mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 22:36:21 +01:00
Added a generated MMAlgos class for the material maker module.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
#ifndef MM_ALGOS_H
#define MM_ALGOS_H
#include "core/reference.h"
class MMAlgos : public Reference {
GDCLASS(MMAlgos, Reference);
static Vector3 clampv3(const Vector3 &v, const Vector3 &mi, const Vector3 &ma);
static Color floorc(const Color &a);
static Vector2 floorv2(const Vector2 &a);
static Vector3 floorv3(const Vector3 &a);
static Vector2 smoothstepv2(const float a, const float b, const Vector2 &c);
static Vector2 maxv2(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
static Vector3 maxv3(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b);
static Vector2 absv2(const Vector2 &v);
static Vector3 absv3(const Vector3 &v);
static Vector2 cosv2(const Vector2 &v);
static Vector3 cosv3(const Vector3 &v);
static Vector2 powv2(const Vector2 &x, const Vector2 &y);
static Vector3 modv3(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b);
static Vector2 modv2(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
static float modf(const float x, const float y);
static Vector2 fractv2(const Vector2 &v);
static Vector3 fractv3(const Vector3 &v);
static float fract(const float f);
static Vector2 clampv2(const Vector2 &v, const Vector2 &pmin, const Vector2 &pmax);
static Vector2 minv2(const Vector2 &v1, const Vector2 &v2);
static Vector3 minv3(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2);
static float rand(const Vector2 &x);
static Vector2 rand2(const Vector2 &x);
static Vector3 rand3(const Vector2 &x);
static float step(const float edge, const float x);
static Vector2 stepv2(const Vector2 &edge, const Vector2 &x);
static Vector2 signv2(const Vector2 &x);
static Vector2 transform(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &translate, const float rotate, const Vector2 &scale, const bool repeat);
static float fractf(const float x);
static float mix_mul(const float x, const float y);
static float mix_add(const float x, const float y);
static float mix_max(const float x, const float y);
static float mix_min(const float x, const float y);
static float mix_xor(const float x, const float y);
static float mix_pow(const float x, const float y);
static float wave_constant(const float x);
static float wave_sine(const float x);
static float wave_triangle(const float x);
static float wave_sawtooth(const float x);
static float wave_square(const float x);
static float wave_bounce(const float x);
static Color sinewave(const Vector2 &uv, const float amplitude, const float frequency, const float phase);
static float ThickLine(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &posA, const Vector2 &posB, const float radiusInv);
static float curve(const float x, const PoolRealArray &points);
static Color flood_fill_preprocess(const Vector2 &uv, const float c, const float s);
static Vector3 fill_to_uv_stretch(const Vector2 &coord, const Color &bb, const float pseed);
static Vector3 fill_to_uv_square(const Vector2 &coord, const Color &bb, const float pseed);
static Vector3 rgb_to_hsv(const Vector3 &c);
static Vector3 hsv_to_rgb(const Vector3 &c);
static Color adjust_hsv(const Color &color, const float hue, const float saturation, const float value);
static Color brightness_contrast(const Color &color, const float brightness, const float contrast);
static float grayscale_min(const Vector3 &c);
static float grayscale_max(const Vector3 &c);
static float grayscale_lightness(const Vector3 &c);
static float grayscale_average(const Vector3 &c);
static float grayscale_luminosity(const Vector3 &c);
static Color invert(const Color &color);
static Vector3 blend_normal(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static Vector3 blend_dissolve(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static Vector3 blend_multiply(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static Vector3 blend_screen(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static float blend_overlay_f(const float c1, const float c2);
static Vector3 blend_overlay(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static Vector3 blend_hard_light(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static float blend_soft_light_f(const float c1, const float c2);
static Vector3 blend_soft_light(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static float blend_burn_f(const float c1, const float c2);
static Vector3 blend_burn(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static float blend_dodge_f(const float c1, const float c2);
static Vector3 blend_dodge(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static Vector3 blend_lighten(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static Vector3 blend_darken(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static Vector3 blend_difference(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
static Color radial_gradient_type_1(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color radial_gradient_type_2(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color radial_gradient_type_3(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color radial_gradient_type_4(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color normal_gradient_type_1(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const float rotate, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color normal_gradient_type_2(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const float rotate, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color normal_gradient_type_3(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const float rotate, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color normal_gradient_type_4(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const float rotate, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color circular_gradient_type_1(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color circular_gradient_type_2(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color circular_gradient_type_3(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color circular_gradient_type_4(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color gradient_type_1(const float x, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color gradient_type_2(const float x, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color gradient_type_3(const float x, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color get_data_color(const int index, const PoolRealArray &data);
