extends Control # Joypads demo, written by Dana Olson # # This is a demo of joypad support, and doubles as a testing application # inspired by and similar to jstest-gtk. # # Licensed under the MIT license const DEADZONE = 0.2 var joy_num var cur_joy = -1 var axis_value onready var axes = $Axes onready var button_grid = $Buttons/ButtonGrid onready var joypad_axes = $JoypadDiagram/Axes onready var joypad_buttons = $JoypadDiagram/Buttons onready var joypad_name = $DeviceInfo/JoyName onready var joypad_number = $DeviceInfo/JoyNumber func _ready(): set_physics_process(true) Input.connect("joy_connection_changed", self, "_on_joy_connection_changed") # Guide button, not supported <= 3.2.3, so manually hide to account for that case. joypad_buttons.get_child(16).hide() func _process(_delta): # Get the joypad device number from the spinbox. joy_num = joypad_number.get_value() # Display the name of the joypad if we haven't already. if joy_num != cur_joy: cur_joy = joy_num joypad_name.set_text(Input.get_joy_name(joy_num) + "\n" + Input.get_joy_guid(joy_num)) # Loop through the axes and show their current values. for axis in range(JOY_AXIS_MAX): axis_value = Input.get_joy_axis(joy_num, axis) axes.get_node("Axis" + str(axis) + "/ProgressBar").set_value(100 * axis_value) axes.get_node("Axis" + str(axis) + "/ProgressBar/Value").set_text(str(axis_value)) # Show joypad direction indicators if axis <= JOY_ANALOG_RY: if abs(axis_value) < DEADZONE: joypad_axes.get_node(str(axis) + "+").hide() joypad_axes.get_node(str(axis) + "-").hide() elif axis_value > 0: joypad_axes.get_node(str(axis) + "+").show() joypad_axes.get_node(str(axis) + "-").hide() else: joypad_axes.get_node(str(axis) + "+").hide() joypad_axes.get_node(str(axis) + "-").show() # Loop through the buttons and highlight the ones that are pressed. for btn in range(JOY_BUTTON_0, int(min(JOY_BUTTON_MAX, 24))): if Input.is_joy_button_pressed(joy_num, btn): button_grid.get_child(btn).add_color_override("font_color", Color.white) if btn < 17: joypad_buttons.get_child(btn).show() else: button_grid.get_child(btn).add_color_override("font_color", Color(0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 1)) if btn < 17: joypad_buttons.get_child(btn).hide() # Called whenever a joypad has been connected or disconnected. func _on_joy_connection_changed(device_id, connected): if device_id == cur_joy: if connected: joypad_name.set_text(Input.get_joy_name(device_id) + "\n" + Input.get_joy_guid(device_id)) else: joypad_name.set_text("") func _on_start_vibration_pressed(): var weak = $Vibration/Weak/Value.get_value() var strong = $Vibration/Strong/Value.get_value() var duration = $Vibration/Duration/Value.get_value() Input.start_joy_vibration(cur_joy, weak, strong, duration) func _on_stop_vibration_pressed(): Input.stop_joy_vibration(cur_joy) func _on_Remap_pressed(): $RemapWizard.start(cur_joy) func _on_Clear_pressed(): var guid = Input.get_joy_guid(cur_joy) if guid.empty(): printerr("No gamepad selected") return Input.remove_joy_mapping(guid) func _on_Show_pressed(): $RemapWizard.show_map()