Blend node ~~~~~~~~~~ The blend node blends two inputs using an optional opacity. It performs a blend operation defined by the blend mode between both inputs, and mixes the result with the bottom input using the opacity (defines by the *opacity* parameter, or the optional greyscale input). .. image:: images/node_blend.png Inputs ++++++ The blend node accepts three inputs: * The first input is the top layer. * The second input is the bottom layer. * The third input is an optional mask that will be use instead of the opacity parameter. Outputs +++++++ The blend node outputs the result of the blend operation. Parameters ++++++++++ The blend node has two parameters: * The blend mode, that can be one of the following: Normal, Dissolve, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Hard Light, Soft Light, Burn, Dodge, Lighten, Darken, Difference. * The opacity used when mixing the result of the blend operation with the bottom input when the corresponding input is not connected. Notes +++++ The *opacity* input will be considered (and implicitly converted to) greyscale if it is a color texture.