SetError("glFramebufferTexture2DEXT() failed");
return 0;
/* !!! FIXME: all these Queue* calls set up the vertex buffer the way the immediate mode
!!! FIXME: renderer wants it, but this might want to operate differently if we move to
!!! FIXME: VBOs at some point. */
static int
GL_QueueSetViewport(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_RenderCommand *cmd)
return 0; /* nothing to do in this backend. */
static int
GL_QueueDrawPoints(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_RenderCommand *cmd, const SDL_FPoint * points, int count)
GLfloat *verts = (GLfloat *) SDL_AllocateRenderVertices(renderer, count * 2 * sizeof (GLfloat), 0, &cmd->data.draw.first);
size_t i;
if (!verts) {
return -1;
cmd->data.draw.count = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
*(verts++) = 0.5f + points[i].x;
*(verts++) = 0.5f + points[i].y;
return 0;
static int
GL_QueueFillRects(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_RenderCommand *cmd, const SDL_FRect * rects, int count)
GLfloat *verts = (GLfloat *) SDL_AllocateRenderVertices(renderer, count * 4 * sizeof (GLfloat), 0, &cmd->data.draw.first);
size_t i;
if (!verts) {
return -1;
cmd->data.draw.count = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const SDL_FRect *rect = &rects[i];
*(verts++) = rect->x;
*(verts++) = rect->y;
*(verts++) = rect->x + rect->w;
*(verts++) = rect->y + rect->h;
return 0;
static int
GL_QueueCopy(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_RenderCommand *cmd, SDL_Texture * texture,
const SDL_Rect * srcrect, const SDL_FRect * dstrect)
GL_TextureData *texturedata = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
GLfloat minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
GLfloat minu, maxu, minv, maxv;
GLfloat *verts = (GLfloat *) SDL_AllocateRenderVertices(renderer, 8 * sizeof (GLfloat), 0, &cmd->data.draw.first);
if (!verts) {
return -1;
cmd->data.draw.count = 1;
minx = dstrect->x;
miny = dstrect->y;
maxx = dstrect->x + dstrect->w;
maxy = dstrect->y + dstrect->h;
minu = (GLfloat) srcrect->x / texture->w;
minu *= texturedata->texw;
maxu = (GLfloat) (srcrect->x + srcrect->w) / texture->w;
maxu *= texturedata->texw;
minv = (GLfloat) srcrect->y / texture->h;
minv *= texturedata->texh;
maxv = (GLfloat) (srcrect->y + srcrect->h) / texture->h;
maxv *= texturedata->texh;
cmd->data.draw.count = 1;
*(verts++) = minx;
*(verts++) = miny;
*(verts++) = maxx;
*(verts++) = maxy;
*(verts++) = minu;
*(verts++) = maxu;
*(verts++) = minv;
*(verts++) = maxv;
return 0;
static int
GL_QueueCopyEx(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_RenderCommand *cmd, SDL_Texture * texture,
const SDL_Rect * srcrect, const SDL_FRect * dstrect,
const double angle, const SDL_FPoint *center, const SDL_RendererFlip flip)
GL_TextureData *texturedata = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
GLfloat minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
GLfloat centerx, centery;
GLfloat minu, maxu, minv, maxv;
GLfloat *verts = (GLfloat *) SDL_AllocateRenderVertices(renderer, 11 * sizeof (GLfloat), 0, &cmd->data.draw.first);
if (!verts) {
return -1;
centerx = center->x;
centery = center->y;
minx = dstrect->w - centerx;
maxx = -centerx;
else {
minx = -centerx;
maxx = dstrect->w - centerx;
if (flip & SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL) {
miny = dstrect->h - centery;
maxy = -centery;
else {
miny = -centery;
maxy = dstrect->h - centery;
minu = (GLfloat) srcrect->x / texture->w;
