mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 03:49:54 +01:00
1173 lines
22 KiB
1173 lines
22 KiB
extends Reference
const Commons = preload("res://addons/mat_maker_gd/nodes/common/commons.gd")
# "connections": [
# {
# "from": "gen_inputs",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "buffer",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "buffer",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "gen_outputs",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "gen_inputs",
# "from_port": 1,
# "to": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "to_port": 1
# }
# ],
# "label": "Directional Blur",
# "longdesc": "Applies a directional gaussian blur to its input",
# "name": "directional_blur",
# "node_position": {
# "x": 0,
# "y": 0
# },
# "nodes": [
# {
# "name": "buffer",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -381.25,
# "y": -270.75
# },
# "parameters": {
# "lod": 0,
# "size": 9
# },
# "type": "buffer"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_parameters",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -436.666626,
# "y": -413.666656
# },
# "parameters": {
# "param0": 9,
# "param1": 50,
# "param2": 45
# },
# "type": "remote",
# "widgets": [
# {
# "label": "Grid size:",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "buffer",
# "widget": "size"
# },
# {
# "node": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "widget": "size"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The resolution of the input",
# "name": "param0",
# "shortdesc": "Size",
# "type": "linked_control"
# },
# {
# "label": "Sigma",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "widget": "sigma"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The strength of the blur filter",
# "name": "param1",
# "shortdesc": "Sigma",
# "type": "linked_control"
# },
# {
# "label": "Angle",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "widget": "angle"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The angle of the directional blur effect",
# "name": "param2",
# "shortdesc": "Angle",
# "type": "linked_control"
# }
# ]
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_inputs",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -779.666626,
# "y": -247.392853
# },
# "parameters": {
# },
# "ports": [
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "The input image",
# "name": "in",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
# },
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "A map that controls the strength of the blur filter",
# "name": "amount",
# "shortdesc": "Strength map",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "seed_value": 91624,
# "type": "ios"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_outputs",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -45.452393,
# "y": -195.392853
# },
# "parameters": {
# },
# "ports": [
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "Shows the generated blurred image",
# "name": "port0",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "type": "ios"
# },
# {
# "name": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -376.725464,
# "y": -184.178955
# },
# "parameters": {
# "angle": 45,
# "sigma": 50,
# "size": 9
# },
# "seed_value": -47470,
# "shader_model": {
# "code": "",
# "global": "",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(1.0)",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "name": "in",
# "type": "rgba"
# },
# {
# "default": "1.0",
# "function": true,
# "label": "Label",
# "name": "amount",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "instance": "vec4 $(name)_fct(vec2 uv) {\n\tvec2 e = vec2(cos($angle*0.01745329251), -sin($angle*0.01745329251))/$size;\n\tvec4 rv = vec4(0.0);\n\tfloat sum = 0.0;\n\tfloat sigma = $sigma*$amount(uv);\n\tfor (float i = -50.0; i <= 50.0; i += 1.0) {\n\t\tfloat coef = exp(-0.5*(pow(i/sigma, 2.0)))/(6.28318530718*sigma*sigma);\n\t\trv += $in(uv+i*e)*coef;\n\t\tsum += coef;\n\t}\n\treturn rv/sum;\n}",
# "name": "Directional Blur",
# "outputs": [
# {
# "rgba": "$(name)_fct($uv)",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": 9,
# "first": 4,
# "label": "Size",
# "last": 12,
# "name": "size",
# "type": "size"
# },
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 0.5,
# "label": "Sigma",
# "max": 50,
# "min": 0,
# "name": "sigma",
# "step": 0.1,
# "type": "float"
# },
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 0,
