2019-11-20 14:30:34 +01:00
extends Container
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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export (NodePath) var name_text_path : NodePath
export (NodePath) var level_text_path : NodePath
export (NodePath) var health_range_path : NodePath
2019-12-03 23:22:35 +01:00
export (NodePath) var health_text_path : NodePath
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export (NodePath) var xp_range_path : NodePath
var _name_text : Label
var _level_text : Label
var _health_range : Range
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var _health_text : Label
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var _xp_range : Range
var _player : Entity
func _ready() -> void:
_name_text = get_node(name_text_path)
_level_text = get_node(level_text_path)
_health_range = get_node(health_range_path)
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_health_text = get_node(health_text_path)
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_xp_range = get_node(xp_range_path)
func set_player(p_player: Entity) -> void:
if not _player == null:
_player.get_health().disconnect("c_changed", self, "_on_player_health_changed")
_player.disconnect("cname_changed", self, "cname_changed")
_player.disconnect("con_level_up", self, "clevel_changed")
_player.disconnect("con_level_changed", self, "clevel_changed")
_player.disconnect("con_xp_gained", self, "con_xp_gained")
_player.disconnect("centity_data_changed", self, "centity_data_changed")
_player = null
if p_player == null:
_player = p_player
_player.connect("cname_changed", self, "cname_changed")
_player.connect("con_level_up", self, "clevel_changed")
_player.connect("con_level_changed", self, "clevel_changed")
_player.connect("con_xp_gained", self, "con_xp_gained")
_player.connect("centity_data_changed", self, "centity_data_changed")
var health = _player.get_health()
health.connect("c_changed", self, "_on_player_health_changed")
_name_text.text = _player.centity_name
_level_text.text = str(_player.clevel)
clevel_changed(_player, 0)
con_xp_gained(_player, 0)
func _on_player_health_changed(health: Stat) -> void:
if health.cmax == 0:
_health_range.min_value = 0
_health_range.max_value = 1
_health_range.value = 0
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_health_text.text = ""
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_health_range.min_value = 0
_health_range.max_value = health.cmax
_health_range.value = health.ccurrent
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_health_text.text = str(health.ccurrent) + "/" + str(health.cmax)
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func cname_changed(entity: Entity) -> void:
_name_text.text = _player.centity_name
func clevel_changed(entity: Entity, value : int) -> void:
_level_text.text = str(_player.clevel)
_xp_range.min_value = 0
_xp_range.max_value = Entities.get_xp_data().get_xp(_player.clevel)
func con_xp_gained(entity: Entity, val: int) -> void:
_xp_range.value = _player.cxp
func centity_data_changed(data: EntityData) -> void:
var health = _player.get_health()