extends WindowDialog onready var application_name_label = $HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer3/VBoxContainer/ApplicationName onready var authors_grid = $HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Authors/List const CONTRIBUTORS = [ { name="Rodolphe Suescun", contribution="Lead developer" }, { name="Hugo Locurcio", contribution="Lots of contributions, mostly related to rendering and user interface" }, { name="Kasper Arnklit Frandsen", contribution="Several nodes (including Auto Tones and Mask to SDF) and node updates, and very nice video tutorials" }, { name="Roujel Williams", contribution="Curvature, Ambient Occlusion and Thickness maps generation" }, { name="Bonbonmiel", contribution="Many user interface improvements (in Nodes popup, 3D preview...)" }, { name="GoldenThumbs", contribution="Wavefront (OBJ) model loader" }, { name="Donald Mull Jr.", contribution="Export for Unity HDRP" }, { name="Metin ÇETİN", contribution="Add node popup menu" }, { name="Jack Perkins", contribution="User interface improvements" }, { name="Paulo Falcao", contribution="Preview for v4v4 input/outputs and lots of ideas/feedback for SDF nodes" }, { name="Jesse Dubay", contribution="3D preview and user interface improvements" }, { name="escargot-sans-gluten", contribution="3D preview and user interface improvements" }, { name="Tarox", contribution="Material Maker icon and lots of very useful feedback" }, { name="Maybe you?", contribution="If I forgot anyone here, or if you wish to contribute to this project, please don't hesitate to join our Discord channel and/or contact me directly" }, ] func _ready() -> void: if Engine.editor_hint: application_name_label.text = "Material Maker" else: application_name_label.text = ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/name")+" v"+ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/actual_release") for c in CONTRIBUTORS: var label : Label = Label.new() label.text = c.name authors_grid.add_child(label) label = Label.new() label.autowrap = true label.text = c.contribution authors_grid.add_child(label) func open_url(url) -> void: OS.shell_open(url)