2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
/* skeleton.cpp */
/* This file is part of: */
/* https://godotengine.org */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
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/* */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
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/* */
# include "skeleton.h"
# include "core/message_queue.h"
# include "core/project_settings.h"
# include "scene/3d/physics_body.h"
2022-03-17 09:07:18 +01:00
# include "scene/resources/skin.h"
2022-03-18 19:00:13 +01:00
# include "scene/resources/surface_tool.h"
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
void SkinReference : : _skin_changed ( ) {
if ( skeleton_node ) {
skeleton_node - > _make_dirty ( ) ;
skeleton_version = 0 ;
void SkinReference : : _bind_methods ( ) {
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " _skin_changed " ) , & SkinReference : : _skin_changed ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_skeleton " ) , & SkinReference : : get_skeleton ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_skin " ) , & SkinReference : : get_skin ) ;
RID SkinReference : : get_skeleton ( ) const {
return skeleton ;
Skeleton * SkinReference : : get_skeleton_node ( ) const {
return skeleton_node ;
Ref < Skin > SkinReference : : get_skin ( ) const {
return skin ;
SkinReference : : ~ SkinReference ( ) {
if ( skeleton_node ) {
skeleton_node - > skin_bindings . erase ( this ) ;
VS : : get_singleton ( ) - > free ( skeleton ) ;
bool Skeleton : : _set ( const StringName & p_path , const Variant & p_value ) {
String path = p_path ;
if ( ! path . begins_with ( " bones/ " ) ) {
return false ;
int which = path . get_slicec ( ' / ' , 1 ) . to_int ( ) ;
String what = path . get_slicec ( ' / ' , 2 ) ;
if ( which = = bones . size ( ) & & what = = " name " ) {
add_bone ( p_value ) ;
return true ;
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( which , bones . size ( ) , false ) ;
if ( what = = " parent " ) {
set_bone_parent ( which , p_value ) ;
} else if ( what = = " rest " ) {
set_bone_rest ( which , p_value ) ;
} else if ( what = = " enabled " ) {
set_bone_enabled ( which , p_value ) ;
} else if ( what = = " pose " ) {
set_bone_pose ( which , p_value ) ;
} else if ( what = = " bound_children " ) {
Array children = p_value ;
if ( is_inside_tree ( ) ) {
bones . write [ which ] . nodes_bound . clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < children . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
NodePath npath = children [ i ] ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( npath . operator String ( ) = = " " ) ;
Node * node = get_node ( npath ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! node ) ;
bind_child_node_to_bone ( which , node ) ;
} else {
return false ;
return true ;
bool Skeleton : : _get ( const StringName & p_path , Variant & r_ret ) const {
String path = p_path ;
if ( ! path . begins_with ( " bones/ " ) ) {
return false ;
int which = path . get_slicec ( ' / ' , 1 ) . to_int ( ) ;
String what = path . get_slicec ( ' / ' , 2 ) ;
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( which , bones . size ( ) , false ) ;
if ( what = = " name " ) {
r_ret = get_bone_name ( which ) ;
} else if ( what = = " parent " ) {
r_ret = get_bone_parent ( which ) ;
} else if ( what = = " rest " ) {
r_ret = get_bone_rest ( which ) ;
} else if ( what = = " enabled " ) {
r_ret = is_bone_enabled ( which ) ;
} else if ( what = = " pose " ) {
r_ret = get_bone_pose ( which ) ;
} else if ( what = = " bound_children " ) {
Array children ;
for ( const List < uint32_t > : : Element * E = bones [ which ] . nodes_bound . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
Object * obj = ObjectDB : : get_instance ( E - > get ( ) ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! obj ) ;
Node * node = Object : : cast_to < Node > ( obj ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! node ) ;
NodePath npath = get_path_to ( node ) ;
children . push_back ( npath ) ;
r_ret = children ;
} else {
return false ;
return true ;