minu *= texturedata->texw;
maxu = (GLfloat) (srcrect->x + srcrect->w) / texture->w;
maxu *= texturedata->texw;
minv = (GLfloat) srcrect->y / texture->h;
minv *= texturedata->texh;
maxv = (GLfloat) (srcrect->y + srcrect->h) / texture->h;
maxv *= texturedata->texh;
cmd->data.draw.count = 1;
*(verts++) = minx;
*(verts++) = miny;
*(verts++) = maxx;
*(verts++) = maxy;
*(verts++) = minu;
*(verts++) = maxu;
*(verts++) = minv;
*(verts++) = maxv;
*(verts++) = (GLfloat) dstrect->x + centerx;
*(verts++) = (GLfloat) dstrect->y + centery;
*(verts++) = (GLfloat) angle;
return 0;
static void
SetDrawState(GL_RenderData *data, const SDL_RenderCommand *cmd, const GL_Shader shader)
const SDL_BlendMode blend = cmd->data.draw.blend;
if (data->drawstate.viewport_dirty) {
const SDL_bool istarget = data-> != NULL;
const SDL_Rect *viewport = &data->drawstate.viewport;
istarget ? viewport->y : (data->drawstate.drawableh - viewport->y - viewport->h),
viewport->w, viewport->h);
if (viewport->w && viewport->h) {
data->glOrtho((GLdouble) 0, (GLdouble) viewport->w,
(GLdouble) istarget ? 0 : viewport->h,
(GLdouble) istarget ? viewport->h : 0,
0.0, 1.0);
data->drawstate.viewport_dirty = SDL_FALSE;
if (data->drawstate.cliprect_enabled_dirty) {
if (!data->drawstate.cliprect_enabled) {
} else {
data->drawstate.cliprect_enabled_dirty = SDL_FALSE;
if (data->drawstate.cliprect_enabled && data->drawstate.cliprect_dirty) {
const SDL_Rect *viewport = &data->drawstate.viewport;
const SDL_Rect *rect = &data->drawstate.cliprect;
data->glScissor(viewport->x + rect->x,
data-> ? viewport->y + rect->y : data->drawstate.drawableh - viewport->y - rect->y - rect->h,
rect->w, rect->h);
data->drawstate.cliprect_dirty = SDL_FALSE;
if (blend != data->drawstate.blend) {
if (blend == SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE) {
} else {
data->drawstate.blend = blend;
if (data->shaders && (shader != data->drawstate.shader)) {
GL_SelectShader(data->shaders, shader);
data->drawstate.shader = shader;
if ((cmd->data.draw.texture != NULL) != data->drawstate.texturing) {
if (cmd->data.draw.texture == NULL) {
data->drawstate.texturing = SDL_FALSE;
} else {
data->drawstate.texturing = SDL_TRUE;
static void
SetCopyState(GL_RenderData *data, const SDL_RenderCommand *cmd)
SDL_Texture *texture = cmd->data.draw.texture;
const GL_TextureData *texturedata = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
GL_Shader shader = SHADER_RGB;
if (data->shaders) {
if (texturedata->yuv || texturedata->nv12) {
switch (SDL_GetYUVConversionModeForResolution(texture->w, texture->h)) {
if (texturedata->yuv) {
} else if (texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV12) {
shader = SHADER_NV12_JPEG;
} else {
shader = SHADER_NV21_JPEG;
if (texturedata->yuv) {
shader = SHADER_YUV_BT601;
} else if (texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV12) {
shader = SHADER_NV12_BT601;
} else {
shader = SHADER_NV21_BT601;
if (texturedata->yuv) {
shader = SHADER_YUV_BT709;
} else if (texture->format == SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV12) {
shader = SHADER_NV12_BT709;
} else {
shader = SHADER_NV21_BT709;
SDL_assert(!"unsupported YUV conversion mode");
SetDrawState(data, cmd, shader);
if (texture != data->drawstate.texture) {
const GLenum textype = data->textype;
if (texturedata->yuv) {
data->glBindTexture(textype, texturedata->vtexture);
data->glBindTexture(textype, texturedata->utexture);
if (texturedata->nv12) {
