mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 05:40:06 +01:00
Moved handling of the "global" definitions of shaders into main shader generation code. Added group creation (does not create inputs yet, and remotes should be cleaned). updated all preview meshes (to fix problems with depth).
173 lines
5.6 KiB
173 lines
5.6 KiB
extends MMGenBase
class_name MMGenMaterial
var texture_list
var material : SpatialMaterial
var generated_textures = {}
const TEXTURE_LIST = [
{ port=0, texture="albedo" },
{ port=1, texture="metallic" },
{ port=2, texture="roughness" },
{ port=3, texture="emission" },
{ port=4, texture="normal_texture" },
{ port=5, texture="ao_texture" },
{ port=6, texture="depth_texture" }
{ port=0, texture="albedo" },
{ port=3, texture="emission" },
{ port=4, texture="normal_texture" },
{ ports=[5, 1, 2], default_values=["1.0", "0.0", "1.0"], texture="orm" },
{ port=6, texture="depth_texture" }
func get_type():
return "material"
func get_type_name():
return "Material"
func get_parameter_defs():
return [
{ name="albedo_color", label="Albedo", type="color", default={ r=1.0, g=1.0, b=1.0, a=1.0} },
{ name="metallic", label="Metallic", type="float", min=0.0, max=1.0, step=0.05, default=1.0 },
{ name="roughness", label="Roughness", type="float", min=0.0, max=1.0, step=0.05, default=1.0 },
{ name="emission_energy", label="Emission", type="float", min=0.0, max=8.0, step=0.05, default=1.0 },
{ name="normal_scale", label="Normal", type="float", min=0.0, max=8.0, step=0.05, default=1.0 },
{ name="ao_light_affect", label="Ambient occlusion", type="float", min=0.0, max=1.0, step=0.05, default=1.0 },
{ name="depth_scale", label="Depth", type="float", min=0.0, max=1.0, step=0.05, default=1.0 }
func get_input_defs():
return [
{ name="albedo_texture", label="", type="rgb" },
{ name="metallic_texture", label="", type="f" },
{ name="roughness_texture", label="", type="f" },
{ name="emission_texture", label="", type="rgb" },
{ name="normal_texture", label="", type="rgb" },
{ name="ao_texture", label="", type="f" },
{ name="depth_texture", label="", type="f" }
func _ready():
texture_list = TEXTURE_LIST
if Engine.editor_hint:
texture_list = ADDON_TEXTURE_LIST
for t in texture_list:
generated_textures[t.texture] = null
material = SpatialMaterial.new()
func generate_material(renderer : MMGenRenderer):
var source = get_source(0)
if source != null:
var status = source.generator.render(source.output_index, renderer, 512)
while status is GDScriptFunctionState:
status = yield(status, "completed")
material.albedo_texture = load("res://test.png")
return material
func render_textures(renderer : MMGenRenderer):
for t in texture_list:
if t.has("port"):
var source = get_source(t.port)
var texture = null
if source != null:
var status = source.generator.render(source.output_index, renderer, 512)
while status is GDScriptFunctionState:
status = yield(status, "completed")
texture = ImageTexture.new()
generated_textures[t.texture] = texture
func update_materials(material_list):
for m in material_list:
func get_generated_texture(slot, file_prefix = null):
if file_prefix != null:
var file_name = "%s_%s.png" % [ file_prefix, slot ]
if File.new().file_exists(file_name):
return load(file_name)
return null
return generated_textures[slot]
func update_spatial_material(m, file_prefix = null):
var texture
m.albedo_color = parameters.albedo_color
m.albedo_texture = get_generated_texture("albedo", file_prefix)
m.metallic = parameters.metallic
m.roughness = parameters.roughness
if Engine.editor_hint:
texture = get_generated_texture("mrao", file_prefix)
m.metallic_texture = texture
m.metallic_texture_channel = SpatialMaterial.TEXTURE_CHANNEL_RED
m.roughness_texture = texture
m.roughness_texture_channel = SpatialMaterial.TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GREEN
m.metallic_texture = get_generated_texture("metallic", file_prefix)
m.roughness_texture = get_generated_texture("roughness", file_prefix)
texture = get_generated_texture("emission", file_prefix)
if texture != null:
m.emission_enabled = true
m.emission_energy = parameters.emission_energy
m.emission_texture = texture
m.emission_enabled = false
texture = get_generated_texture("normal_texture", file_prefix)
if texture != null:
m.normal_enabled = true
m.normal_texture = texture
m.normal_enabled = false
if Engine.editor_hint:
if (generated_textures.mrao.mask & (1 << 2)) != 0:
m.ao_enabled = true
m.ao_light_affect = parameters.ao_light_affect
m.ao_texture = m.metallic_texture
m.ao_texture_channel = SpatialMaterial.TEXTURE_CHANNEL_BLUE
m.ao_enabled = false
texture = get_generated_texture("ao_texture", file_prefix)
if texture != null:
m.ao_enabled = true
m.ao_light_affect = parameters.ao_light_affect
m.ao_texture = texture
m.ao_enabled = false
texture = get_generated_texture("depth_texture", file_prefix)
if texture != null:
m.depth_enabled = true
m.depth_deep_parallax = true
m.depth_scale = parameters.depth_scale * 0.2
m.depth_texture = texture
m.depth_enabled = false
func export_textures(prefix, size = null):
if size == null:
size = int(pow(2, 8+parameters.resolution))
for t in texture_list:
var texture = generated_textures[t.texture]
if texture != null:
var image = texture.get_data()
image.save_png("%s_%s.png" % [ prefix, t.texture ])
if Engine.editor_hint:
var resource_filesystem = get_parent().editor_interface.get_resource_filesystem()
yield(resource_filesystem, "filesystem_changed")
var new_material = SpatialMaterial.new()
update_spatial_material(new_material, prefix)
ResourceSaver.save("%s.tres" % [ prefix ], new_material)
func _serialize(data):
return data