{ "name": "scratches", "node_position": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "parameters": { "angle": 0, "layers": 5, "length": 0.25, "randomness": 0.3, "waviness": 0.3, "width": 0.4 }, "shader_model": { "code": "", "longdesc": "A node that draws white scratches on a black background", "global": "float scratch(vec2 uv, vec2 size, float waviness, float angle, float randomness, vec2 seed) {\n\tfloat subdivide = floor(1.0/size.x);\n\tfloat cut = size.x*subdivide;\n\tuv *= subdivide;\n\tvec2 r1 = rand2(floor(uv)+seed);\n\tvec2 r2 = rand2(r1);\n\tuv = fract(uv);\n\tvec2 border = 10.0*min(fract(uv), 1.0-fract(uv));\n\tuv = 2.0*uv-vec2(1.0);\n\tfloat a = 6.28318530718*(angle+(r1.x-0.5)*randomness);\n\tfloat c = cos(a);\n\tfloat s = sin(a);\n\tuv = vec2(c*uv.x+s*uv.y, s*uv.x-c*uv.y);\n\tuv.y += 2.0*r1.y-1.0;\n\tuv.y += 0.5*waviness*cos(2.0*uv.x+6.28318530718*r2.y);\n\tuv.x /= cut;\n\tuv.y /= subdivide*size.y;\n\treturn min(border.x, border.y)*(1.0-uv.x*uv.x)*max(0.0, 1.0-1000.0*uv.y*uv.y);\n}\n\nfloat scratches(vec2 uv, int layers, vec2 size, float waviness, float angle, float randomness, vec2 seed) {\n\tfloat v = 0.0;\n\tfor (int i = 0; i < layers; ++i) {\n\t\tseed = rand2(seed);\n\t\tv = max(v, scratch(fract(uv+seed), size, waviness, angle/360.0, randomness, seed));\n\t}\n\treturn v;\n}\n", "inputs": [ ], "instance": "", "name": "Scratches", "outputs": [ { "f": "scratches($uv, int($layers), vec2($length, $width), $waviness, $angle, $randomness, vec2(float($seed), 0.0))", "longdesc": "Shows white scratches on a black background", "shortdesc": "Output", "type": "f" } ], "parameters": [ { "control": "None", "default": 0.25, "label": "Length", "longdesc": "The length of scratches (the shorter the scratches,the more they will be)", "max": 1, "min": 0.1, "name": "length", "shortdesc": "Length", "step": 0.01, "type": "float" }, { "control": "None", "default": 0.5, "label": "Width", "longdesc": "The width of scratches", "max": 1, "min": 0.1, "name": "width", "shortdesc": "Width", "step": 0.01, "type": "float" }, { "control": "None", "default": 4, "label": "Layers", "longdesc": "The number of scratches layers", "max": 10, "min": 1, "name": "layers", "shortdesc": "Layers", "step": 1, "type": "float" }, { "control": "None", "default": 0.5, "label": "Waviness", "longdesc": "The waviness of scratches", "max": 1, "min": 0, "name": "waviness", "shortdesc": "Waviness", "step": 0.01, "type": "float" }, { "control": "None", "default": 0, "label": "Angle", "longdesc": "The average angle of the scratches (0 generates horizontal scratches)", "max": 180, "min": -180, "name": "angle", "shortdesc": "Angle", "step": 1, "type": "float" }, { "control": "None", "default": 0.5, "label": "Randomness", "longdesc": "The randomness of the scratches angles", "max": 1, "min": 0, "name": "randomness", "shortdesc": "Randomness", "step": 0.01, "type": "float" } ] }, "type": "shader" }