const WebSocket = require("ws"); const crypto = require("crypto"); const MAX_PEERS = 4096; const MAX_LOBBIES = 1024; const PORT = 9080; const ALFNUM = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; const NO_LOBBY_TIMEOUT = 1000; const SEAL_CLOSE_TIMEOUT = 10000; const PING_INTERVAL = 10000; const STR_NO_LOBBY = "Have not joined lobby yet"; const STR_HOST_DISCONNECTED = "Room host has disconnected"; const STR_ONLY_HOST_CAN_SEAL = "Only host can seal the lobby"; const STR_SEAL_COMPLETE = "Seal complete"; const STR_TOO_MANY_LOBBIES = "Too many lobbies open, disconnecting"; const STR_ALREADY_IN_LOBBY = "Already in a lobby"; const STR_LOBBY_DOES_NOT_EXISTS = "Lobby does not exists"; const STR_LOBBY_IS_SEALED = "Lobby is sealed"; const STR_INVALID_FORMAT = "Invalid message format"; const STR_NEED_LOBBY = "Invalid message when not in a lobby"; const STR_SERVER_ERROR = "Server error, lobby not found"; const STR_INVALID_DEST = "Invalid destination"; const STR_INVALID_CMD = "Invalid command"; const STR_TOO_MANY_PEERS = "Too many peers connected"; const STR_INVALID_TRANSFER_MODE = "Invalid transfer mode, must be text"; function randomInt (low, high) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (high - low + 1) + low); } function randomId () { return Math.abs(new Int32Array(crypto.randomBytes(4).buffer)[0]); } function randomSecret () { let out = ""; for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { out += ALFNUM[randomInt(0, ALFNUM.length - 1)]; } return out; } const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: PORT }); class ProtoError extends Error { constructor (code, message) { super(message); this.code = code; } } class Peer { constructor (id, ws) { = id; = ws; this.lobby = ""; // Close connection after 1 sec if client has not joined a lobby this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { if (!this.lobby) ws.close(4000, STR_NO_LOBBY); }, NO_LOBBY_TIMEOUT); } } class Lobby { constructor (name, host) { = name; = host; this.peers = []; this.sealed = false; this.closeTimer = -1; } getPeerId (peer) { if ( === return 1; return; } join (peer) { const assigned = this.getPeerId(peer);`I: ${assigned}\n`); this.peers.forEach((p) => {`N: ${assigned}\n`);`N: ${this.getPeerId(p)}\n`); }); this.peers.push(peer); } leave (peer) { const idx = this.peers.findIndex((p) => peer === p); if (idx === -1) return false; const assigned = this.getPeerId(peer); const close = assigned === 1; this.peers.forEach((p) => { // Room host disconnected, must close. if (close), STR_HOST_DISCONNECTED); // Notify peer disconnect. else`D: ${assigned}\n`); }); this.peers.splice(idx, 1); if (close && this.closeTimer >= 0) { // We are closing already. clearTimeout(this.closeTimer); this.closeTimer = -1; } return close; } seal (peer) { // Only host can seal if ( !== { throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_ONLY_HOST_CAN_SEAL); } this.sealed = true; this.peers.forEach((p) => {"S: \n"); }); console.log(`Peer ${} sealed lobby ${} ` + `with ${this.peers.length} peers`); this.closeTimer = setTimeout(() => { // Close peer connection to host (and thus the lobby) this.peers.forEach((p) => {, STR_SEAL_COMPLETE); }); }, SEAL_CLOSE_TIMEOUT); } } const lobbies = new Map(); let peersCount = 0; function joinLobby (peer, pLobby) { let lobbyName = pLobby; if (lobbyName === "") { if (lobbies.size >= MAX_LOBBIES) { throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_TOO_MANY_LOBBIES); } // Peer must not already be in a lobby if (peer.lobby !== "") { throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_ALREADY_IN_LOBBY); } lobbyName = randomSecret(); lobbies.set(lobbyName, new Lobby(lobbyName,; console.log(`Peer ${} created lobby ${lobbyName}`); console.log(`Open lobbies: ${lobbies.size}`); } const lobby = lobbies.get(lobbyName); if (!lobby) throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_LOBBY_DOES_NOT_EXISTS); if (lobby.sealed) throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_LOBBY_IS_SEALED); peer.lobby = lobbyName; console.log(`Peer ${} joining lobby ${lobbyName} ` + `with ${lobby.peers.length} peers`); lobby.join(peer);`J: ${lobbyName}\n`); } function parseMsg (peer, msg) { const sep = msg.indexOf("\n"); if (sep < 0) throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_INVALID_FORMAT); const cmd = msg.slice(0, sep); if (cmd.length < 3) throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_INVALID_FORMAT); const data = msg.slice(sep); // Lobby joining. if (cmd.startsWith("J: ")) { joinLobby(peer, cmd.substr(3).trim()); return; } if (!peer.lobby) throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_NEED_LOBBY); const lobby = lobbies.get(peer.lobby); if (!lobby) throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_SERVER_ERROR); // Lobby sealing. if (cmd.startsWith("S: ")) { lobby.seal(peer); return; } // Message relaying format: // // [O|A|C]: DEST_ID\n // PAYLOAD // // O: Client is sending an offer. // A: Client is sending an answer. // C: Client is sending a candidate. let destId = parseInt(cmd.substr(3).trim()); // Dest is not an ID. if (!destId) throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_INVALID_DEST); if (destId === 1) destId =; const dest = lobby.peers.find((e) => === destId); // Dest is not in this room. if (!dest) throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_INVALID_DEST); function isCmd (what) { return cmd.startsWith(`${what}: `); } if (isCmd("O") || isCmd("A") || isCmd("C")) {[0] + ": " + lobby.getPeerId(peer) + data); return; } throw new ProtoError(4000, STR_INVALID_CMD); } wss.on("connection", (ws) => { if (peersCount >= MAX_PEERS) { ws.close(4000, STR_TOO_MANY_PEERS); return; } peersCount++; const id = randomId(); const peer = new Peer(id, ws); ws.on("message", (message) => { if (typeof message !== "string") { ws.close(4000, STR_INVALID_TRANSFER_MODE); return; } try { parseMsg(peer, message); } catch (e) { const code = e.code || 4000; console.log(`Error parsing message from ${id}:\n` + message); ws.close(code, e.message); } }); ws.on("close", (code, reason) => { peersCount--; console.log(`Connection with peer ${} closed ` + `with reason ${code}: ${reason}`); if (peer.lobby && lobbies.has(peer.lobby) && lobbies.get(peer.lobby).leave(peer)) { lobbies.delete(peer.lobby); console.log(`Deleted lobby ${peer.lobby}`); console.log(`Open lobbies: ${lobbies.size}`); peer.lobby = ""; } if (peer.timeout >= 0) { clearTimeout(peer.timeout); peer.timeout = -1; } }); ws.on("error", (error) => { console.error(error); }); }); const interval = setInterval(() => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars wss.clients.forEach((ws) => {; }); }, PING_INTERVAL);