tool extends MMGenTexture class_name MMGenBuffer """ Texture generator buffers, that render their input in a specific resolution and provide the result as output. This is useful when using generators that sample their inputs several times (such as convolutions) """ var updated : bool = false func _ready(): if !parameters.has("size"): parameters.size = 4 func get_type(): return "buffer" func get_type_name(): return "Buffer" func get_parameter_defs(): return [ { name="size", type="size", first=4, last=11, default=4 } ] func get_input_defs(): return [ { name="in", type="rgba" } ] func get_output_defs(): return [ { type="rgba" } ] func source_changed(input_port_index : int): updated = false .source_changed(input_port_index) func _get_shader_code(uv : String, output_index : int, context : MMGenContext): var source = get_source(0) if source != null and !updated: var result = source.generator.render(source.output_index, context.renderer, pow(2, 4+parameters.size)) while result is GDScriptFunctionState: result = yield(result, "completed") result.copy_to_texture(texture) result.release() texture.flags = 0 updated = true var rv = ._get_shader_code(uv, output_index, context) while rv is GDScriptFunctionState: rv = yield(rv, "completed") return rv func _serialize(data): data.type = "buffer" return data