
56 lines
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extends Area2D
export var left=false
const MOTION_SPEED=150
var motion = 0
var you_hidden = false
onready var screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size
#synchronize position and speed to the other peers
puppet func set_pos_and_motion(p_pos, p_motion):
position = p_pos
motion = p_motion
func _hide_you_label():
you_hidden = true
func _process(delta):
#is the master of the paddle
if is_network_master():
motion = 0
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
motion -= 1
elif Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"):
motion += 1
if not you_hidden and motion != 0:
motion *= MOTION_SPEED
#using unreliable to make sure position is updated as fast as possible, even if one of the calls is dropped
rpc_unreliable("set_pos_and_motion", position, motion)
if not you_hidden:
translate( Vector2(0,motion*delta) )
# set screen limits
var pos = position
if pos.y < 0:
position = Vector2(pos.x, 0)
elif pos.y > screen_size.y:
position = Vector2(pos.x, screen_size.y)
func _on_paddle_area_enter( area ):
if is_network_master():
area.rpc("bounce", left, randf()) #random for new direction generated on each peer