mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 12:04:19 +01:00
Added blend modes (Dissolve, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Hard Light, Soft Light). Fixed color popup position in the GradientEditor. Fixed initial panoram shown in preview.
136 lines
3.9 KiB
136 lines
3.9 KiB
extends Control
class GradientCursor:
extends ColorRect
const WIDTH = 10
func _ready():
rect_position = Vector2(0, 15)
rect_size = Vector2(WIDTH, 20)
func _gui_input(ev):
if ev is InputEventMouseButton && ev.doubleclick:
if ev.button_index == 1:
get_parent().select_color(self, ev.global_position)
elif ev.button_index == 2 && get_parent().get_sorted_cursors().size() > 2:
var parent = get_parent()
elif ev is InputEventMouseMotion && (ev.button_mask & 1) != 0:
rect_position.x += ev.relative.x
rect_position.x = min(max(0, rect_position.x), get_parent().rect_size.x-rect_size.x)
func get_position():
return rect_position.x / (get_parent().rect_size.x - WIDTH)
func set_color(c):
color = c
static func sort(a, b):
if a.get_position() < b.get_position():
return true
return false
signal updated
func _ready():
$Gradient.material = $Gradient.material.duplicate(true)
add_cursor(0, Color(0, 0, 0))
add_cursor(rect_size.x-GradientCursor.WIDTH, Color(1, 1, 1))
func add_cursor(x, color):
var cursor = GradientCursor.new()
cursor.rect_position.x = x
cursor.color = color
func _gui_input(ev):
if ev is InputEventMouseButton && ev.button_index == 1 && ev.doubleclick && ev.position.y > 15:
var p = max(0, min(ev.position.x, rect_size.x-GradientCursor.WIDTH))
add_cursor(p, get_color(p))
# Showing a color picker popup to change a cursor's color
var active_cursor
func select_color(cursor, position):
active_cursor = cursor
$Gradient/Popup/ColorPicker.connect("color_changed", cursor, "set_color")
$Gradient/Popup.rect_position = position
func _on_Popup_popup_hide():
$Gradient/Popup/ColorPicker.disconnect("color_changed", active_cursor, "set_color")
# Calculating a color from the gradient and generating the shader
func get_sorted_cursors():
var array = get_children()
array.sort_custom(GradientCursor, "sort")
return array
func get_color(x):
var array = get_sorted_cursors()
x = x / (rect_size.x - array[0].rect_size.x)
if x < array[0].get_position():
return array[0].color
for i in range(array.size()-1):
if x < array[i+1].get_position():
var p0 = array[i].get_position()
var c0 = array[i].color
var p1 = array[i+1].get_position()
var c1 = array[i+1].color
return c0 + (c1-c0) * (x-p0) / (p1-p0)
return array[array.size()-1].color
# get_color_in_shader
func gcis(color):
return "vec3(%.9f,%.9f,%.9f)" % [color.r, color.g, color.b]
func get_shader(name):
var array = get_sorted_cursors()
var shader
shader = "vec3 "+name+"(float x) {\n"
shader += " if (x < %.9f) {\n" % array[0].get_position()
shader += " return "+gcis(array[0].color)+";\n"
for i in range(array.size()-1):
var p0 = array[i].get_position()
var c0 = array[i].color
var p1mp0 = array[i+1].get_position()-p0
var c1mc0 = array[i+1].color-c0
if p1mp0 > 0:
shader += " } else if (x < %.9f) {\n" % array[i+1].get_position()
shader += " return %s+x*%s;\n" % [gcis(c0-c1mc0*(p0/p1mp0)), gcis(c1mc0/p1mp0)]
shader += " }\n"
shader += " return "+gcis(array[array.size()-1].color)+";\n"
shader += "}\n"
return shader
func update_shader():
var shader
shader = "shader_type canvas_item;\n"
shader += get_shader("gradient")
shader += "void fragment() { COLOR = vec4(gradient((UV.x-%.9f)*%.9f), 1.0); }" % [ float(GradientCursor.WIDTH)*0.5/float(rect_size.x), rect_size.x/(rect_size.x-GradientCursor.WIDTH) ]
func serialize():
var rv = []
for c in get_sorted_cursors():
rv.append({ pos= c.get_position(), r= c.color.r, g= c.color.g, b= c.color.b })
return rv
func deserialize(v):
for c in get_sorted_cursors():
for i in v:
add_cursor(i.pos*(rect_size.x-GradientCursor.WIDTH), Color(i.r, i.g, i.b))