void Skeleton : : _get_property_list ( List < PropertyInfo > * p_list ) const {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bones . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
String prep = " bones/ " + itos ( i ) + " / " ;
p_list - > push_back ( PropertyInfo ( Variant : : STRING , prep + " name " ) ) ;
p_list - > push_back ( PropertyInfo ( Variant : : INT , prep + " parent " , PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE , " -1, " + itos ( bones . size ( ) - 1 ) + " ,1 " ) ) ;
p_list - > push_back ( PropertyInfo ( Variant : : TRANSFORM , prep + " rest " ) ) ;
p_list - > push_back ( PropertyInfo ( Variant : : BOOL , prep + " enabled " ) ) ;
p_list - > push_back ( PropertyInfo ( Variant : : TRANSFORM , prep + " pose " , PROPERTY_HINT_NONE , " " , PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR ) ) ;
p_list - > push_back ( PropertyInfo ( Variant : : ARRAY , prep + " bound_children " ) ) ;
void Skeleton : : _update_process_order ( ) {
if ( ! process_order_dirty ) {
return ;
Bone * bonesptr = bones . ptrw ( ) ;
int len = bones . size ( ) ;
process_order . resize ( len ) ;
int * order = process_order . ptrw ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
if ( bonesptr [ i ] . parent > = len ) {
//validate this just in case
ERR_PRINT ( " Bone " + itos ( i ) + " has invalid parent: " + itos ( bonesptr [ i ] . parent ) ) ;
bonesptr [ i ] . parent = - 1 ;
order [ i ] = i ;
bonesptr [ i ] . sort_index = i ;
//now check process order
int pass_count = 0 ;
while ( pass_count < len * len ) {
//using bubblesort because of simplicity, it won't run every frame though.
//bublesort worst case is O(n^2), and this may be an infinite loop if cyclic
bool swapped = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
int parent_idx = bonesptr [ order [ i ] ] . parent ;
if ( parent_idx < 0 ) {
continue ; //do nothing because it has no parent
//swap indices
int parent_order = bonesptr [ parent_idx ] . sort_index ;
if ( parent_order > i ) {
bonesptr [ order [ i ] ] . sort_index = parent_order ;
bonesptr [ parent_idx ] . sort_index = i ;
//swap order
SWAP ( order [ i ] , order [ parent_order ] ) ;
swapped = true ;
if ( ! swapped ) {
break ;
pass_count + + ;
if ( pass_count = = len * len ) {
ERR_PRINT ( " Skeleton parenthood graph is cyclic " ) ;
process_order_dirty = false ;
void Skeleton : : _notification ( int p_what ) {
switch ( p_what ) {
VisualServer * vs = VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) ;
Bone * bonesptr = bones . ptrw ( ) ;
int len = bones . size ( ) ;
_update_process_order ( ) ;
const int * order = process_order . ptr ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
Bone & b = bonesptr [ order [ i ] ] ;
if ( b . disable_rest ) {
if ( b . enabled ) {
Transform pose = b . pose ;
if ( b . custom_pose_enable ) {
pose = b . custom_pose * pose ;
if ( b . parent > = 0 ) {
b . pose_global = bonesptr [ b . parent ] . pose_global * pose ;
b . pose_global_no_override = bonesptr [ b . parent ] . pose_global_no_override * pose ;
} else {
b . pose_global = pose ;
b . pose_global_no_override = pose ;
} else {
if ( b . parent > = 0 ) {
b . pose_global = bonesptr [ b . parent ] . pose_global ;
b . pose_global_no_override = bonesptr [ b . parent ] . pose_global_no_override ;
} else {
b . pose_global = Transform ( ) ;
b . pose_global_no_override = Transform ( ) ;
} else {
if ( b . enabled ) {
Transform pose = b . pose ;
if ( b . custom_pose_enable ) {
pose = b . custom_pose * pose ;
if ( b . parent > = 0 ) {
b . pose_global = bonesptr [ b . parent ] . pose_global * ( b . rest * pose ) ;
b . pose_global_no_override = bonesptr [ b . parent ] . pose_global_no_override * ( b . rest * pose ) ;
} else {
b . pose_global = b . rest * pose ;
b . pose_global_no_override = b . rest * pose ;
} else {
if ( b . parent > = 0 ) {
b . pose_global = bonesptr [ b . parent ] . pose_global * b . rest ;
b . pose_global_no_override = bonesptr [ b . parent ] . pose_global_no_override * b . rest ;
} else {
b . pose_global = b . rest ;
b . pose_global_no_override = b . rest ;