data->glBindTexture(textype, texturedata->utexture);
data->glBindTexture(textype, texturedata->texture);
data->drawstate.texture = texture;
static int
GL_RunCommandQueue(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_RenderCommand *cmd, void *vertices, size_t vertsize)
/* !!! FIXME: it'd be nice to use a vertex buffer instead of immediate mode... */
GL_RenderData *data = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
size_t i;
if (GL_ActivateRenderer(renderer) < 0) {
return -1;
data-> = renderer->target;
if (!data-> {
SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(renderer->window, &data->drawstate.drawablew, &data->drawstate.drawableh);
while (cmd) {
switch (cmd->command) {
const Uint8 r = cmd->data.color.r;
const Uint8 g = cmd->data.color.g;
const Uint8 b = cmd->data.color.b;
const Uint8 a = cmd->data.color.a;
const Uint32 color = ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);
if (color != data->drawstate.color) {
data->glColor4f((GLfloat) r * inv255f,
(GLfloat) g * inv255f,
(GLfloat) b * inv255f,
(GLfloat) a * inv255f);
data->drawstate.color = color;
SDL_Rect *viewport = &data->drawstate.viewport;
if (SDL_memcmp(viewport, &cmd->data.viewport.rect, sizeof (SDL_Rect)) != 0) {
SDL_memcpy(viewport, &cmd->data.viewport.rect, sizeof (SDL_Rect));
data->drawstate.viewport_dirty = SDL_TRUE;
const SDL_Rect *rect = &cmd->data.cliprect.rect;
if (data->drawstate.cliprect_enabled != cmd->data.cliprect.enabled) {
data->drawstate.cliprect_enabled = cmd->data.cliprect.enabled;
data->drawstate.cliprect_enabled_dirty = SDL_TRUE;
if (SDL_memcmp(&data->drawstate.cliprect, rect, sizeof (SDL_Rect)) != 0) {
SDL_memcpy(&data->drawstate.cliprect, rect, sizeof (SDL_Rect));
data->drawstate.cliprect_dirty = SDL_TRUE;
const Uint8 r = cmd->data.color.r;
const Uint8 g = cmd->data.color.g;
const Uint8 b = cmd->data.color.b;
const Uint8 a = cmd->data.color.a;
const Uint32 color = ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);
if (color != data->drawstate.clear_color) {
const GLfloat fr = ((GLfloat) r) * inv255f;
const GLfloat fg = ((GLfloat) g) * inv255f;
const GLfloat fb = ((GLfloat) b) * inv255f;
const GLfloat fa = ((GLfloat) a) * inv255f;
data->glClearColor(fr, fg, fb, fa);
data->drawstate.clear_color = color;
if (data->drawstate.cliprect_enabled) {
data->drawstate.cliprect_enabled_dirty = SDL_TRUE;
const size_t count = cmd->data.draw.count;
const GLfloat *verts = (GLfloat *) (((Uint8 *) vertices) + cmd->data.draw.first);
SetDrawState(data, cmd, SHADER_SOLID);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, verts += 2) {
data->glVertex2f(verts[0], verts[1]);
const GLfloat *verts = (GLfloat *) (((Uint8 *) vertices) + cmd->data.draw.first);
const size_t count = cmd->data.draw.count;
SetDrawState(data, cmd, SHADER_SOLID);
if (count > 2 && (verts[0] == verts[(count-1)*2]) && (verts[1] == verts[(count*2)-1])) {
/* GL_LINE_LOOP takes care of the final segment */
for (i = 1; i < count; ++i, verts += 2) {
data->glVertex2f(verts[0], verts[1]);
} else {
#if defined(__MACOSX__) || defined(__WIN32__)
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i, verts += 2) {
data->glVertex2f(verts[0], verts[1]);
/* The line is half open, so we need one more point to complete it.
* If we have to, we can use vertical line and horizontal line textures
* for vertical and horizontal lines, and then create custom textures
* for diagonal lines and software render those. It's terrible, but at
* least it would be pixel perfect.
