# The Tower A really simple (and visually strange) demonstration project for Voxelman. In order to open this, you need to have a Godot built with https://github.com/Relintai/voxelman ! # Pre-built binaries You can grab a pre-built editor binary from the [Broken Seals](https://github.com/Relintai/broken_seals/releases) repo, should you want to. It contains all my modules. ## Controls `w`,`a`,`s`,`d`: Movement \ `space`: jump (you can also double jump) \ `shift`: run \ `r`: reload level \ `esc`: ingame menu ## Assets ### The sound effect https://opengameart.org/content/foot-walking-step-sounds-on-stone-water-snow-wood-and-dirt Author: \ Jute (Submitted by qubodup)\ Thursday, February 11, 2010 - 02:27\ Art Type: Sound Effect \ Tags: snow step walk walking movement dirt Wood water wet footstep foot run Action RPG Fantasy Other\ License(s): GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0 These sounds were made by Jute for DungeonHack. They are based on sounds from pdsounds.org. I did modify the effect I use from it. ### The font The font is licensed under the Apache License. (it's next to it.)