if ( b . global_pose_override_amount > = CMP_EPSILON ) {
b . pose_global = b . pose_global . interpolate_with ( b . global_pose_override , b . global_pose_override_amount ) ;
if ( b . global_pose_override_reset ) {
b . global_pose_override_amount = 0.0 ;
for ( List < uint32_t > : : Element * E = b . nodes_bound . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
Object * obj = ObjectDB : : get_instance ( E - > get ( ) ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! obj ) ;
Spatial * sp = Object : : cast_to < Spatial > ( obj ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! sp ) ;
sp - > set_transform ( b . pose_global ) ;
//update skins
for ( Set < SkinReference * > : : Element * E = skin_bindings . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
const Skin * skin = E - > get ( ) - > skin . operator - > ( ) ;
RID skeleton = E - > get ( ) - > skeleton ;
uint32_t bind_count = skin - > get_bind_count ( ) ;
if ( E - > get ( ) - > bind_count ! = bind_count ) {
VS : : get_singleton ( ) - > skeleton_allocate ( skeleton , bind_count ) ;
E - > get ( ) - > bind_count = bind_count ;
E - > get ( ) - > skin_bone_indices . resize ( bind_count ) ;
E - > get ( ) - > skin_bone_indices_ptrs = E - > get ( ) - > skin_bone_indices . ptrw ( ) ;
if ( E - > get ( ) - > skeleton_version ! = version ) {
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < bind_count ; i + + ) {
StringName bind_name = skin - > get_bind_name ( i ) ;
if ( bind_name ! = StringName ( ) ) {
//bind name used, use this
bool found = false ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < len ; j + + ) {
if ( bonesptr [ j ] . name = = bind_name ) {
E - > get ( ) - > skin_bone_indices_ptrs [ i ] = j ;
found = true ;
break ;
if ( ! found ) {
ERR_PRINT ( " Skin bind # " + itos ( i ) + " contains named bind ' " + String ( bind_name ) + " ' but Skeleton has no bone by that name. " ) ;
E - > get ( ) - > skin_bone_indices_ptrs [ i ] = 0 ;
} else if ( skin - > get_bind_bone ( i ) > = 0 ) {
int bind_index = skin - > get_bind_bone ( i ) ;
if ( bind_index > = len ) {
ERR_PRINT ( " Skin bind # " + itos ( i ) + " contains bone index bind: " + itos ( bind_index ) + " , which is greater than the skeleton bone count: " + itos ( len ) + " . " ) ;
E - > get ( ) - > skin_bone_indices_ptrs [ i ] = 0 ;
} else {
E - > get ( ) - > skin_bone_indices_ptrs [ i ] = bind_index ;
} else {
ERR_PRINT ( " Skin bind # " + itos ( i ) + " does not contain a name nor a bone index. " ) ;
E - > get ( ) - > skin_bone_indices_ptrs [ i ] = 0 ;
E - > get ( ) - > skeleton_version = version ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < bind_count ; i + + ) {
uint32_t bone_index = E - > get ( ) - > skin_bone_indices_ptrs [ i ] ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( bone_index > = ( uint32_t ) len ) ;
vs - > skeleton_bone_set_transform ( skeleton , i , bonesptr [ bone_index ] . pose_global * skin - > get_bind_pose ( i ) ) ;
dirty = false ;
emit_signal ( " skeleton_updated " ) ;
} break ;
void Skeleton : : clear_bones_global_pose_override ( ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bones . size ( ) ; i + = 1 ) {
bones . write [ i ] . global_pose_override_amount = 0 ;
bones . write [ i ] . global_pose_override_reset = true ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
void Skeleton : : set_bone_global_pose_override ( int p_bone , const Transform & p_pose , float p_amount , bool p_persistent ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . global_pose_override_amount = p_amount ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . global_pose_override = p_pose ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . global_pose_override_reset = ! p_persistent ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
Transform Skeleton : : get_bone_global_pose ( int p_bone ) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , Transform ( ) ) ;
if ( dirty ) {
const_cast < Skeleton * > ( this ) - > notification ( NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON ) ;
return bones [ p_bone ] . pose_global ;