#if defined(__MACOSX__) || defined(__WIN32__)
/* Mac OS X and Windows seem to always leave the last point open */
data->glVertex2f(verts[(count-1)*2], verts[(count*2)-1]);
/* Linux seems to leave the right-most or bottom-most point open */
x1 = verts[0];
y1 = verts[1];
x2 = verts[(count-1)*2];
y2 = verts[(count*2)-1];
if (x1 > x2) {
data->glVertex2f(x1, y1);
} else if (x2 > x1) {
data->glVertex2f(x2, y2);
if (y1 > y2) {
data->glVertex2f(x1, y1);
} else if (y2 > y1) {
data->glVertex2f(x2, y2);
const size_t count = cmd->data.draw.count;
const GLfloat *verts = (GLfloat *) (((Uint8 *) vertices) + cmd->data.draw.first);
SetDrawState(data, cmd, SHADER_SOLID);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i, verts += 4) {
data->glRectf(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3]);
const GLfloat *verts = (GLfloat *) (((Uint8 *) vertices) + cmd->data.draw.first);
const GLfloat minx = verts[0];
const GLfloat miny = verts[1];
const GLfloat maxx = verts[2];
const GLfloat maxy = verts[3];
const GLfloat minu = verts[4];
const GLfloat maxu = verts[5];
const GLfloat minv = verts[6];
const GLfloat maxv = verts[7];
SetCopyState(data, cmd);
data->glTexCoord2f(minu, minv);
data->glVertex2f(minx, miny);
data->glTexCoord2f(maxu, minv);
data->glVertex2f(maxx, miny);
data->glTexCoord2f(minu, maxv);
data->glVertex2f(minx, maxy);
data->glTexCoord2f(maxu, maxv);
data->glVertex2f(maxx, maxy);
const GLfloat *verts = (GLfloat *) (((Uint8 *) vertices) + cmd->data.draw.first);
const GLfloat minx = verts[0];
const GLfloat miny = verts[1];
const GLfloat maxx = verts[2];
const GLfloat maxy = verts[3];
const GLfloat minu = verts[4];
const GLfloat maxu = verts[5];
const GLfloat minv = verts[6];
const GLfloat maxv = verts[7];
const GLfloat translatex = verts[8];
const GLfloat translatey = verts[9];
const GLdouble angle = verts[10];
SetCopyState(data, cmd);
/* Translate to flip, rotate, translate to position */
data->glTranslatef(translatex, translatey, 0.0f);
data->glRotated(angle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
data->glTexCoord2f(minu, minv);
data->glVertex2f(minx, miny);
data->glTexCoord2f(maxu, minv);
data->glVertex2f(maxx, miny);
data->glTexCoord2f(minu, maxv);
data->glVertex2f(minx, maxy);
data->glTexCoord2f(maxu, maxv);
data->glVertex2f(maxx, maxy);
cmd = cmd->next;
return GL_CheckError("", renderer);
static int
GL_RenderReadPixels(SDL_Renderer * renderer, const SDL_Rect * rect,
Uint32 pixel_format, void * pixels, int pitch)
GL_RenderData *data = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
Uint32 temp_format = renderer->target ? renderer->target->format : SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888;
void *temp_pixels;
int temp_pitch;
GLint internalFormat;
GLenum format, type;
Uint8 *src, *dst, *tmp;
int w, h, length, rows;
int status;
if (!convert_format(data, temp_format, &internalFormat, &format, &type)) {
return SDL_SetError("Texture format %s not supported by OpenGL",
if (!rect->w || !rect->h) {
return 0; /* nothing to do. */
temp_pitch = rect->w * SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(temp_format);
temp_pixels = SDL_malloc(rect->h * temp_pitch);
if (!temp_pixels) {
return SDL_OutOfMemory();
SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(renderer, &w, &h);
data->glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
(temp_pitch / SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(temp_format)));
data->glReadPixels(rect->x, renderer->target ? rect->y : (h-rect->y)-rect->h,
rect->w, rect->h, format, type, temp_pixels);
if (GL_CheckError("glReadPixels()", renderer) < 0) {
return -1;
/* Flip the rows to be top-down if necessary */
if (!renderer->target) {
SDL_bool isstack;
length = rect->w * SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(temp_format);
src = (Uint8*)temp_pixels + (rect->h-1)*temp_pitch;
dst = (Uint8*)temp_pixels;
tmp = SDL_small_alloc(Uint8, length, &isstack);
rows = rect->h / 2;
while (rows--) {
SDL_memcpy(tmp, dst, length);
SDL_memcpy(dst, src, length);
SDL_memcpy(src, tmp, length);
dst += temp_pitch;
src -= temp_pitch;
SDL_small_free(tmp, isstack);
status = SDL_ConvertPixels(rect->w, rect->h,
temp_format, temp_pixels, temp_pitch,
pixel_format, pixels, pitch);
return status;
static void
GL_RenderPresent(SDL_Renderer * renderer)
static void
GL_DestroyTexture(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture)
GL_RenderData *renderdata = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
GL_TextureData *data = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