static float get_data_pos(const int index, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color gradient_type_4(const float x, const PoolRealArray &data);
static Color gradient_type_5(const float x, const PoolRealArray &data);
static float dots(const Vector2 &uv, const float size, const float density, const float pseed);
static Color anisotropicc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed, const float smoothness, const float interpolation);
static float anisotropic(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed, const float smoothness, const float interpolation);
static Vector3 color_dots(const Vector2 &uv, const float size, const float pseed);
static Color noise_color(const Vector2 &uv, const float size, const float pseed);
static Color fbmval(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static Color perlin(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static Color perlinabs(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static Color simplex(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static Color cellular(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static Color cellular2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static Color cellular3(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static Color cellular4(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static Color cellular5(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static Color cellular6(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float fbmf(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float perlinf(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float perlinabsf(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float fbm_simplexf(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float cellularf(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float cellular2f(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float cellular3f(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float cellular4f(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float cellular5f(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float cellular6f(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
static float fbm_value(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
static float fbm_perlin(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
static float fbm_perlinabs(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
static Vector2 rgrad2(const Vector2 &p, const float rot, const float pseed);
static float fbm_simplex(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
static float fbm_cellular(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
static float fbm_cellular2(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
static float fbm_cellular3(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
static float fbm_cellular4(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
static float fbm_cellular5(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
static float fbm_cellular6(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
static Color perlinc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed);
static float perlin2c(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed);
static Vector3 perlin_color(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed);
static Color perlin_colorc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed);
static Color perlin_warp_1(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed, const Vector2 &translate, const float rotate, const Vector2 &size2);
static Color perlin_warp_2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed, const Vector2 &translate, const float rotate, const Vector2 &size2);
static Color voronoi(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const Vector2 &stretch, const float intensity, const float randomness, const int pseed);
static Color voronoi_1(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const Vector2 &stretch, const float intensity, const float randomness, const int pseed);
static Color voronoi_2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const Vector2 &stretch, const float intensity, const float randomness, const int pseed);
static Color voronoi_3(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const Vector2 &stretch, const float intensity, const float randomness, const int pseed);
enum CombinerAxisType {
enum CombinerType {
static float pattern(const Vector2 &uv, const float x_scale, const float y_scale, const int ct, const int catx, const int caty);
static Color truchet1c(const Vector2 &uv, const float size, const float pseed);
static float truchet1(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &pseed);
static Color truchet2c(const Vector2 &uv, const float size, const float pseed);
static float truchet2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &pseed);
static Color weavec(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float width);
static float weave(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float width);
static Vector3 weave2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float stitch, const float width_x, const float width_y);