Transform Skeleton : : get_bone_global_pose_no_override ( int p_bone ) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , Transform ( ) ) ;
if ( dirty )
const_cast < Skeleton * > ( this ) - > notification ( NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON ) ;
return bones [ p_bone ] . pose_global_no_override ;
// skeleton creation api
void Skeleton : : add_bone ( const String & p_name ) {
ERR_FAIL_COND ( p_name = = " " | | p_name . find ( " : " ) ! = - 1 | | p_name . find ( " / " ) ! = - 1 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bones . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
ERR_FAIL_COND ( bones [ i ] . name = = p_name ) ;
Bone b ;
b . name = p_name ;
bones . push_back ( b ) ;
process_order_dirty = true ;
version + + ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
update_gizmo ( ) ;
int Skeleton : : find_bone ( const String & p_name ) const {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bones . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( bones [ i ] . name = = p_name ) {
return i ;
return - 1 ;
String Skeleton : : get_bone_name ( int p_bone ) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , " " ) ;
return bones [ p_bone ] . name ;
void Skeleton : : set_bone_name ( int p_bone , const String & p_name ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bones . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( i ! = p_bone ) {
ERR_FAIL_COND ( bones [ i ] . name = = p_name ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . name = p_name ;
bool Skeleton : : is_bone_parent_of ( int p_bone , int p_parent_bone_id ) const {
int parent_of_bone = get_bone_parent ( p_bone ) ;
if ( - 1 = = parent_of_bone ) {
return false ;
if ( parent_of_bone = = p_parent_bone_id ) {
return true ;
return is_bone_parent_of ( parent_of_bone , p_parent_bone_id ) ;
int Skeleton : : get_bone_count ( ) const {
return bones . size ( ) ;
void Skeleton : : set_bone_parent ( int p_bone , int p_parent ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( p_parent ! = - 1 & & ( p_parent < 0 ) ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( p_bone = = p_parent ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . parent = p_parent ;
process_order_dirty = true ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
void Skeleton : : unparent_bone_and_rest ( int p_bone ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
_update_process_order ( ) ;
int parent = bones [ p_bone ] . parent ;
while ( parent > = 0 ) {
bones . write [ p_bone ] . rest = bones [ parent ] . rest * bones [ p_bone ] . rest ;
parent = bones [ parent ] . parent ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . parent = - 1 ;
process_order_dirty = true ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
void Skeleton : : set_bone_disable_rest ( int p_bone , bool p_disable ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . disable_rest = p_disable ;
bool Skeleton : : is_bone_rest_disabled ( int p_bone ) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , false ) ;
return bones [ p_bone ] . disable_rest ;
int Skeleton : : get_bone_parent ( int p_bone ) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , - 1 ) ;
return bones [ p_bone ] . parent ;
void Skeleton : : set_bone_rest ( int p_bone , const Transform & p_rest ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . rest = p_rest ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
Transform Skeleton : : get_bone_rest ( int p_bone ) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , Transform ( ) ) ;
return bones [ p_bone ] . rest ;
void Skeleton : : set_bone_enabled ( int p_bone , bool p_enabled ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . enabled = p_enabled ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
bool Skeleton : : is_bone_enabled ( int p_bone ) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , false ) ;
return bones [ p_bone ] . enabled ;
void Skeleton : : bind_child_node_to_bone ( int p_bone , Node * p_node ) {
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( p_node ) ;
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
