Implement level requirement, and cost for the trainer window. Also update ESS to get support for it at the c++ side.
2020-09-13 00:08:32 +02:00 |
Implemented a trainer window, and trainer entities. Also updated ESS to get the support structure for them. Also added a naturalist trainer, and made the level spawn it in.
2020-09-12 01:01:43 +02:00 |
Added a simple stub Character Window (with 2 culomns), and the talent window now also has 2 culomns, one will be physical (character level) talents, and one will be astral (class).
2020-05-26 17:41:05 +02:00 |
Added a trainer window. It's functionality has not been implemented yet.
2020-05-25 12:44:03 +02:00 |