static Color sinewavec(const Vector2 &uv, const float amplitude, const float frequency, const float phase);
static float sinewavef(const Vector2 &uv, const float amplitude, const float frequency, const float phase);
static float scratch(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const float waviness, const float angle, const float randomness, const Vector2 &pseed);
static float scratches(const Vector2 &uv, const int layers, const Vector2 &size, const float waviness, const float angle, const float randomness, const Vector2 &pseed);
static Color scratchesc(const Vector2 &uv, const int layers, const Vector2 &size, const float waviness, const float angle, const float randomness, const Vector2 &pseed);
static Color runesc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &col_row, const float pseed);
static float runesf(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &col_row, const float pseed);
static float rune(const Vector2 &uv, const float pseed);
static Color IChingc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &row_col, const int pseed);
static float IChing(const Vector2 &uv, const float pseed);
static Color beehive_1c(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int pseed);
static Color beehive_2c(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int pseed);
static Color beehive_3c(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int pseed);
static float beehive_dist(const Vector2 &p);
static Color beehive_center(const Vector2 &p);
static Vector3 brick_corner_uv(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &bmin, const Vector2 &bmax, const float mortar, const float corner, const float pseed);
static Color brick(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &bmin, const Vector2 &bmax, const float mortar, const float pround, const float bevel);
static Vector3 brick_random_color(const Vector2 &bmin, const Vector2 &bmax, const float pseed);
static Vector3 brick_uv(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &bmin, const Vector2 &bmax, const float pseed);
static Color bricks_rb(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float repeat, const float offset);
static Color bricks_rb2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float repeat, const float offset);
static Color bricks_hb(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float repeat, const float offset);
static Color bricks_bw(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float repeat, const float offset);
static Color bricks_sb(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float repeat, const float offset);
static Color brick2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &bmin, const Vector2 &bmax, const float mortar, const float pround, const float bevel);
static Color bricks_uneven(const Vector2 &uv, const int iterations, const float min_size, const float randomness, const float pseed);
static Vector2 truchet_generic_uv(const Vector2 &uv, const float pseed);
static Color sdf_show(const float val, const float bevel);
static float sdf_circle(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &c, const float r);
static float sdf_box(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &c, const Vector2 &wh);
static Vector2 sdf_line(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b, const float r);
static float sdf_rhombus(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &c, const Vector2 &wh);
static float sdf_arc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &r);
static float sdr_ndot(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
static float sdRhombus(const Vector2 &p, const Vector2 &b);
static float sdArc(const Vector2 &p, const float a1, const float a2, const float ra, const float rb);
static float sdf_boolean_union(const float a, const float b);
static float sdf_boolean_substraction(const float a, const float b);
static float sdf_boolean_intersection(const float a, const float b);
static float sdf_smooth_boolean_union(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
static float sdf_smooth_boolean_substraction(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
static float sdf_smooth_boolean_intersection(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
static float sdf_rounded_shape(const float a, const float r);
static float sdf_annular_shape(const float a, const float r);
static float sdf_morph(const float a, const float b, const float amount);
static Vector2 sdLine(const Vector2 &p, const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
static Vector2 sdf2d_rotate(const Vector2 &uv, const float a);
static Vector2 sdBezier(const Vector2 &pos, const Vector2 &A, const Vector2 &B, const Vector2 &C);
static Vector2 circle_repeat_transform_2d(const Vector2 &p, const float count);
static Vector2 sdNgon(const Vector2 &pos, const float r, const float n);
static Vector2 repeat_2d(const Vector2 &p, const Vector2 &r, const float pseed, const float randomness);
static float sdSmoothUnion(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
static float sdSmoothSubtraction(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
static float sdSmoothIntersection(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
static float sdRipples(const float d, const float w, const int r);
static float sdPolygon(const Vector2 &p, const PoolVector2Array &v);
static Color raymarch(const Vector2 &uv);
static Color raymarch2(const Vector2 &uv);
static Color raymarch3(const Vector2 &uv);
static Vector2 sdf3d_sphere(const Vector3 &p, const float r);
static Vector2 sdf3d_box(const Vector3 &p, const float sx, const float sy, const float sz, const float r);
static Vector2 sdf3d_cylinder_y(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
static Vector2 sdf3d_cylinder_x(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
static Vector2 sdf3d_cylinder_z(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
