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2006-03-19 09:52:48 +01:00
Bash-Release: 3.1
Patch-ID: bash31-007
Bug-Reported-by: Tim Waugh <>, Laird Breyer <>
Bug-Reference-ID: <>
When the number of saved jobs exceeds the initial size of the jobs array
(4096 slots), the array must be compacted and reallocated. An error in
the code to do that could cause a segmentation fault.
*** bash-3.1/jobs.c Fri Nov 11 23:13:27 2005
--- bash-3.1/jobs.c Wed Feb 1 13:55:38 2006
*** 845,851 ****
sigset_t set, oset;
! int nsize, i, j;
JOB **nlist;
nsize = ((js.j_njobs + JOB_SLOTS - 1) / JOB_SLOTS);
nsize *= JOB_SLOTS;
--- 888,895 ----
sigset_t set, oset;
! int nsize, i, j, ncur, nprev;
JOB **nlist;
+ ncur = nprev = NO_JOB;
nsize = ((js.j_njobs + JOB_SLOTS - 1) / JOB_SLOTS);
nsize *= JOB_SLOTS;
*** 855,869 ****
BLOCK_CHILD (set, oset);
! nlist = (JOB **) xmalloc (nsize * sizeof (JOB *));
for (i = j = 0; i < js.j_jobslots; i++)
if (jobs[i])
! nlist[j++] = jobs[i];
js.j_firstj = 0;
! js.j_lastj = (j > 0) ? j - 1: 0;
js.j_jobslots = nsize;
! free (jobs);
! jobs = nlist;
--- 899,947 ----
BLOCK_CHILD (set, oset);
! nlist = (js.j_jobslots == nsize) ? jobs : (JOB **) xmalloc (nsize * sizeof (JOB *));
for (i = j = 0; i < js.j_jobslots; i++)
if (jobs[i])
! {
! if (i == js.j_current)
! ncur = j;
! if (i == js.j_previous)
! nprev = j;
! nlist[j++] = jobs[i];
! }
! #if defined (DEBUG)
! itrace ("realloc_jobs_list: resize jobs list from %d to %d", js.j_jobslots, nsize);
! itrace ("realloc_jobs_list: j_lastj changed from %d to %d", js.j_lastj, (j > 0) ? j - 1 : 0);
! itrace ("realloc_jobs_list: j_njobs changed from %d to %d", js.j_njobs, (j > 0) ? j - 1 : 0);
! #endif
js.j_firstj = 0;
! js.j_lastj = (j > 0) ? j - 1 : 0;
! js.j_njobs = j;
js.j_jobslots = nsize;
! /* Zero out remaining slots in new jobs list */
! for ( ; j < nsize; j++)
! nlist[j] = (JOB *)NULL;
! if (jobs != nlist)
! {
! free (jobs);
! jobs = nlist;
! }
! if (ncur != NO_JOB)
! js.j_current = ncur;
! if (nprev != NO_JOB)
! js.j_previous = nprev;
! /* Need to reset these */
! if (js.j_current == NO_JOB || js.j_previous == NO_JOB || js.j_current > js.j_lastj || js.j_previous > js.j_lastj)
! reset_current ();
! #ifdef DEBUG
! itrace ("realloc_jobs_list: reset js.j_current (%d) and js.j_previous (%d)", js.j_current, js.j_previous);
! #endif
*** bash-3.1/patchlevel.h Wed Jul 20 13:58:20 2005
--- bash-3.1/patchlevel.h Wed Dec 7 13:48:42 2005
*** 26,30 ****
looks for to find the patch level (for the sccs version string). */
! #define PATCHLEVEL 6
#endif /* _PATCHLEVEL_H_ */
--- 26,30 ----
looks for to find the patch level (for the sccs version string). */
! #define PATCHLEVEL 7
#endif /* _PATCHLEVEL_H_ */