# WP Saver RCPP FW A simple experimental app that lets you save wordpress blogs using RCPP Framework. This is discontinued, it's spinoff project is available here: https://github.com/Relintai/archivr ## Compilation Will only work on linux! Works on the rasberry pi. ### Dependencies Arch/Manjaro: ``` pacman -S --needed scons pkgconf gcc yasm ``` Debian/Raspian: ``` sudo apt-get install build-essential scons pkg-config libudev-dev yasm ``` Optionally if you install MariaDB/MySQL and/or PostgreSQL the compile system should pick it up. Make sure to get a version whoch contains the development headers (A bunch of .h files). ### Initial setup clone this repo, then call `scons`, it will clone rcpp cms into a new engine directory. Run this every time you update the project. You don't have to run it before / between builds. ``` # git clone https://github.com/Relintai/crystal_cms.git crystal_cms # cd crystal_cms # scons ``` Now you can build the project like: `scons bl`. ([b]uild [l]inux) Adding -jX to the build command will run the build on that many threads. Like: `scons bl -j4`. ``` # scons bl -j4 - or - # ./build.sh ``` Now you can run it. First run migrations, this will create the necessary database tables: ``` # ./engine/bin/server m - or - # ./migrate.sh ``` Now you can start the server: ``` # ./engine/bin/server - or - # ./run.sh ``` Make sure to run it from the project's directory, as it needs data files. Now just open You can push floats to the "a/b" MQTT topics, and the new values will be save in the `database.sqlite` file, and will appear in your browser. ## Structure The main Application implementation is `app/ic_application.h`. The `main.cpp` contains the initialization code for the framework. The `content/www` folder is the wwwroot.