class String public: void push_back(const char element); void push_back(const wchar_t element); void pop_back(); void remove(const int index); void erase(const char element); void erase(const int start_index, const int length); void clear(); bool empty() const; char get(const int index); const char get(const int index) const; void set(const int index, const char value); int size() const; int capacity() const; void ensure_capacity(const int capacity); void resize(const int s); int find(const char val, const int from = 0) const; int find(const String &val, const int from = 0) const; int find_reversed(const char val, const int from = -1) const; int find_reversed(const String &val, const int from = -1) const; void get_substr(char *into_buf, const int start_index, const int len); void get_substr_nt(char *into_buf, const int start_index, const int len); String substr(const int start_index, const int len) const; String substr_index(const int start_index, const int end_index) const; bool contains(const char val) const; bool contains(const String &val) const; bool is_word_at(const int index, const char *str) const; bool is_word_at(const int index, const String &val) const; void replace_from(const int start_index, const int length, const String &with); void replace(const String &find_str, const String &with); void replace(const String &find_str, const String &with, const int count); int compare(const String &other) const; int first_difference_index(const String &other) const; void to_lower(); String as_lower() const; void trim(); void trim_beginning(); void trim_end(); bool ends_with(const char c) const; bool ends_with(const String &str) const; bool starts_with(const char c) const; bool starts_with(const String &str) const; int get_slice_count(const char splitter) const; int get_slice_count(const String &splitter) const; String get_slice(const char splitter, int index); String get_slice(const String &splitter, int index); Vector split(const char splitter) const; Vector split(const String &splitter) const; uint8_t read_uint8_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index = true); uint16_t read_uint16_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index = true); uint32_t read_uint32_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index = true); uint64_t read_uint64_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index = true); int8_t read_int8_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index = true); int16_t read_int16_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index = true); int32_t read_int32_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index = true); int64_t read_int64_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index = true); void append_uint8_bytes(const uint8_t val); void append_uint16_bytes(const uint16_t val); void append_uint32_bytes(const uint32_t val); void append_uint64_bytes(const uint64_t val); void append_int8_bytes(const int8_t val); void append_int16_bytes(const int16_t val); void append_int32_bytes(const int32_t val); void append_int64_bytes(const int64_t val); float read_float_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index = true); void append_float_bytes(const float val); double read_double_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index = true); void append_double_bytes(const double val); void append_str(const char *str); void append_str(const wchar_t *str); void append_str(const String &other); void append_str(const std::string &str); void append_str(const String &other, const int from); void append_str(const std::string &str, const int from); void append_repeat(const char *str, const int times); void append_repeat(const String &other, const int times); void append_path(const char *path); void append_path(const String &path); void path_clean_end_slash(); void path_ensure_end_slash(); String path_get_basename() const; String path_get_last_segment() const; String path_get_prev_dir() const; String file_get_extension() const; void to_html_special_chars(); void from_html_special_chars(); void newline_to_br(); bool to_bool() const; float to_float() const; double to_double() const; int to_int() const; bool is_bool() const; bool is_numeric() const; bool is_int() const; bool is_uint() const; bool is_zero() const; uint32_t to_uint() const; std::string to_string() const; void print() const; void append(const char *str); void append(const wchar_t *str); void append(const String &other); void append(const std::string &str); void append(const char chr); void append(const wchar_t chr); void append(const int num); void append(const unsigned int num); void append(const float num); void append(const double num); void append(const Variant &variant); static String bool_num(bool val); static String bool_str(bool val); static String num(double p_num, int p_decimals = -1); static String num_scientific(double p_num); static String num_real(double p_num, bool p_trailing = true); static String num_int64(int64_t p_num, int base = 10, bool capitalize_hex = false); static String num_uint64(uint64_t p_num, int base = 10, bool capitalize_hex = false); static String chr(char32_t p_char); String ascii(bool p_allow_extended = false) const; String utf8() const; bool parse_utf8(const char *p_utf8, int p_len = -1); // return true on error static String utf8(const char *p_utf8, int p_len = -1); static uint32_t hash(const wchar_t *p_cstr, int p_len); /* hash the string */ static uint32_t hash(const wchar_t *p_cstr); /* hash the string */ static uint32_t hash(const char *p_cstr, int p_len); /* hash the string */ static uint32_t hash(const char *p_cstr); /* hash the string */ uint32_t hash() const; /* hash the string */ uint64_t hash64() const; /* hash the string */ char *c_str(); const char *c_str() const; char *dataw(); const char *data() const; const char operator[](const int index) const; char &operator[](const int index); String &operator+=(const String &b); String &operator+=(const char chr); String &operator+=(const char *p_c_str); String &operator+=(const std::string &b); friend String operator+(String lhs, const String &rhs); friend String operator+(String lhs, const char *rhs); friend String operator+(String lhs, const char rhs); friend String operator+(String lhs, const std::string &rhs); friend bool operator==(const String &a, const String &b); friend bool operator!=(const String &a, const String &b); friend bool operator==(const String &a, const char *b); friend bool operator!=(const String &a, const char *b); friend bool operator==(const char *b, const String &a); friend bool operator!=(const char *b, const String &a); friend bool operator==(const String &a, const wchar_t *b); friend bool operator!=(const String &a, const wchar_t *b); friend bool operator==(const wchar_t *b, const String &a); friend bool operator!=(const wchar_t *b, const String &a); friend bool operator==(const String &a, std::string &b); friend bool operator!=(const String &a, std::string &b); friend bool operator==(std::string &b, const String &a); friend bool operator!=(std::string &b, const String &a); friend bool operator<(const String &a, const String &b); friend bool operator>(const String &a, const String &b); friend bool operator<=(const String &a, const String &b); friend bool operator>=(const String &a, const String &b); operator std::string() { return to_string(); } operator std::string() const { return to_string(); } String &operator=(const String &other); String &operator=(const std::string &other); String &operator=(const char *other); String &operator=(const wchar_t *other); String(); String(const String &other); String(const String &other, const int grow_by); String(const char *p_c_str); String(const char *p_c_str, const int grow_by); String(const wchar_t *p_c_str); String(const int prealloc); String(const int prealloc, const int grow_by); String(const std::string &str); ~String(); private: char *_data; int _actual_size; int _size; int _grow_by;