using Godot; using Godot.Collections; namespace AndroidInAppPurchasesWithCSharp.GodotGooglePlayBilling { // public enum BillingResponseCode { // The request has reached the maximum timeout before Google Play responds. ServiceTimeout = -3, // Requested feature is not supported by Play Store on the current device. FeatureNotSupported = -2, // Play Store service is not connected now - potentially transient state. ServiceDisconnected = -1, // Success Ok = 0, // User pressed back or canceled a dialog UserCanceled = 1, // Network connection is down ServiceUnavailable = 2, // Billing API version is not supported for the type requested BillingUnavailable = 3, // Requested product is not available for purchase ItemUnavailable = 4, // Invalid arguments provided to the API. DeveloperError = 5, // Fatal error during the API action Error = 6, // Failure to purchase since item is already owned ItemAlreadyOwned = 7, // Failure to consume since item is not owned ItemNotOwned = 8, } public class BillingResult { public BillingResult() { } public BillingResult(Dictionary billingResult) { try { Status = (int)billingResult["status"]; ResponseCode = (billingResult.Contains("response_code") ? (BillingResponseCode?)billingResult["response_code"] : null); DebugMessage = (billingResult.Contains("debug_message") ? (string)billingResult["debug_message"] : null); } catch (System.Exception ex) { GD.Print("BillingResult: ", ex.ToString()); } } public int Status { get; set; } public BillingResponseCode? ResponseCode { get; set; } public string DebugMessage { get; set; } } }