static Vector2 sdf3d_capsule_y(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
static Vector2 sdf3d_capsule_x(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
static Vector2 sdf3d_capsule_z(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
static Vector2 sdf3d_cone_px(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
static Vector2 sdf3d_cone_nx(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
static Vector2 sdf3d_cone_py(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
static Vector2 sdf3d_cone_ny(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
static Vector2 sdf3d_cone_pz(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
static Vector2 sdf3d_cone_nz(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
static Vector2 sdf3d_torus_x(const Vector3 &p, const float R, const float r);
static Vector2 sdf3d_torus_y(const Vector3 &p, const float R, const float r);
static Vector2 sdf3d_torus_z(const Vector3 &p, const float R, const float r);
static Vector2 sdf3d_raymarch(const Vector2 &uv);
static Vector3 sdf3d_normal(const Vector3 &p);
static Vector2 sdf3dc_union(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
static Vector2 sdf3dc_sub(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
static Vector2 sdf3dc_inter(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
static Vector2 sdf3d_smooth_union(const Vector2 &d1, const Vector2 &d2, const float k);
static Vector2 sdf3d_smooth_subtraction(const Vector2 &d1, const Vector2 &d2, const float k);
static Vector2 sdf3d_smooth_intersection(const Vector2 &d1, const Vector2 &d2, const float k);
static Vector2 sdf3d_rounded(const Vector2 &v, const float r);
static Vector3 sdf3d_elongation(const Vector3 &p, const Vector3 &v);
static Vector3 sdf3d_repeat(const Vector3 &p, const Vector2 &r, const float randomness, const int pseed);
static Vector3 repeat(const Vector3 &p, const Vector3 &r, const float pseed, const float randomness);
static Vector3 rotate3d(const Vector3 &p, const Vector3 &a);
static Vector3 circle_repeat_transform(const Vector3 &p, const float count);
static Vector2 sdf3d_input(const Vector3 &p);
static float sphere(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &c, const float r);
static float shape_circle(const Vector2 &uv, const float sides, const float size, const float edge);
static float shape_polygon(const Vector2 &uv, const float sides, const float size, const float edge);
static float shape_star(const Vector2 &uv, const float sides, const float size, const float edge);
static float shape_curved_star(const Vector2 &uv, const float sides, const float size, const float edge);
static float shape_rays(const Vector2 &uv, const float sides, const float size, const float edge);
static Vector2 transform2_clamp(const Vector2 &uv);
static Vector2 transform2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &translate, const float rotate, const Vector2 &scale);
static Vector2 rotate(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 ¢er, const float rotate);
static Vector2 scale(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 ¢er, const Vector2 &scale);
static Vector2 uvmirror_h(const Vector2 &uv, const float offset);
static Vector2 uvmirror_v(const Vector2 &uv, const float offset);
static Vector2 kal_rotate(const Vector2 &uv, const float count, const float offset);
static Vector2 get_from_tileset(const float count, const float pseed, const Vector2 &uv);
static Vector2 custom_uv_transform(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &cst_scale, const float rnd_rotate, const float rnd_scale, const Vector2 &pseed);
static void _bind_methods();
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
#include "core/object.h"
class _MMAlgos : public Object {
GDCLASS(_MMAlgos, Object);
Vector3 clampv3(const Vector3 &v, const Vector3 &mi, const Vector3 &ma);
Color floorc(const Color &a);
Vector2 floorv2(const Vector2 &a);
Vector3 floorv3(const Vector3 &a);
Vector2 smoothstepv2(const float a, const float b, const Vector2 &c);
Vector2 maxv2(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
Vector3 maxv3(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b);
Vector2 absv2(const Vector2 &v);
Vector3 absv3(const Vector3 &v);
Vector2 cosv2(const Vector2 &v);
Vector3 cosv3(const Vector3 &v);
Vector2 powv2(const Vector2 &x, const Vector2 &y);
Vector3 modv3(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b);
Vector2 modv2(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
float modf(const float x, const float y);
Vector2 fractv2(const Vector2 &v);
Vector3 fractv3(const Vector3 &v);
float fract(const float f);
Vector2 clampv2(const Vector2 &v, const Vector2 &pmin, const Vector2 &pmax);
Vector2 minv2(const Vector2 &v1, const Vector2 &v2);
Vector3 minv3(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2);
float rand(const Vector2 &x);
Vector2 rand2(const Vector2 &x);
Vector3 rand3(const Vector2 &x);
float step(const float edge, const float x);
Vector2 stepv2(const Vector2 &edge, const Vector2 &x);
Vector2 signv2(const Vector2 &x);
Vector2 transform(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &translate, const float rotate, const Vector2 &scale, const bool repeat);
float fractf(const float x);
float mix_mul(const float x, const float y);
float mix_add(const float x, const float y);
float mix_max(const float x, const float y);
float mix_min(const float x, const float y);
float mix_xor(const float x, const float y);
float mix_pow(const float x, const float y);
float wave_constant(const float x);
float wave_sine(const float x);
float wave_triangle(const float x);
float wave_sawtooth(const float x);
float wave_square(const float x);
float wave_bounce(const float x);
Color sinewave(const Vector2 &uv, const float amplitude, const float frequency, const float phase);
