[gd_scene load_steps=9 format=3 uid="uid://cwvmsqurkf8aa"] [ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dn8gun8srd127" path="res://observer/observer.tscn" id="1"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://control.gd" id="2"] [sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_oauk4"] colors = PackedColorArray(0.862745, 0.862745, 0.862745, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) [sub_resource type="FastNoiseLite" id="FastNoiseLite_bkayj"] noise_type = 0 frequency = 1.0 [sub_resource type="NoiseTexture2D" id="NoiseTexture2D_t6ofl"] seamless = true color_ramp = SubResource("Gradient_oauk4") noise = SubResource("FastNoiseLite_bkayj") [sub_resource type="StandardMaterial3D" id="1"] transparency = 1 albedo_color = Color(0.301961, 0.623529, 0.862745, 0.752941) albedo_texture = SubResource("NoiseTexture2D_t6ofl") uv1_scale = Vector3(3, 2, 1) texture_filter = 5 [sub_resource type="BoxMesh" id="2"] material = SubResource("1") size = Vector3(5, 5, 5) [sub_resource type="BoxMesh" id="BoxMesh_3qo5i"] [node name="WindowManagement" type="Node3D"] [node name="Observer" parent="." instance=ExtResource("1")] transform = Transform3D(0.910685, 0, -0.4131, 0, 1, 0, 0.4131, 0, 0.910685, -4.81287, -0.152566, 9.90641) [node name="TestCube" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="."] mesh = SubResource("2") [node name="TestCube2" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="."] mesh = SubResource("BoxMesh_3qo5i") [node name="Control" type="Control" parent="."] layout_mode = 3 anchors_preset = 15 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 script = ExtResource("2") [node name="Buttons" type="VBoxContainer" parent="Control"] layout_mode = 1 anchors_preset = 9 anchor_bottom = 1.0 offset_left = 10.0 offset_top = 10.0 offset_right = 335.0 offset_bottom = -2.0 grow_vertical = 2 theme_override_constants/separation = 5 metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 0 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_Fullscreen" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 toggle_mode = true text = "Fullscreen" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 0 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_FixedSize" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 toggle_mode = true text = "Fixed Size" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 0 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_Minimized" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 toggle_mode = true text = "Minimized" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 0 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_Maximized" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 toggle_mode = true text = "Maximized" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 0 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_MoveTo" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 text = "Move To" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 0 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_Resize" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 text = "Resize" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 0 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_Screen0" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 text = "Screen0" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 0 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_Screen1" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 text = "Screen1" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 0 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_MouseModes" type="Label" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "MouseModes:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_MouseModeVisible" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 toggle_mode = true text = "[F1] MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_MouseModeHidden" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 toggle_mode = true text = "[F2] MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_MouseModeCaptured" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 toggle_mode = true text = "[F3] MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_MouseModeConfined" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 toggle_mode = true text = "[F4] MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Button_MouseModeConfinedHidden" type="Button" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 2 toggle_mode = true text = "[F5] MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED_HIDDEN" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_MouseModeCaptured_KeyInfo" type="Label" parent="Control/Buttons"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "ESC: Deactivate MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED W, S: Move forward, backward A, D: Strafe left, right" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Labels" type="VBoxContainer" parent="Control"] layout_mode = 1 anchors_preset = 11 anchor_left = 1.0 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 offset_left = -241.0 offset_top = 10.0 offset_right = -10.0 offset_bottom = -10.0 grow_horizontal = 0 grow_vertical = 2 theme_override_constants/separation = 10 metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Mode" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Mode:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Position" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Position:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Size" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Size:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_MousePosition" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Mouse Position:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Screen_Count" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Screen_Count:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Screen_Current" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Screen:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Screen0_Resolution" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Screen0 Resolution: " metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Screen0_Position" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Screen0 Position: " metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Screen0_DPI" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Screen0 DPI:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Screen0_RefreshRate" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Screen0 Refresh Rate:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Screen1_Resolution" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Screen1 Resolution: " metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Screen1_Position" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Screen1 Position: " metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Screen1_DPI" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Screen1 DPI:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="Label_Screen1_RefreshRate" type="Label" parent="Control/Labels"] layout_mode = 2 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "Screen1 Refresh Rate:" metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1 metadata/_edit_use_custom_anchors = false [node name="ImplementationDialog" type="AcceptDialog" parent="Control"] size = Vector2i(470, 213) [node name="Text" type="Label" parent="Control/ImplementationDialog"] offset_left = 8.0 offset_top = 8.0 offset_right = 462.0 offset_bottom = 164.0 size_flags_horizontal = 2 size_flags_vertical = 0 text = "This is an Implementation-Test-Demo It is used to help implementing a new window handling api across platforms. Your platform lacks at the moment the following methods: " [node name="CheckButton" type="CheckButton" parent="Control"] layout_mode = 1 anchors_preset = 3 anchor_left = 1.0 anchor_top = 1.0 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 offset_left = -160.0 offset_top = -47.0 offset_right = -16.0 offset_bottom = -16.0 grow_horizontal = 0 grow_vertical = 0 text = "Transparent" [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_Fullscreen" to="Control" method="_on_button_fullscreen_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_FixedSize" to="Control" method="_on_button_fixed_size_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_Minimized" to="Control" method="_on_button_minimized_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_Maximized" to="Control" method="_on_button_maximized_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_MoveTo" to="Control" method="_on_button_move_to_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_Resize" to="Control" method="_on_button_resize_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_Screen0" to="Control" method="_on_button_screen_0_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_Screen1" to="Control" method="_on_button_screen_1_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_MouseModeVisible" to="Control" method="_on_button_mouse_mode_visible_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_MouseModeHidden" to="Control" method="_on_button_mouse_mode_hidden_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_MouseModeCaptured" to="Control" method="_on_button_mouse_mode_captured_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_MouseModeConfined" to="Control" method="_on_button_mouse_mode_confined_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="Control/Buttons/Button_MouseModeConfinedHidden" to="Control" method="_on_button_mouse_mode_confined_hidden_pressed"] [connection signal="toggled" from="Control/CheckButton" to="Observer" method="_on_transparent_check_button_toggled"]