uint32_t id = p_node - > get_instance_id ( ) ;
for ( const List < uint32_t > : : Element * E = bones [ p_bone ] . nodes_bound . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
if ( E - > get ( ) = = id ) {
return ; // already here
bones . write [ p_bone ] . nodes_bound . push_back ( id ) ;
void Skeleton : : unbind_child_node_from_bone ( int p_bone , Node * p_node ) {
ERR_FAIL_NULL ( p_node ) ;
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
uint32_t id = p_node - > get_instance_id ( ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . nodes_bound . erase ( id ) ;
void Skeleton : : get_bound_child_nodes_to_bone ( int p_bone , List < Node * > * p_bound ) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
for ( const List < uint32_t > : : Element * E = bones [ p_bone ] . nodes_bound . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
Object * obj = ObjectDB : : get_instance ( E - > get ( ) ) ;
ERR_CONTINUE ( ! obj ) ;
p_bound - > push_back ( Object : : cast_to < Node > ( obj ) ) ;
void Skeleton : : clear_bones ( ) {
bones . clear ( ) ;
process_order_dirty = true ;
version + + ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
// posing api
void Skeleton : : set_bone_pose ( int p_bone , const Transform & p_pose ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . pose = p_pose ;
if ( is_inside_tree ( ) ) {
_make_dirty ( ) ;
Transform Skeleton : : get_bone_pose ( int p_bone ) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , Transform ( ) ) ;
return bones [ p_bone ] . pose ;
void Skeleton : : set_bone_custom_pose ( int p_bone , const Transform & p_custom_pose ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
//ERR_FAIL_COND( !is_inside_scene() );
bones . write [ p_bone ] . custom_pose_enable = ( p_custom_pose ! = Transform ( ) ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . custom_pose = p_custom_pose ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
Transform Skeleton : : get_bone_custom_pose ( int p_bone ) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , Transform ( ) ) ;
return bones [ p_bone ] . custom_pose ;
void Skeleton : : _make_dirty ( ) {
if ( dirty ) {
return ;
MessageQueue : : get_singleton ( ) - > push_notification ( this , NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON ) ;
dirty = true ;
int Skeleton : : get_process_order ( int p_idx ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_idx , bones . size ( ) , - 1 ) ;
_update_process_order ( ) ;
return process_order [ p_idx ] ;
void Skeleton : : localize_rests ( ) {
_update_process_order ( ) ;
for ( int i = bones . size ( ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) {
int idx = process_order [ i ] ;
if ( bones [ idx ] . parent > = 0 ) {
set_bone_rest ( idx , bones [ bones [ idx ] . parent ] . rest . affine_inverse ( ) * bones [ idx ] . rest ) ;
# ifndef _3D_DISABLED
void Skeleton : : bind_physical_bone_to_bone ( int p_bone , PhysicalBone * p_physical_bone ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( bones [ p_bone ] . physical_bone ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! p_physical_bone ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . physical_bone = p_physical_bone ;
_rebuild_physical_bones_cache ( ) ;
void Skeleton : : unbind_physical_bone_from_bone ( int p_bone ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) ) ;
bones . write [ p_bone ] . physical_bone = nullptr ;
_rebuild_physical_bones_cache ( ) ;
PhysicalBone * Skeleton : : get_physical_bone ( int p_bone ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , nullptr ) ;
return bones [ p_bone ] . physical_bone ;
PhysicalBone * Skeleton : : get_physical_bone_parent ( int p_bone ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , nullptr ) ;
if ( bones [ p_bone ] . cache_parent_physical_bone ) {
return bones [ p_bone ] . cache_parent_physical_bone ;
return _get_physical_bone_parent ( p_bone ) ;
PhysicalBone * Skeleton : : _get_physical_bone_parent ( int p_bone ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V ( p_bone , bones . size ( ) , nullptr ) ;
const int parent_bone = bones [ p_bone ] . parent ;