float ThickLine(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &posA, const Vector2 &posB, const float radiusInv);
float curve(const float x, const PoolRealArray &points);
Color flood_fill_preprocess(const Vector2 &uv, const float c, const float s);
Vector3 fill_to_uv_stretch(const Vector2 &coord, const Color &bb, const float pseed);
Vector3 fill_to_uv_square(const Vector2 &coord, const Color &bb, const float pseed);
Vector3 rgb_to_hsv(const Vector3 &c);
Vector3 hsv_to_rgb(const Vector3 &c);
Color adjust_hsv(const Color &color, const float hue, const float saturation, const float value);
Color brightness_contrast(const Color &color, const float brightness, const float contrast);
float grayscale_min(const Vector3 &c);
float grayscale_max(const Vector3 &c);
float grayscale_lightness(const Vector3 &c);
float grayscale_average(const Vector3 &c);
float grayscale_luminosity(const Vector3 &c);
Color invert(const Color &color);
Vector3 blend_normal(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
Vector3 blend_dissolve(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
Vector3 blend_multiply(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
Vector3 blend_screen(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
float blend_overlay_f(const float c1, const float c2);
Vector3 blend_overlay(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
Vector3 blend_hard_light(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
float blend_soft_light_f(const float c1, const float c2);
Vector3 blend_soft_light(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
float blend_burn_f(const float c1, const float c2);
Vector3 blend_burn(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
float blend_dodge_f(const float c1, const float c2);
Vector3 blend_dodge(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
Vector3 blend_lighten(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
Vector3 blend_darken(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
Vector3 blend_difference(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector3 &c1, const Vector3 &c2, const float opacity);
Color radial_gradient_type_1(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color radial_gradient_type_2(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color radial_gradient_type_3(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color radial_gradient_type_4(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color normal_gradient_type_1(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const float rotate, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color normal_gradient_type_2(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const float rotate, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color normal_gradient_type_3(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const float rotate, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color normal_gradient_type_4(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const float rotate, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color circular_gradient_type_1(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color circular_gradient_type_2(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color circular_gradient_type_3(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color circular_gradient_type_4(const Vector2 &uv, const float repeat, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color gradient_type_1(const float x, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color gradient_type_2(const float x, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color gradient_type_3(const float x, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color get_data_color(const int index, const PoolRealArray &data);
float get_data_pos(const int index, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color gradient_type_4(const float x, const PoolRealArray &data);
Color gradient_type_5(const float x, const PoolRealArray &data);
float dots(const Vector2 &uv, const float size, const float density, const float pseed);
Color anisotropicc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed, const float smoothness, const float interpolation);
float anisotropic(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed, const float smoothness, const float interpolation);
Vector3 color_dots(const Vector2 &uv, const float size, const float pseed);
Color noise_color(const Vector2 &uv, const float size, const float pseed);
Color fbmval(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
Color perlin(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
Color perlinabs(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
Color simplex(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
Color cellular(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
Color cellular2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
Color cellular3(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
Color cellular4(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
Color cellular5(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
Color cellular6(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float fbmf(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float perlinf(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float perlinabsf(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float fbm_simplexf(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float cellularf(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float cellular2f(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float cellular3f(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float cellular4f(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float cellular5f(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float cellular6f(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const int folds, const int octaves, const float persistence, const float pseed);
