
76 lines
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extends KinematicBody2D
# This demo shows how to build a kinematic controller.
# Member variables
const GRAVITY = 500.0 # pixels/second/second
# Angle in degrees towards either side that the player can consider "floor"
const WALK_FORCE = 600
const WALK_MIN_SPEED = 10
const WALK_MAX_SPEED = 200
const STOP_FORCE = 1300
const JUMP_SPEED = 200
const SLIDE_STOP_VELOCITY = 1.0 # one pixel/second
const SLIDE_STOP_MIN_TRAVEL = 1.0 # one pixel
var velocity = Vector2()
var on_air_time = 100
var jumping = false
var prev_jump_pressed = false
func _physics_process(delta):
# Create forces
var force = Vector2(0, GRAVITY)
var walk_left = Input.is_action_pressed("move_left")
var walk_right = Input.is_action_pressed("move_right")
var jump = Input.is_action_pressed("jump")
var stop = true
if walk_left:
if velocity.x <= WALK_MIN_SPEED and velocity.x > -WALK_MAX_SPEED:
force.x -= WALK_FORCE
stop = false
elif walk_right:
if velocity.x >= -WALK_MIN_SPEED and velocity.x < WALK_MAX_SPEED:
force.x += WALK_FORCE
stop = false
if stop:
var vsign = sign(velocity.x)
var vlen = abs(velocity.x)
vlen -= STOP_FORCE * delta
if vlen < 0:
vlen = 0
velocity.x = vlen * vsign
# Integrate forces to velocity
velocity += force * delta
# Integrate velocity into motion and move
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2(0, -1))
if is_on_floor():
on_air_time = 0
if jumping and velocity.y > 0:
# If falling, no longer jumping
jumping = false
if on_air_time < JUMP_MAX_AIRBORNE_TIME and jump and not prev_jump_pressed and not jumping:
# Jump must also be allowed to happen if the character left the floor a little bit ago.
# Makes controls more snappy.
velocity.y = -JUMP_SPEED
jumping = true
on_air_time += delta
prev_jump_pressed = jump