# "label": "Angle",
# "max": 180,
# "min": -180,
# "name": "angle",
# "step": 0.1,
# "type": "float"
# }
# ]
# },
# "type": "shader"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": {
# "param0": 9,
# "param1": 50,
# "param2": 45
# },
# "shortdesc": "Directional blur",
# "type": "graph"
# "connections": [
# {
# "from": "buffer_2",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "fast_blur_shader",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "gen_inputs",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "buffer_2",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "fast_blur_shader",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "gen_outputs",
# "to_port": 0
# }
# ],
# "label": "Fast Blur",
# "longdesc": "",
# "name": "fast_blur",
# "node_position": {
# "x": 0,
# "y": 0
# },
# "nodes": [
# {
# "name": "fast_blur_shader",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -168,
# "y": 120
# },
# "parameters": {
# "quality": 1,
# "sigma": 100
# },
# "type": "fast_blur_shader"
# },
# {
# "name": "buffer_2",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -187,
# "y": 61.5
# },
# "parameters": {
# "size": 11
# },
# "type": "buffer",
# "version": 1
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_inputs",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -602,
# "y": 91.75
# },
# "parameters": {
# },
# "ports": [
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "The input image",
# "name": "input",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "type": "ios"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_outputs",
# "node_position": {
# "x": 88,
# "y": 61.75
# },
# "parameters": {
# },
# "ports": [
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "The generated blurred image",
# "name": "output",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "type": "ios"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_parameters",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -254.5,
# "y": -122.5
# },
# "parameters": {
# "param0": 11,
# "param1": 100,
# "param2": 1
# },
# "type": "remote",
# "widgets": [
# {
# "label": "Resolution",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "buffer_2",
# "widget": "size"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The resolution used to sample the input image",
# "name": "param0",
# "shortdesc": "Resolution",
# "type": "linked_control"
# },
# {
# "label": "Sigma",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "fast_blur_shader",
# "widget": "sigma"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The standard deviation of the gaussian distribution",
# "name": "param1",
# "shortdesc": "Sigma",
# "type": "linked_control"
# },
# {
# "label": "Quality",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "fast_blur_shader",
# "widget": "quality"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The quality of the effect (increasing quality increases compute time)",
# "name": "param2",
# "shortdesc": "Quality",
# "type": "linked_control"
# }
# ]
# }
# ],
# "parameters": {
# "param0": 11,
# "param1": 100,
# "param2": 1
# },
# "shortdesc": "",
# "type": "graph"
# "name": "fast_blur_shader",
# "node_position": {
# "x": 0,
# "y": 0
# },
# "parameters": {
# "quality": 1,
# "sigma": 100
# },
# "shader_model": {
# "code": "",
# "global": "",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(1.0)",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "name": "in",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "instance": "vec4 $(name)_blur(vec2 uv, vec2 scale, float sigma, int quality) {\n vec4 O = vec4(0.0);\n\tfloat samples = sigma * 4.0; \n\tint LOD = max(0, int(log2(float(samples)))-quality-2);\n\tint sLOD = 1 << LOD;\n int s = max(1, int(samples/float(sLOD)));\n\tfloat sum = 0.0;\n for (int i = 0; i < s*s; i++) {\n vec2 d = vec2(float(i%s), float(i/s))*float(sLOD) - 0.5*float(samples);\n\t\tvec2 dd = d / sigma;\n\t\tfloat g = exp(-.5*dot(dd,dd))/(6.28*sigma*sigma);\n O += g * textureLod($in.texture, uv + scale * d, float(LOD));\n\t\tsum += g;\n }\n \n return O / sum;\n}\n",
# "name": "Fast Blur",
# "outputs": [
# {
# "rgba": "$(name)_blur($uv, vec2(1.0)/$in.size, max(1.0, floor($sigma*$in.size/2048.0)), int($quality))",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 1,
# "label": "",
# "max": 256,
# "min": 1,
# "name": "sigma",
# "step": 1,
# "type": "float"
# },
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 1,
