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UI Extensions

This is a c++ engine module for the Pandemonium engine, containing smaller utilities.

It supports both pandemonium 3.2 and 4.0 (master last tested commit). Note that since 4.0 is still in very early stages I only check whether it works from time to time.

Pre-built binaries

You can grab a pre-built editor binary from the Broken Seals repo, should you want to. It contains all my modules.


A Control based button, that handles multitouch properly.


An inputEventKey implementation, that matches actions exactly.

For example with the default pandemonium implementation if you have an action that gets triggered with the key E then Ctrl-E will also trigger it.

This has the side effect, that if you bind an action to E, and an another one to Ctrl-E, then hitting Ctrl-E will trigger both.

This implementation changes that behaviour.

However, you do need to replace normal input events at startup like this:

func _ready():
	var actions : Array = InputMap.get_actions()

	for action in actions:
		var acts : Array = InputMap.get_action_list(action)

		for i in range(len(acts)):
			var a = acts[i]
			if a is InputEventKey:
				var nie : BSInputEventKey =
				nie.from_input_event_key(a as InputEventKey)
				acts[i] = nie

				InputMap.action_erase_event(action, a)
				InputMap.action_add_event(action, nie)

I recommend putting this code into a singleton.


  1. Get the source code for the engine.

If you want Pandemonium 3.2: git clone -b 3.2 pandemonium

If you want Pandemonium 4.0: git clone pandemonium

  1. Go into Pandemonium's modules directory.
cd ./pandemonium/modules/
  1. Clone this repository
git clone ui_extensions
  1. Build Pandemonium. Tutorial