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synced 2025-02-15 05:40:06 +01:00
Moved Material Spray to another repository. Renamed the addon directory to material_maker
122 lines
4.0 KiB
122 lines
4.0 KiB
extends "res://addons/material_maker/node_base.gd"
var resolution = 1
var albedo_color
var metallic
var roughness
var emission_energy
var normal_scale
var ao_light_affect
var depth_scale
var current_material_list = []
var generated_textures = {}
const TEXTURE_LIST = [
{ port=0, texture="albedo" },
{ port=1, texture="metallic" },
{ port=2, texture="roughness" },
{ port=3, texture="emission" },
{ port=4, texture="normal_map" },
{ port=5, texture="ambient_occlusion" },
{ port=6, texture="depth_map" }
{ port=0, texture="albedo" },
{ port=3, texture="emission" },
{ port=4, texture="normal_map" },
{ ports=[1, 2, 5], texture="mrao" },
{ port=6, texture="depth_map" }
func _ready():
for t in TEXTURE_LIST:
generated_textures[t.texture] = { shader=null, source=null, texture=null }
initialize_properties([ $resolution, $Albedo/albedo_color, $Metallic/metallic, $Roughness/roughness, $Emission/emission_energy, $NormalMap/normal_scale, $AmbientOcclusion/ao_light_affect, $DepthMap/depth_scale ])
func _rerender():
var has_textures = false
for t in TEXTURE_LIST:
var shader = generated_textures[t.texture].shader
if shader != null:
var input_textures = null
if generated_textures[t.texture].source != null:
input_textures = generated_textures[t.texture].source.get_textures()
get_parent().precalculate_shader(shader, input_textures, 1024, generated_textures[t.texture].texture, self, "do_update_materials", [ current_material_list ])
has_textures = true
if !has_textures:
func _get_shader_code(uv):
var rv = { defs="", code="", f="0.0" }
var src = get_source()
if src != null:
rv = src.get_shader_code(uv)
return rv
func update_materials(material_list):
current_material_list = material_list
var has_textures = false
for t in TEXTURE_LIST:
var source = get_source(t.port)
if source == null:
generated_textures[t.texture].shader = null
generated_textures[t.texture].source = null
if generated_textures[t.texture].texture != null:
generated_textures[t.texture].texture = null
generated_textures[t.texture].shader = source.generate_shader()
generated_textures[t.texture].source = source
if generated_textures[t.texture].texture == null:
generated_textures[t.texture].texture = ImageTexture.new()
func do_update_materials(material_list):
for m in material_list:
if m is SpatialMaterial:
m.albedo_color = albedo_color
m.albedo_texture = generated_textures.albedo.texture
m.metallic = metallic
m.metallic_texture = generated_textures.metallic.texture
m.roughness = roughness
m.roughness_texture = generated_textures.roughness.texture
if generated_textures.emission.texture != null:
m.emission_enabled = true
m.emission_energy = emission_energy
m.emission_texture = generated_textures.emission.texture
m.emission_enabled = false
if generated_textures.normal_map.texture != null:
m.normal_enabled = true
m.normal_texture = generated_textures.normal_map.texture
m.normal_enabled = false
if generated_textures.ambient_occlusion.texture != null:
m.ao_enabled = true
m.ao_light_affect = ao_light_affect
m.ao_texture = generated_textures.ambient_occlusion.texture
m.ao_enabled = false
if generated_textures.depth_map.texture != null:
m.depth_enabled = true
m.depth_scale = depth_scale
m.depth_texture = generated_textures.depth_map.texture
m.depth_enabled = false
func export_textures(prefix, size = null):
if size == null:
size = int(pow(2, 8+resolution))
var texture_list = TEXTURE_LIST
if Engine.editor_hint:
texture_list = ADDON_TEXTURE_LIST
for t in texture_list:
if t.has("port"):
get_parent().export_texture(get_source(t.port), "%s_%s.png" % [ prefix, t.texture ], size)
elif t.has("ports"):
get_parent().export_combined_texture(get_source(t.port[0]), get_source(t.port[1]), get_source(t.port[2]), "%s_%s.png" % [ prefix, t.texture ], size)
if Engine.editor_hint:
print("Exporting material")