# "label": "",
# "max": 3,
# "min": 0,
# "name": "quality",
# "step": 1,
# "type": "float"
# }
# ]
# },
# "type": "shader"
# "connections": [
# {
# "from": "switch",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "buffer_2",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "gen_inputs",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "buffer",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "switch",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "switch_2",
# "to_port": 1
# },
# {
# "from": "gen_inputs",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "switch",
# "to_port": 1
# },
# {
# "from": "buffer",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "gaussian_blur_x",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "gaussian_blur_x",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "switch",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "gaussian_blur_y",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "switch_2",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "buffer_2",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "gaussian_blur_y",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "gen_inputs",
# "from_port": 1,
# "to": "gaussian_blur_x",
# "to_port": 1
# },
# {
# "from": "gen_inputs",
# "from_port": 1,
# "to": "gaussian_blur_y",
# "to_port": 1
# },
# {
# "from": "buffer_3",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "gen_outputs",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "switch_2",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "buffer_3",
# "to_port": 0
# }
# ],
# "label": "Gaussian Blur",
# "longdesc": "Applys a gaussian blur on its input",
# "name": "gaussian_blur",
# "node_position": {
# "x": 0,
# "y": 0
# },
# "nodes": [
# {
# "name": "buffer_2",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -399.875,
# "y": -43.625
# },
# "parameters": {
# "lod": 0,
# "size": 9
# },
# "type": "buffer"
# },
# {
# "name": "switch",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -496.452393,
# "y": -130.166656
# },
# "parameters": {
# "choices": 2,
# "outputs": 1,
# "source": 0
# },
# "type": "switch"
# },
# {
# "name": "switch_2",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -240.452393,
# "y": -133.666656
# },
# "parameters": {
# "choices": 2,
# "outputs": 1,
# "source": 0
# },
# "type": "switch"
# },
# {
# "name": "buffer",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -402.25,
# "y": -315.75
# },
# "parameters": {
# "lod": 0,
# "size": 9
# },
# "type": "buffer"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_parameters",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -439.666626,
# "y": -456.666656
# },
# "parameters": {
# "param0": 9,
# "param1": 50,
# "param2": 0
# },
# "type": "remote",
# "widgets": [
# {
# "label": "Grid size:",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "buffer",
# "widget": "size"
# },
# {
# "node": "buffer_2",
# "widget": "size"
# },
# {
# "node": "gaussian_blur_x",
# "widget": "size"
# },
# {
# "node": "gaussian_blur_y",
# "widget": "size"
# },
# {
# "node": "buffer_3",
# "widget": "size"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The resolution of the input image",
# "name": "param0",
# "shortdesc": "Size",
# "type": "linked_control"
# },
# {
# "label": "Sigma:",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "gaussian_blur_x",
# "widget": "sigma"
# },
# {
# "node": "gaussian_blur_y",
# "widget": "sigma"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The strength of the blur filter",
# "name": "param1",
# "shortdesc": "Sigma",
# "type": "linked_control"
# },
# {
# "configurations": {
# "Both": [
# {
# "node": "switch",
# "value": 0,
# "widget": "source"
# },
# {
# "node": "switch_2",
# "value": 0,
# "widget": "source"
# }
# ],
# "X": [
# {
# "node": "switch",
# "value": 0,
# "widget": "source"
# },
# {
# "node": "switch_2",
# "value": 1,
# "widget": "source"
# }
# ],
# "Y": [
# {
# "node": "switch",
# "value": 1,
# "widget": "source"
# },
# {
# "node": "switch_2",
# "value": 0,
# "widget": "source"
# }
# ]
# },
# "label": "Direction:",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "switch",
# "widget": "source"
# },
# {
# "node": "switch_2",
# "widget": "source"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "Apply the blur filter horizontally, vertically of in both directions",
# "name": "param2",
# "shortdesc": "Direction",
# "type": "config_control"
# }
# ]
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_inputs",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -928.666626,
