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synced 2025-03-26 04:02:14 +01:00
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164 lines
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extends VoxelWorld
# Copyright Péter Magyar relintai@gmail.com
# MIT License, might be merged into the Voxelman engine module
export(Array, MeshDataResource) var meshes : Array
export (bool) var editor_generate : bool = false setget set_editor_generate, get_editor_generate
export (bool) var show_loading_screen : bool = true
var initial_generation : bool = true
var spawned : bool = false
var _editor_generate : bool
var _player_file_name : String
var _player : Entity
#func _process(delta : float) -> void:
# if not generation_queue.empty():
# var chunk : VoxelChunk = generation_queue.front()
# refresh_chunk_lod_level_data(chunk)
# level_generator.generate_chunk(chunk)
# generation_queue.remove(0)
# if generation_queue.empty():
# emit_signal("generation_finished")
# initial_generation = false
# if show_loading_screen and not Engine.editor_hint:
# get_node("..").hide_loading_screen()
func _generation_finished():
initial_generation = false
if show_loading_screen and not Engine.editor_hint:
#TODO hack, do this properly
if _player:
func _prepare_chunk_for_generation(chunk):
func refresh_chunk_lod_level_data(chunk : VoxelChunk) -> void:
var cpx : int = chunk.position_x
var cpy : int = chunk.position_y
var cpz : int = chunk.position_z
var chunk_lod : int = chunk.lod_size
var carr : Array = [
get_chunk_lod_level(cpx, cpy + 1, cpz, chunk_lod), #CHUNK_INDEX_UP
get_chunk_lod_level(cpx, cpy - 1, cpz, chunk_lod), #CHUNK_INDEX_DOWN
get_chunk_lod_level(cpx + 1, cpy, cpz, chunk_lod), #CHUNK_INDEX_LEFT
get_chunk_lod_level(cpx - 1, cpy, cpz, chunk_lod), #CHUNK_INDEX_RIGHT
get_chunk_lod_level(cpx, cpy, cpz - 1, chunk_lod), #CHUNK_INDEX_FRONT
get_chunk_lod_level(cpx, cpy, cpz + 1, chunk_lod) #CHUNK_INDEX_BACK
chunk.lod_data = carr
func get_chunk_lod_level(x : int, y : int, z : int, default : int) -> int:
# var key : String = str(x) + "," + str(y) + "," + str(z)
var ch : VoxelChunk = get_chunk(x, y, z)
if ch == null:
return default
return ch.lod_size
func _create_chunk(x : int, y : int, z : int, pchunk : Node) -> VoxelChunk:
var chunk : VoxelChunk = TVVoxelChunk.new()
chunk.lod_size = 1
return ._create_chunk(x, y, z, chunk)
func spawn() -> void:
for x in range(-chunk_spawn_range, chunk_spawn_range):
for z in range(-chunk_spawn_range, chunk_spawn_range):
for y in range(-1, 1):
create_chunk(x, y, z)
func get_editor_generate() -> bool:
return _editor_generate
func set_editor_generate(value : bool) -> void:
if value:
level_generator.setup(self, current_seed, false, library)
spawned = false
_editor_generate = value
func add_light(x : int, y : int, z : int, size : int, color : Color) -> void:
var chunkx : int = int(x / chunk_size_x)
var chunky : int = int(y / chunk_size_y)
var chunkz : int = int(z / chunk_size_z)
var light : VoxelLight = VoxelLight.new()
light.color = color
light.size = size
light.set_world_position(x, y, z)
for xx in range(chunkx - 1, chunkx + 1):
for yy in range(chunky - 1, chunky + 1):
for zz in range(chunkz - 1, chunkz + 1):
var chunk : VoxelChunk = get_chunk(xx, yy, zz)
if chunk == null:
func setup_client_seed(pseed : int) -> void:
# _player_file_name = ""
# _player = null
if level_generator != null:
level_generator.setup(self, pseed, false, library)
func load_character(file_name : String) -> void:
_player_file_name = file_name
_player = Entities.load_player(file_name, Vector3(5, 10, 5), 1) as Entity
#TODO hack, do this properly
if level_generator != null:
level_generator.setup(self, _player.sseed, true, library)
func needs_loading_screen() -> bool:
return show_loading_screen
func save() -> void:
if _player == null or _player_file_name == "":
Entities.save_player(_player, _player_file_name)