extends Panel # member variables here, example: # var a=2 # var b="textvar" func _ready(): # Initialization here pass func _goto_scene(): var s = load("res://controls.scn") var si = s.instance() get_parent().add_child(si) queue_free() pass func _on_system_pressed(): #will autodetect based on system, then fall back #to english if not found _goto_scene() #NOTE: Changling locale will not change the text in the controls, # The scene must be reloaded for changes to take effect. func _on_english_pressed(): TranslationServer.set_locale("en") _goto_scene() func _on_spanish_pressed(): TranslationServer.set_locale("es") _goto_scene() func _on_japanese_pressed(): TranslationServer.set_locale("ja") _goto_scene()