2D Signed distance function geometry nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The signed distance function nodes can be used to define complex geometry using simple shapes. They are based on a very small set of basic shapes, that can be combined using operators, and finally output as a greyscale image using the **sdShow** node. All output samples shown in this sections are images generated through the **sdShow** node. All Signed Distance Functions nodes are based on code written by Inigo Quilez that can be found `on this page`__. .. _sdf2dpage: https://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/distfunctions2d/distfunctions2d.htm __ sdf2dpage_ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 node_simple_sdf_operators_sdshow Shapes ++++++ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 node_simple_sdf_shapes_sdcircle node_simple_sdf_shapes_sdline node_simple_sdf_shapes_sdbox node_simple_sdf_shapes_sdrhombus node_simple_sdf_shapes_sdarc Operators +++++++++ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 node_simple_sdf_operators_sdboolean node_simple_sdf_operators_sdsmoothboolean node_simple_sdf_operators_sdroundedshape node_simple_sdf_operators_sdannularshape node_simple_sdf_operators_sdmorph node_simple_sdf_operators_sdrepeat node_simple_sdf_operators_sdcirclerepeat Transforms ++++++++++ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 node_simple_sdf_transforms_translate node_simple_sdf_transforms_rotate node_simple_sdf_transforms_scale Example images ++++++++++++++ .. image:: images/node_sdf_samples.png :align: center