
42 lines
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extends Control
var thread: Thread
func _on_load_pressed():
if is_instance_valid(thread) and thread.is_started():
# If a thread is already running, let it finish before we start another.
thread = Thread.new()
print("START THREAD!")
# Our method needs an argument, so we pass it using bind().
func _bg_load(path: String):
print("THREAD FUNC!")
var tex = load(path)
# call_deferred() tells the main thread to call a method during idle time.
# Our method operates on nodes currently in the tree, so it isn't safe to
# call directly from another thread.
return tex
func _bg_load_done():
# Wait for the thread to complete, and get the returned value.
var tex = thread.wait_to_finish()
$TextureRect.texture = tex
# We're done with the thread now, so we can free it.
thread = null # Threads are reference counted, so this is how we free them.
func _exit_tree():
# You should always wait for a thread to finish before letting it get freed!
# It might not clean up correctly if you don't.
if is_instance_valid(thread) and thread.is_started():
thread = null