float fbm_value(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
float fbm_perlin(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
float fbm_perlinabs(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
Vector2 rgrad2(const Vector2 &p, const float rot, const float pseed);
float fbm_simplex(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
float fbm_cellular(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
float fbm_cellular2(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
float fbm_cellular3(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
float fbm_cellular4(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
float fbm_cellular5(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
float fbm_cellular6(const Vector2 &coord, const Vector2 &size, const float pseed);
Color perlinc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed);
float perlin2c(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed);
Vector3 perlin_color(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed);
Color perlin_colorc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed);
Color perlin_warp_1(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed, const Vector2 &translate, const float rotate, const Vector2 &size2);
Color perlin_warp_2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int iterations, const float persistence, const int pseed, const Vector2 &translate, const float rotate, const Vector2 &size2);
Color voronoi(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const Vector2 &stretch, const float intensity, const float randomness, const int pseed);
Color voronoi_1(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const Vector2 &stretch, const float intensity, const float randomness, const int pseed);
Color voronoi_2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const Vector2 &stretch, const float intensity, const float randomness, const int pseed);
Color voronoi_3(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const Vector2 &stretch, const float intensity, const float randomness, const int pseed);
float pattern(const Vector2 &uv, const float x_scale, const float y_scale, const int ct, const int catx, const int caty);
Color truchet1c(const Vector2 &uv, const float size, const float pseed);
float truchet1(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &pseed);
Color truchet2c(const Vector2 &uv, const float size, const float pseed);
float truchet2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &pseed);
Color weavec(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float width);
float weave(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float width);
Vector3 weave2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float stitch, const float width_x, const float width_y);
Color sinewavec(const Vector2 &uv, const float amplitude, const float frequency, const float phase);
float sinewavef(const Vector2 &uv, const float amplitude, const float frequency, const float phase);
float scratch(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const float waviness, const float angle, const float randomness, const Vector2 &pseed);
float scratches(const Vector2 &uv, const int layers, const Vector2 &size, const float waviness, const float angle, const float randomness, const Vector2 &pseed);
Color scratchesc(const Vector2 &uv, const int layers, const Vector2 &size, const float waviness, const float angle, const float randomness, const Vector2 &pseed);
Color runesc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &col_row, const float pseed);
float runesf(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &col_row, const float pseed);
float rune(const Vector2 &uv, const float pseed);
Color IChingc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &row_col, const int pseed);
float IChing(const Vector2 &uv, const float pseed);
Color beehive_1c(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int pseed);
Color beehive_2c(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int pseed);
Color beehive_3c(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &size, const int pseed);
float beehive_dist(const Vector2 &p);
Color beehive_center(const Vector2 &p);
Vector3 brick_corner_uv(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &bmin, const Vector2 &bmax, const float mortar, const float corner, const float pseed);
Color brick(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &bmin, const Vector2 &bmax, const float mortar, const float pround, const float bevel);
Vector3 brick_random_color(const Vector2 &bmin, const Vector2 &bmax, const float pseed);
Vector3 brick_uv(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &bmin, const Vector2 &bmax, const float pseed);
Color bricks_rb(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float repeat, const float offset);
Color bricks_rb2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float repeat, const float offset);
Color bricks_hb(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float repeat, const float offset);
Color bricks_bw(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float repeat, const float offset);
Color bricks_sb(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &count, const float repeat, const float offset);
Color brick2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &bmin, const Vector2 &bmax, const float mortar, const float pround, const float bevel);
Color bricks_uneven(const Vector2 &uv, const int iterations, const float min_size, const float randomness, const float pseed);
Vector2 truchet_generic_uv(const Vector2 &uv, const float pseed);
Color sdf_show(const float val, const float bevel);
float sdf_circle(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &c, const float r);
float sdf_box(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &c, const Vector2 &wh);
