extends Node var sample_hz = 22050.0 # Keep the number of samples to mix low, GDScript is not super fast. var pulse_hz = 440.0 var phase = 0.0 var playback: AudioStreamPlayback = null # Actual playback stream, assigned in _ready(). func _fill_buffer(): var increment = pulse_hz / sample_hz var to_fill = playback.get_frames_available() while to_fill > 0: playback.push_frame(Vector2.ONE * sin(phase * TAU)) # Audio frames are stereo. phase = fmod(phase + increment, 1.0) to_fill -= 1 func _process(_delta): _fill_buffer() func _ready(): $Player.stream.mix_rate = sample_hz # Setting mix rate is only possible before play(). playback = $Player.get_stream_playback() _fill_buffer() # Prefill, do before play() to avoid delay. $Player.play()