# "y": -188.392853
# },
# "parameters": {
# },
# "ports": [
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "The input image",
# "name": "input",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
# },
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "A map that controls the strength of the blur filter",
# "name": "amount",
# "shortdesc": "Strength map",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "type": "ios"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_outputs",
# "node_position": {
# "x": 193.547607,
# "y": -135.392853
# },
# "parameters": {
# },
# "ports": [
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "Shows the generated blurred image",
# "name": "port0",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "seed_value": 77778,
# "type": "ios"
# },
# {
# "name": "gaussian_blur_x",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -412.993408,
# "y": -221.281738
# },
# "parameters": {
# "sigma": 50,
# "size": 9
# },
# "type": "gaussian_blur_x"
# },
# {
# "name": "gaussian_blur_y",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -405.993408,
# "y": 38.718262
# },
# "parameters": {
# "sigma": 50,
# "size": 9
# },
# "seed_value": 12279,
# "type": "gaussian_blur_y"
# },
# {
# "name": "buffer_3",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -50.246796,
# "y": -133.96936
# },
# "parameters": {
# "lod": 0,
# "size": 9
# },
# "type": "buffer"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": {
# "param0": 9,
# "param1": 50,
# "param2": 0
# },
# "shortdesc": "Gaussian blur",
# "type": "graph"
# "name": "gaussian_blur_x",
# "node_position": {
# "x": 0,
# "y": 0
# },
# "parameters": {
# "sigma": 35.700001,
# "size": 9
# },
# "shader_model": {
# "code": "",
# "global": "",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(1.0)",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "name": "in",
# "type": "rgba"
# },
# {
# "default": "1.0",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "name": "amount",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "instance": "vec4 $(name)_fct(vec2 uv) {\n\tfloat e = 1.0/$size;\n\tvec4 rv = vec4(0.0);\n\tfloat sum = 0.0;\n\tfloat sigma = max(0.000001, $sigma*$amount(uv));\n\tfor (float i = -50.0; i <= 50.0; i += 1.0) {\n\t\tfloat coef = exp(-0.5*(pow(i/sigma, 2.0)))/(6.28318530718*sigma*sigma);\n\t\trv += $in(uv+vec2(i*e, 0.0))*coef;\n\t\tsum += coef;\n\t}\n\treturn rv/sum;\n}",
# "name": "Gaussian blur X",
# "outputs": [
# {
# "rgba": "$(name)_fct($uv)",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": 9,
# "first": 4,
# "label": "Size",
# "last": 12,
# "name": "size",
# "type": "size"
# },
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 0.5,
# "label": "Sigma",
# "max": 50,
# "min": 0,
# "name": "sigma",
# "step": 0.1,
# "type": "float"
# }
# ]
# },
# "type": "shader"
# "name": "gaussian_blur_y",
# "node_position": {
# "x": 0,
# "y": 0
# },
# "parameters": {
# "sigma": 35.700001,
# "size": 9
# },
# "shader_model": {
# "code": "",
# "global": "",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(1.0)",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "name": "in",
# "type": "rgba"
# },
# {
# "default": "1.0",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "name": "amount",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "instance": "vec4 $(name)_fct(vec2 uv) {\n\tfloat e = 1.0/$size;\n\tvec4 rv = vec4(0.0);\n\tfloat sum = 0.0;\n\tfloat sigma = max(0.000001, $sigma*$amount(uv));\n\tfor (float i = -50.0; i <= 50.0; i += 1.0) {\n\t\tfloat coef = exp(-0.5*(pow(i/sigma, 2.0)))/(6.28318530718*sigma*sigma);\n\t\trv += $in(uv+vec2(0.0, i*e))*coef;\n\t\tsum += coef;\n\t}\n\treturn rv/sum;\n}",
# "name": "Gaussian blur Y",
# "outputs": [
# {
# "rgba": "$(name)_fct($uv)",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": 9,
# "first": 4,
# "label": "Size",
# "last": 12,
# "name": "size",
# "type": "size"
# },
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 0.5,