if ( 0 > parent_bone ) {
return nullptr ;
PhysicalBone * pb = bones [ parent_bone ] . physical_bone ;
if ( pb ) {
return pb ;
} else {
return get_physical_bone_parent ( parent_bone ) ;
void Skeleton : : _rebuild_physical_bones_cache ( ) {
const int b_size = bones . size ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < b_size ; + + i ) {
PhysicalBone * parent_pb = _get_physical_bone_parent ( i ) ;
if ( parent_pb ! = bones [ i ] . cache_parent_physical_bone ) {
bones . write [ i ] . cache_parent_physical_bone = parent_pb ;
if ( bones [ i ] . physical_bone ) {
bones [ i ] . physical_bone - > _on_bone_parent_changed ( ) ;
void _pb_stop_simulation ( Node * p_node ) {
for ( int i = p_node - > get_child_count ( ) - 1 ; 0 < = i ; - - i ) {
_pb_stop_simulation ( p_node - > get_child ( i ) ) ;
PhysicalBone * pb = Object : : cast_to < PhysicalBone > ( p_node ) ;
if ( pb ) {
pb - > set_simulate_physics ( false ) ;
pb - > set_static_body ( false ) ;
void Skeleton : : physical_bones_stop_simulation ( ) {
_pb_stop_simulation ( this ) ;
void _pb_start_simulation ( const Skeleton * p_skeleton , Node * p_node , const Vector < int > & p_sim_bones ) {
for ( int i = p_node - > get_child_count ( ) - 1 ; 0 < = i ; - - i ) {
_pb_start_simulation ( p_skeleton , p_node - > get_child ( i ) , p_sim_bones ) ;
PhysicalBone * pb = Object : : cast_to < PhysicalBone > ( p_node ) ;
if ( pb ) {
bool sim = false ;
for ( int i = p_sim_bones . size ( ) - 1 ; 0 < = i ; - - i ) {
if ( p_sim_bones [ i ] = = pb - > get_bone_id ( ) | | p_skeleton - > is_bone_parent_of ( pb - > get_bone_id ( ) , p_sim_bones [ i ] ) ) {
sim = true ;
break ;
pb - > set_simulate_physics ( true ) ;
if ( sim ) {
pb - > set_static_body ( false ) ;
} else {
pb - > set_static_body ( true ) ;
void Skeleton : : physical_bones_start_simulation_on ( const Array & p_bones ) {
Vector < int > sim_bones ;
if ( p_bones . size ( ) < = 0 ) {
sim_bones . push_back ( 0 ) ; // if no bones is specified, activate ragdoll on full body
} else {
sim_bones . resize ( p_bones . size ( ) ) ;
int c = 0 ;
for ( int i = sim_bones . size ( ) - 1 ; 0 < = i ; - - i ) {
2022-03-21 21:29:06 +01:00
Variant : : Type type = p_bones . get ( i ) . get_type ( ) ;
if ( Variant : : STRING = = type | | Variant : : STRING_NAME = = type ) {
2022-03-15 13:29:32 +01:00
int bone_id = find_bone ( p_bones . get ( i ) ) ;
if ( bone_id ! = - 1 ) {
sim_bones . write [ c + + ] = bone_id ;
sim_bones . resize ( c ) ;
_pb_start_simulation ( this , this , sim_bones ) ;
void _physical_bones_add_remove_collision_exception ( bool p_add , Node * p_node , RID p_exception ) {
for ( int i = p_node - > get_child_count ( ) - 1 ; 0 < = i ; - - i ) {
_physical_bones_add_remove_collision_exception ( p_add , p_node - > get_child ( i ) , p_exception ) ;
CollisionObject * co = Object : : cast_to < CollisionObject > ( p_node ) ;
if ( co ) {
if ( p_add ) {
PhysicsServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > body_add_collision_exception ( co - > get_rid ( ) , p_exception ) ;
} else {
PhysicsServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > body_remove_collision_exception ( co - > get_rid ( ) , p_exception ) ;
void Skeleton : : physical_bones_add_collision_exception ( RID p_exception ) {
_physical_bones_add_remove_collision_exception ( true , this , p_exception ) ;
void Skeleton : : physical_bones_remove_collision_exception ( RID p_exception ) {
_physical_bones_add_remove_collision_exception ( false , this , p_exception ) ;
# endif // _3D_DISABLED
void Skeleton : : _skin_changed ( ) {
_make_dirty ( ) ;
Ref < SkinReference > Skeleton : : register_skin ( const Ref < Skin > & p_skin ) {
for ( Set < SkinReference * > : : Element * E = skin_bindings . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
if ( E - > get ( ) - > skin = = p_skin ) {
return Ref < SkinReference > ( E - > get ( ) ) ;
Ref < Skin > skin = p_skin ;
if ( skin . is_null ( ) ) {
//need to create one from existing code, this is for compatibility only
//when skeletons did not support skins. It is also used by gizmo
//to display the skeleton.
