2019-12-16 22:14:46 +01:00
extends KinematicBody2D
2019-12-17 05:12:18 +01:00
AI agent that uses the Seek behavior to hone in on the player's location as directly as possible.
2019-12-16 22:14:46 +01:00
onready var radius: = ($CollisionShape2D.shape as CircleShape2D).radius
2019-12-19 20:04:08 +01:00
onready var agent: = GSTSteeringAgent.new()
onready var accel: = GSTTargetAcceleration.new()
onready var seek: = GSTSeek.new(agent, player_agent)
var player_agent: GSTAgentLocation
2019-12-16 22:14:46 +01:00
var velocity: = Vector2.ZERO
var speed: float
var color: Color
func _ready() -> void:
agent.max_linear_acceleration = speed/10
agent.max_linear_speed = speed
func _draw() -> void:
draw_circle(Vector2.ZERO, radius, color)
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
2019-12-17 05:12:18 +01:00
if not player_agent:
2019-12-16 22:14:46 +01:00
accel = seek.calculate_steering(accel)
velocity = (velocity + Vector2(accel.linear.x, accel.linear.y)).clamped(agent.max_linear_speed)
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
if velocity.length_squared() > 0:
func _update_agent() -> void:
agent.position = Vector3(global_position.x, global_position.y, 0)