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synced 2025-02-15 05:40:06 +01:00
Added a new tex2view texture to store least significant bits of the position in view to solve the precision problem.
57 lines
1.3 KiB
57 lines
1.3 KiB
shader_type spatial;
render_mode unshaded, cull_front;
uniform sampler2D view2texture;
uniform mat4 model_transform;
uniform float fovy_degrees = 45;
uniform float z_near = 0.01;
uniform float z_far = 60.0;
uniform float aspect = 1.0;
varying vec4 global_position;
varying vec3 normal;
mat4 get_projection_matrix() {
float PI = 3.14159265359;
float rads = fovy_degrees / 2.0 * PI / 180.0;
float deltaZ = z_far - z_near;
float sine = sin(rads);
if (deltaZ == 0.0 || sine == 0.0 || aspect == 0.0)
return mat4(0.0);
float cotangent = cos(rads) / sine;
mat4 matrix = mat4(1.0);
matrix[0][0] = cotangent / aspect;
matrix[1][1] = cotangent;
matrix[2][2] = (z_far + z_near) / deltaZ;
matrix[2][3] = 1.0; //try +1
matrix[3][2] = 2.0 * z_near * z_far / deltaZ;
matrix[3][3] = 0.0;
return matrix;
void vertex() {
global_position = model_transform*vec4(VERTEX, 1.0);
normal = (model_transform*vec4(NORMAL, 0.0)).xyz;
VERTEX=vec3(UV.x, UV.y, 0.0);
vec2 fix_unshaded(vec2 xy) {
return pow(xy, vec2(2.22));
void fragment() {
vec4 color = get_projection_matrix()*vec4(global_position.xyz, 1.0);
color.xyz /= color.w;
vec3 xyz = vec3(0.5-0.5*color.x, 0.5+0.5*color.y, -0.5*color.z);
xyz.xy = fract(xyz.xy*255.0);
ALBEDO = vec3(fix_unshaded(xyz.xy), 0.0);