if (renderdata->drawstate.texture == texture) {
renderdata->drawstate.texture = NULL;
if (renderdata-> == texture) {
renderdata-> = NULL;
if (!data) {
if (data->texture) {
renderdata->glDeleteTextures(1, &data->texture);
if (data->yuv) {
renderdata->glDeleteTextures(1, &data->utexture);
renderdata->glDeleteTextures(1, &data->vtexture);
texture->driverdata = NULL;
static void
GL_DestroyRenderer(SDL_Renderer * renderer)
GL_RenderData *data = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
if (data) {
if (data->context != NULL) {
/* make sure we delete the right resources! */
if (data->GL_ARB_debug_output_supported) {
/* Uh oh, we don't have a safe way of removing ourselves from the callback chain, if it changed after we set our callback. */
/* For now, just always replace the callback with the original one */
glDebugMessageCallbackARBFunc(data->next_error_callback, data->next_error_userparam);
if (data->shaders) {
if (data->context) {
while (data->framebuffers) {
GL_FBOList *nextnode = data->framebuffers->next;
/* delete the framebuffer object */
data->glDeleteFramebuffersEXT(1, &data->framebuffers->FBO);
GL_CheckError("", renderer);
data->framebuffers = nextnode;
static int
GL_BindTexture (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture *texture, float *texw, float *texh)
GL_RenderData *data = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
GL_TextureData *texturedata = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
const GLenum textype = data->textype;
if (texturedata->yuv) {
data->glBindTexture(textype, texturedata->vtexture);
data->glBindTexture(textype, texturedata->utexture);
data->glBindTexture(textype, texturedata->texture);
if(texw) *texw = (float)texturedata->texw;
if(texh) *texh = (float)texturedata->texh;
return 0;
static int
GL_UnbindTexture (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture *texture)
GL_RenderData *data = (GL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
GL_TextureData *texturedata = (GL_TextureData *) texture->driverdata;
const GLenum textype = data->textype;
if (texturedata->yuv) {
return 0;
SDL_Renderer *
GL_CreateRenderer(SDL_Window * window, Uint32 flags)
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
GL_RenderData *data;
GLint value;
Uint32 window_flags;
int profile_mask = 0, major = 0, minor = 0;
SDL_bool changed_window = SDL_FALSE;
SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, &profile_mask);
window_flags = SDL_GetWindowFlags(window);
if (!(window_flags & SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL) ||
changed_window = SDL_TRUE;
if (SDL_RecreateWindow(window, window_flags | SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL) < 0) {
goto error;
renderer = (SDL_Renderer *) SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(*renderer));
if (!renderer) {
goto error;
data = (GL_RenderData *) SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(*data));
if (!data) {
goto error;
renderer->GetOutputSize = GL_GetOutputSize;
renderer->SupportsBlendMode = GL_SupportsBlendMode;
renderer->CreateTexture = GL_CreateTexture;
renderer->UpdateTexture = GL_UpdateTexture;
renderer->UpdateTextureYUV = GL_UpdateTextureYUV;
renderer->LockTexture = GL_LockTexture;
renderer->UnlockTexture = GL_UnlockTexture;
renderer->SetRenderTarget = GL_SetRenderTarget;
renderer->QueueSetViewport = GL_QueueSetViewport;
renderer->QueueSetDrawColor = GL_QueueSetViewport; /* SetViewport and SetDrawColor are (currently) no-ops. */
renderer->QueueDrawPoints = GL_QueueDrawPoints;
renderer->QueueDrawLines = GL_QueueDrawPoints; /* lines and points queue vertices the same way. */
renderer->QueueFillRects = GL_QueueFillRects;
renderer->QueueCopy = GL_QueueCopy;
renderer->QueueCopyEx = GL_QueueCopyEx;
renderer->RunCommandQueue = GL_RunCommandQueue;
renderer->RenderReadPixels = GL_RenderReadPixels;
renderer->RenderPresent = GL_RenderPresent;
renderer->DestroyTexture = GL_DestroyTexture;
renderer->DestroyRenderer = GL_DestroyRenderer;
renderer->GL_BindTexture = GL_BindTexture;
renderer->GL_UnbindTexture = GL_UnbindTexture;
renderer->info =;
renderer->info.flags = SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED;
renderer->driverdata = data;
renderer->window = window;
data->context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window);
if (!data->context) {
goto error;
if (SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window, data->context) < 0) {
goto error;
if (GL_LoadFunctions(data) < 0) {
goto error;
#ifdef __MACOSX__
/* Enable multi-threaded rendering */
/* Disabled until Ryan finishes his VBO/PBO code...