skin . instance ( ) ;
skin - > set_bind_count ( bones . size ( ) ) ;
_update_process_order ( ) ; //just in case
// pose changed, rebuild cache of inverses
const Bone * bonesptr = bones . ptr ( ) ;
int len = bones . size ( ) ;
const int * order = process_order . ptr ( ) ;
// calculate global rests and invert them
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
const Bone & b = bonesptr [ order [ i ] ] ;
if ( b . parent > = 0 ) {
skin - > set_bind_pose ( order [ i ] , skin - > get_bind_pose ( b . parent ) * b . rest ) ;
} else {
skin - > set_bind_pose ( order [ i ] , b . rest ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
//the inverse is what is actually required
skin - > set_bind_bone ( i , i ) ;
skin - > set_bind_pose ( i , skin - > get_bind_pose ( i ) . affine_inverse ( ) ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( skin . is_null ( ) , Ref < SkinReference > ( ) ) ;
Ref < SkinReference > skin_ref ;
skin_ref . instance ( ) ;
skin_ref - > skeleton_node = this ;
skin_ref - > bind_count = 0 ;
skin_ref - > skeleton = RID_PRIME ( VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > skeleton_create ( ) ) ;
skin_ref - > skeleton_node = this ;
skin_ref - > skin = skin ;
skin_bindings . insert ( skin_ref . operator - > ( ) ) ;
skin - > connect ( " changed " , skin_ref . operator - > ( ) , " _skin_changed " ) ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
return skin_ref ;
void Skeleton : : _bind_methods ( ) {
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " add_bone " , " name " ) , & Skeleton : : add_bone ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " find_bone " , " name " ) , & Skeleton : : find_bone ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_bone_name " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : get_bone_name ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " set_bone_name " , " bone_idx " , " name " ) , & Skeleton : : set_bone_name ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_bone_parent " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : get_bone_parent ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " set_bone_parent " , " bone_idx " , " parent_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : set_bone_parent ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_bone_count " ) , & Skeleton : : get_bone_count ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " unparent_bone_and_rest " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : unparent_bone_and_rest ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_bone_rest " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : get_bone_rest ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " set_bone_rest " , " bone_idx " , " rest " ) , & Skeleton : : set_bone_rest ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " register_skin " , " skin " ) , & Skeleton : : register_skin ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " localize_rests " ) , & Skeleton : : localize_rests ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " set_bone_disable_rest " , " bone_idx " , " disable " ) , & Skeleton : : set_bone_disable_rest ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " is_bone_rest_disabled " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : is_bone_rest_disabled ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " bind_child_node_to_bone " , " bone_idx " , " node " ) , & Skeleton : : bind_child_node_to_bone ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " unbind_child_node_from_bone " , " bone_idx " , " node " ) , & Skeleton : : unbind_child_node_from_bone ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_bound_child_nodes_to_bone " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : _get_bound_child_nodes_to_bone ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " clear_bones " ) , & Skeleton : : clear_bones ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_bone_pose " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : get_bone_pose ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " set_bone_pose " , " bone_idx " , " pose " ) , & Skeleton : : set_bone_pose ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " clear_bones_global_pose_override " ) , & Skeleton : : clear_bones_global_pose_override ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " set_bone_global_pose_override " , " bone_idx " , " pose " , " amount " , " persistent " ) , & Skeleton : : set_bone_global_pose_override , DEFVAL ( false ) ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_bone_global_pose " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : get_bone_global_pose ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_bone_global_pose_no_override " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : get_bone_global_pose_no_override ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_bone_custom_pose " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : get_bone_custom_pose ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " set_bone_custom_pose " , " bone_idx " , " custom_pose " ) , & Skeleton : : set_bone_custom_pose ) ;
# ifndef _3D_DISABLED
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " physical_bones_stop_simulation " ) , & Skeleton : : physical_bones_stop_simulation ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " physical_bones_start_simulation " , " bones " ) , & Skeleton : : physical_bones_start_simulation_on , DEFVAL ( Array ( ) ) ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " physical_bones_add_collision_exception " , " exception " ) , & Skeleton : : physical_bones_add_collision_exception ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " physical_bones_remove_collision_exception " , " exception " ) , & Skeleton : : physical_bones_remove_collision_exception ) ;
# endif // _3D_DISABLED
ADD_SIGNAL ( MethodInfo ( " skeleton_updated " ) ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " remove_bone " , " bone_idx " ) , & Skeleton : : remove_bone ) ;
Skeleton : : Skeleton ( ) {
dirty = false ;
version = 1 ;
process_order_dirty = true ;
Skeleton : : ~ Skeleton ( ) {
//some skins may remain bound
for ( Set < SkinReference * > : : Element * E = skin_bindings . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
E - > get ( ) - > skeleton_node = nullptr ;
Vector < int > Skeleton : : get_bone_process_order ( ) {
_update_process_order ( ) ;
return process_order ;
void Skeleton : : set_selected_bone ( int p_bone ) {
selected_bone = p_bone ;
update_gizmo ( ) ;
return ;
int Skeleton : : get_selected_bone ( ) const {
return selected_bone ;
void Skeleton : : remove_bone ( const int p_bone_idx ) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX ( p_bone_idx , bones . size ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bones . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG ( bones [ i ] . parent = = p_bone_idx , " Cannot remove bone if it has children. " ) ;
# ifndef _3D_DISABLED
const Bone & bonet = bones [ p_bone_idx ] ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG ( bonet . physical_bone | | bonet . cache_parent_physical_bone , " Cannot remove bone if it has a physical bone attached, please remove physical bones first. " ) ;
# endif // _3D_DISABLED
bones . remove ( p_bone_idx ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bones . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
int parent = bones [ i ] . parent ;
if ( parent > p_bone_idx ) {
bones . write [ i ] . parent = parent - 1 ;
process_order_dirty = true ;
version + + ;
_update_process_order ( ) ;
for ( Set < SkinReference * > : : Element * E = skin_bindings . front ( ) ; E ; E = E - > next ( ) ) {
Ref < SkinReference > sr = E - > get ( ) ;
Ref < Skin > skin = sr - > skin ;
skin - > set_bind_count ( bones . size ( ) ) ;
// pose changed, rebuild cache of inverses
const Bone * bonesptr = bones . ptr ( ) ;
int len = bones . size ( ) ;
const int * order = process_order . ptr ( ) ;
// calculate global rests and invert them
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
const Bone & b = bonesptr [ order [ i ] ] ;
if ( b . parent > = 0 ) {
skin - > set_bind_pose ( order [ i ] , skin - > get_bind_pose ( b . parent ) * b . rest ) ;
} else {
skin - > set_bind_pose ( order [ i ] , b . rest ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
//the inverse is what is actually required
skin - > set_bind_bone ( i , i ) ;
skin - > set_bind_pose ( i , skin - > get_bind_pose ( i ) . affine_inverse ( ) ) ;
property_list_changed_notify ( ) ;
_make_dirty ( ) ;
update_gizmo ( ) ;
2022-03-16 09:02:48 +01:00