Vector2 sdf_line(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b, const float r);
float sdf_rhombus(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &c, const Vector2 &wh);
float sdf_arc(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &r);
float sdr_ndot(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
float sdRhombus(const Vector2 &p, const Vector2 &b);
float sdArc(const Vector2 &p, const float a1, const float a2, const float ra, const float rb);
float sdf_boolean_union(const float a, const float b);
float sdf_boolean_substraction(const float a, const float b);
float sdf_boolean_intersection(const float a, const float b);
float sdf_smooth_boolean_union(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
float sdf_smooth_boolean_substraction(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
float sdf_smooth_boolean_intersection(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
float sdf_rounded_shape(const float a, const float r);
float sdf_annular_shape(const float a, const float r);
float sdf_morph(const float a, const float b, const float amount);
Vector2 sdLine(const Vector2 &p, const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
Vector2 sdf2d_rotate(const Vector2 &uv, const float a);
Vector2 sdBezier(const Vector2 &pos, const Vector2 &A, const Vector2 &B, const Vector2 &C);
Vector2 circle_repeat_transform_2d(const Vector2 &p, const float count);
Vector2 sdNgon(const Vector2 &pos, const float r, const float n);
Vector2 repeat_2d(const Vector2 &p, const Vector2 &r, const float pseed, const float randomness);
float sdSmoothUnion(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
float sdSmoothSubtraction(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
float sdSmoothIntersection(const float d1, const float d2, const float k);
float sdRipples(const float d, const float w, const int r);
float sdPolygon(const Vector2 &p, const PoolVector2Array &v);
Color raymarch(const Vector2 &uv);
Color raymarch2(const Vector2 &uv);
Color raymarch3(const Vector2 &uv);
Vector2 sdf3d_sphere(const Vector3 &p, const float r);
Vector2 sdf3d_box(const Vector3 &p, const float sx, const float sy, const float sz, const float r);
Vector2 sdf3d_cylinder_y(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
Vector2 sdf3d_cylinder_x(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
Vector2 sdf3d_cylinder_z(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
Vector2 sdf3d_capsule_y(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
Vector2 sdf3d_capsule_x(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
Vector2 sdf3d_capsule_z(const Vector3 &p, const float r, const float l);
Vector2 sdf3d_cone_px(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
Vector2 sdf3d_cone_nx(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
Vector2 sdf3d_cone_py(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
Vector2 sdf3d_cone_ny(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
Vector2 sdf3d_cone_pz(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
Vector2 sdf3d_cone_nz(const Vector3 &p, const float a);
Vector2 sdf3d_torus_x(const Vector3 &p, const float R, const float r);
Vector2 sdf3d_torus_y(const Vector3 &p, const float R, const float r);
Vector2 sdf3d_torus_z(const Vector3 &p, const float R, const float r);
Vector2 sdf3d_raymarch(const Vector2 &uv);
Vector3 sdf3d_normal(const Vector3 &p);
Vector2 sdf3dc_union(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
Vector2 sdf3dc_sub(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
Vector2 sdf3dc_inter(const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b);
Vector2 sdf3d_smooth_union(const Vector2 &d1, const Vector2 &d2, const float k);
Vector2 sdf3d_smooth_subtraction(const Vector2 &d1, const Vector2 &d2, const float k);
Vector2 sdf3d_smooth_intersection(const Vector2 &d1, const Vector2 &d2, const float k);
Vector2 sdf3d_rounded(const Vector2 &v, const float r);
Vector3 sdf3d_elongation(const Vector3 &p, const Vector3 &v);
Vector3 sdf3d_repeat(const Vector3 &p, const Vector2 &r, const float randomness, const int pseed);
Vector3 repeat(const Vector3 &p, const Vector3 &r, const float pseed, const float randomness);
Vector3 rotate3d(const Vector3 &p, const Vector3 &a);
Vector3 circle_repeat_transform(const Vector3 &p, const float count);
Vector2 sdf3d_input(const Vector3 &p);
float sphere(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &c, const float r);
float shape_circle(const Vector2 &uv, const float sides, const float size, const float edge);
float shape_polygon(const Vector2 &uv, const float sides, const float size, const float edge);
float shape_star(const Vector2 &uv, const float sides, const float size, const float edge);
float shape_curved_star(const Vector2 &uv, const float sides, const float size, const float edge);
float shape_rays(const Vector2 &uv, const float sides, const float size, const float edge);
Vector2 transform2_clamp(const Vector2 &uv);
Vector2 transform2(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &translate, const float rotate, const Vector2 &scale);
Vector2 rotate(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 ¢er, const float rotate);
Vector2 scale(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 ¢er, const Vector2 &scale);
Vector2 uvmirror_h(const Vector2 &uv, const float offset);
Vector2 uvmirror_v(const Vector2 &uv, const float offset);
Vector2 kal_rotate(const Vector2 &uv, const float count, const float offset);
Vector2 get_from_tileset(const float count, const float pseed, const Vector2 &uv);
Vector2 custom_uv_transform(const Vector2 &uv, const Vector2 &cst_scale, const float rnd_rotate, const float rnd_scale, const Vector2 &pseed);
static _MMAlgos *get_singleton();
static void _bind_methods();
static _MMAlgos *self;
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