# "label": "Sigma",
# "max": 50,
# "min": 0,
# "name": "sigma",
# "step": 0.1,
# "type": "float"
# }
# ]
# },
# "type": "shader"
# "connections": [
# {
# "from": "gen_inputs",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "buffer",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "buffer",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "gen_inputs",
# "from_port": 1,
# "to": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "to_port": 1
# },
# {
# "from": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "buffer_2",
# "to_port": 0
# },
# {
# "from": "buffer_2",
# "from_port": 0,
# "to": "gen_outputs",
# "to_port": 0
# }
# ],
# "label": "Slope Blur",
# "longdesc": "Applys a blur effect on its input, following slopes of an input height map",
# "name": "slope_blur",
# "node_position": {
# "x": 0,
# "y": 0
# },
# "nodes": [
# {
# "name": "buffer",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -395.25,
# "y": -274.75
# },
# "parameters": {
# "lod": 0,
# "size": 10
# },
# "type": "buffer"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_parameters",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -462.666626,
# "y": -397.666656
# },
# "parameters": {
# "param0": 10,
# "param1": 30
# },
# "type": "remote",
# "widgets": [
# {
# "label": "Grid size:",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "buffer",
# "widget": "size"
# },
# {
# "node": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "widget": "size"
# },
# {
# "node": "buffer_2",
# "widget": "size"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The resolution of the input image",
# "name": "param0",
# "shortdesc": "Size",
# "type": "linked_control"
# },
# {
# "label": "Sigma",
# "linked_widgets": [
# {
# "node": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "widget": "sigma"
# }
# ],
# "longdesc": "The strength of the blur filter",
# "name": "param1",
# "shortdesc": "Sigma",
# "type": "linked_control"
# }
# ]
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_inputs",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -872.666626,
# "y": -243.392853
# },
# "parameters": {
# },
# "ports": [
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "The input image",
# "name": "in",
# "shortdesc": "Input",
# "type": "rgba"
# },
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "A height map whose slopes control the strength and direction of the blur filter",
# "name": "heightmap",
# "shortdesc": "Height map",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "seed_value": 91624,
# "type": "ios"
# },
# {
# "name": "gen_outputs",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -45.452393,
# "y": -195.392853
# },
# "parameters": {
# },
# "ports": [
# {
# "group_size": 0,
# "longdesc": "Shows the generated blurred image",
# "name": "port0",
# "shortdesc": "Output",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "type": "ios"
# },
# {
# "name": "edge_detect_3_3_2",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -401.725464,
# "y": -199.178955
# },
# "parameters": {
# "sigma": 30,
# "size": 10
# },
# "seed_value": -47470,
# "shader_model": {
# "code": "",
# "global": "",
# "inputs": [
# {
# "default": "vec4(1.0)",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "name": "in",
# "type": "rgba"
# },
# {
# "default": "1.0",
# "function": true,
# "label": "",
# "name": "heightmap",
# "type": "f"
# }
# ],
# "instance": "vec4 $(name)_fct(vec2 uv) {\n\tfloat dx = 1.0/$size;\n float v = $heightmap(uv);\n\tvec2 slope = vec2($heightmap(uv+vec2(dx, 0.0))-v, $heightmap(uv+vec2(0.0, dx))-v);\n\tfloat slope_strength = length(slope)*$size;\n vec2 norm_slope = (slope_strength == 0.0) ? vec2(0.0, 1.0) : normalize(slope);\n vec2 e = dx*norm_slope;\n\tvec4 rv = vec4(0.0);\n\tfloat sum = 0.0;\n\tfloat sigma = max($sigma*slope_strength, 0.0001);\n\tfor (float i = 0.0; i <= 50.0; i += 1.0) {\n\t\tfloat coef = exp(-0.5*(pow(i/sigma, 2.0)))/(6.28318530718*sigma*sigma);\n\t\trv += $in(uv+i*e)*coef;\n\t\tsum += coef;\n\t}\n\treturn rv/sum;\n}",
# "name": "Slope Blur",
# "outputs": [
# {
# "rgba": "$(name)_fct($uv)",
# "type": "rgba"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": [
# {
# "default": 9,
# "first": 4,
# "label": "Size",
# "last": 12,
# "name": "size",
# "type": "size"
# },
# {
# "control": "None",
# "default": 0.5,
# "label": "Sigma",
# "max": 50,
# "min": 0,
# "name": "sigma",
# "step": 0.1,
# "type": "float"
# }
# ]
# },
# "type": "shader"
# },
# {
# "name": "buffer_2",
# "node_position": {
# "x": -392.952209,
# "y": -115.576294
# },
# "parameters": {
# "lod": 0,
# "size": 10
# },
# "type": "buffer"
# }
# ],
# "parameters": {
# "param0": 10,
# "param1": 30
# },
# "shortdesc": "Slope blur",
# "type": "graph"