CGLEnable(CGLGetCurrentContext(), kCGLCEMPEngine);
} else {
if (SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval() > 0) {
renderer->info.flags |= SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC;
/* Check for debug output support */
if (SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, &value) == 0 &&
data->debug_enabled = SDL_TRUE;
if (data->debug_enabled && SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_debug_output")) {
data->GL_ARB_debug_output_supported = SDL_TRUE;
data->glGetPointerv(GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_ARB, (GLvoid **)(char *)&data->next_error_callback);
data->glGetPointerv(GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM_ARB, &data->next_error_userparam);
glDebugMessageCallbackARBFunc(GL_HandleDebugMessage, renderer);
/* Make sure our callback is called when errors actually happen */
data->textype = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
if (SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two")) {
data->GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two_supported = SDL_TRUE;
} else if (SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_rectangle") ||
SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture_rectangle")) {
data->GL_ARB_texture_rectangle_supported = SDL_TRUE;
if (data->GL_ARB_texture_rectangle_supported) {
data->glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB, &value);
renderer->info.max_texture_width = value;
renderer->info.max_texture_height = value;
} else {
data->glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &value);
renderer->info.max_texture_width = value;
renderer->info.max_texture_height = value;
/* Check for multitexture support */
if (SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_multitexture")) {
data->glActiveTextureARB = (PFNGLACTIVETEXTUREARBPROC) SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glActiveTextureARB");
if (data->glActiveTextureARB) {
data->GL_ARB_multitexture_supported = SDL_TRUE;
data->glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB, &data->num_texture_units);
/* Check for shader support */
data->shaders = GL_CreateShaderContext();
SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RENDER, "OpenGL shaders: %s",
data->shaders ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED");
/* We support YV12 textures using 3 textures and a shader */
if (data->shaders && data->num_texture_units >= 3) {
renderer->info.texture_formats[renderer->info.num_texture_formats++] = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YV12;
renderer->info.texture_formats[renderer->info.num_texture_formats++] = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_IYUV;
renderer->info.texture_formats[renderer->info.num_texture_formats++] = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV12;
renderer->info.texture_formats[renderer->info.num_texture_formats++] = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV21;
#ifdef __MACOSX__
renderer->info.texture_formats[renderer->info.num_texture_formats++] = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_UYVY;
if (SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_framebuffer_object")) {
data->GL_EXT_framebuffer_object_supported = SDL_TRUE;
renderer->info.flags |= SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE;
data->framebuffers = NULL;
/* Set up parameters for rendering */
data->glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
data->glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
/* This ended up causing video discrepancies between OpenGL and Direct3D */
/* data->glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); */
data->drawstate.blend = SDL_BLENDMODE_INVALID;
data->drawstate.shader = SHADER_INVALID;
data->drawstate.color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
data->drawstate.clear_color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
return renderer;
if (changed_window) {
/* Uh oh, better try to put it back... */
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, profile_mask);
SDL_RecreateWindow(window, window_flags);
return NULL;
SDL_RenderDriver GL_RenderDriver = {
/* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */